
Episode 1: A Simp Story is Born

Ring... Ring... Ring...

I immediately woke up at the tone of my phones marimba alarm and quickly rushed to the bathroom and took a shower. I grabbed my toothpaste with force and squeezed the tiny ammount that was left at the bottom before even thinking about opening another box of toothpaste. I ran back to my room and quickly dressed up into my newly bought uniform. I brushed my hair with my right hand while holding the hair dryer at my left hand, placed dots of Bb cream on my face and applied it carefully across the surface of my skin. I grabbed my Lip Gloss and followed Korean make up expert Caspers gradient lip tutorial. I really needed to get my lips right this time or else my practice over the summer would all be put to waste. After putting on my make up, I grabbed my back and went to the Bus Stop.

Time Check... It's already 6:00 AM

Finally, I won't be late this time.

I just feel it.

This is my year!

After 30 minutes of bumping, scooting over people, sleeping on other passengers elbows, I was able to make it at my school. It was pretty challenging trying to keep your cool back at the busses because everyones just really busy and rushing because after all, it's the start of the School Year. I mean, nobody wants to be late and everyone wants to be on their destination by the time the bell rings...

Oh wait, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Jeann Smith, obviously a girl not a guy and I am gonna be in 10th grade this school year.

Wish Me Luck!

Jeann quickly entered the school gates and greeted the guard. The guard in return was surprised to see her so early in coming to school knowing that she always gets tardy marks after assembly because she was always sleeping late. She then took a stroll around the school before she finally decided to stay at her assigned classrooms. As she arrived , she quickly sat down near the poles and took out her cellphone.

It was still 7:00 AM and nobody was there yet. Jeann felt a little bit sleepy and decided to take a quick nap.

After a few minutes, she was suddenly awakened by a tap in the shoulders. It was Bradex their school janitor.

"Why are you staring as if something is wrong Bradex? she asked

in return Bradex told her that It was still Tuesday, a day before the opening of their classes starts.

"Whaaatt!" Jeann exclaimed

"And thats how, my school year 2017-2018 started" narrated Jeann while staring through the windows of their classroom.

Sam suddenly brushed her hands on Jeanns head and told her how pity it was to come at a panctuality rate of 100% just to find out that classes are still on the next day.

Everybody followed laughing but Jeann didnt cared and just continued staring at the window pane.

"This is definitely not my Year" she sighed.

4 months have passed since school started and it was actually going well for Jeann. She had all of her subjects on high grades except for her math which remained at C. and, she wasnt as bothered as she used to be because she finally accepted to herself that it is really within their family strokes to really suck at math.

While she was on their class listening to the lecture, she suddenly heard her voice through the window pane.

"Jeann" Niko called out

Jeann immediately stood up and rushed outside the classroom.

"Whats poppin?" she asked

Nika told her that they were having an audition for a Pop Dance competition and they knew that Jeann was capable.

at first Jeann was skeptical about the whole pop dance thingy knowing that Exams are coming up, the Founders Day is coming up and they have to do lots of SchoolWork.

She then squinted her eyes and without rhought, she replied.

"Give me 1 week to decide"

and so they gave her a week to think about the whole thing and prepare herself spiritually and mentally.

While scrolling though her Facebook one night, she suddenly came across the Pop Star competition announcement in facebook with the prize money of 25,000 dollars. Her eyes widened with greed but she still has to think it through...

One noontime, Nika suddenly approached Jeann in one of the Relaxation Huts.

"Have you finally decided to join?"

she asked in a tiring manner

Jeann looked at her and asked her why she was feeling tired but she replied that she kept on looking for Jeann throught the camous only to find her at the back of their classroom.

Jeann Folded her arms and crossed her legs. She looked at Nika with her chin up and said

"I know that the Prize Money is Big and Juicy Delicious Precious but lemme just ask who are going to join?"

Nika quickly grabbed her arm and started dragging her.

"Wait where are we goin?!" She asked in a surprised manner

"Where going there now, they are waiting for you girll!" Nika yelled while dragging her to the gym

A few moments later ....

"Where finally here!" Nika Screamed with excitement and with that all of the members turned their heads around.

"So these are the members, Brenna and Karr, Jay and Sharra, Serena and Justine, Luke and ...

Nika paused when Jeann exclaimed

"Wait Luke?!!! everyone stared ar her..

To Be Continued:

Up Next:

Oh My Gosh, It's him!!!! I can't believe he's real!

o my effing G he's freaking gorgeous...

You must read this comic it's him see!

So are you joining or not?

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