
Never forgot

Enoch_5955 · Hiện thực
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20 Chs

Chapter 16: trying to Know love?

Days passed after the talk between David and Johan. In those days David was thinking of ways to figure out what his feelings were. But he still couldn't figure out what it was.

David sitting on the bench in the park makes a big sigh.

I didn't know it would be this hard to figure it out.

Suddenly he hears a familiar voice asking: figure out what?

When he looks the lady is standing at his side. He panics and hastily stands then says in a loud voice:

Nothing, it is nothing.

I see, it's all right.

The lady's expression changes from happy to sad. David seeing that tries to calm her down and then says:

Sit down I will tell you the situation so maybe you can tell me what it is.


They both sit on the bench. Then the lady asks:

So, what is it?

It is rather confusing.

I am hearing. You tell me everything so that I can try to find a solution for you.

David hearing that gets confused as to how much should he tell her. Then he puts all his heart into it and starts explaining:

You see, lately, I have this feeling. I want to meet someone and if they are not there I start feeling anxious. When I am in trouble or sad I want to talk with that person. Whenever I talk to that person I feel happy, and a sense of safety overwhelms my body.

Khatoon puts her hand under her chin and thinks for a while then replies:

Isn't that love?

That is what I also think. But I also think what if it is not love and just attachment or because I have spent a lot of time with that person it has become a part of my life that I can't get detached from?

I see, that makes sense. It really can be confusing.

So, can you figure out something?

Well, if it was anything else would have given an opinion. But love is complicated. It is different for every person. Each person has their way of loving and feeling love. So, I can't say for sure. Ah, but there are some similarities. For example: wanting to spend time with your loved one or being able to tell your everything to that person and feel safe. But you see, even these are different because some people don't want to make their loved ones worried, so they won't tell them anything.

It is complicated. So, what do you say I should do?

I would say try hearing to your heart. Then decide what to do.

David looks at Khatoon with a surprised face and asks:

Are you sure you are 16 years old?

Yeah, why?

Because you sound too mature to be 16.

Much appreciated. But mental age and body age can be different sometimes.

I know. But, how do you know so much about love?

That is because I read poems and always come to the park.

I see why poems can be related but how does the park teach you?

It is because the park is somewhere where most people come from different classes of life and enjoy their time with their family, friends, and loved ones. So, it is easier to find out how differently people love each other. And on what level of love their behaviors take shape.

I see. What about you?

The lady looks at the sky and says with a smile:

I love a lot of things. Life, people, friends, and one thing more. I think if you love then you become happy and the things you love will make you happy.

What if those things are bad and dark?

Then you try to change them. Or not love them.

Then what happens if you don't love them?


The lady quiets for a second and then responds:

Then you find another thing to love after all the world is full of love.

After that both of them stay silent for a while and David keeps looking at the surroundings. While the lady looks at the tree in front of them and then says:

Let me tell you a love story.

Okay, I am hearing.

They say there was once a wolf that would go hunting every day but every day he would come back to his pack empty-handed. A few days passed like that. The pack seeing him like that got frustrated and asked him. Why don't you hunt? He replied: I can't hunt. And stays silent. But everyone knew he was strong but thinking there was something wrong they didn't ask further. One afternoon he came back to the pack with a deer in his mouth. Everyone was happy because he brought food after a long time. While everyone was happy the wolf was not, rather tears could be seen in his eyes. Other wolves seeing his situation asked him: what is wrong? He replied: I loved this deer, that is why I couldn't hunt it. But today I saw other wolves having their eyes on her so I couldn't let them have her, so I hunted her myself.

After a moment of silence, Khatoon continues:

You see, that is the love of a wolf. And love can be different for every person.

I see, quite a good story.

So, was I able to help you in any way?

Yes, you were so helpful. It feels like a Daoist had a breakthrough.

The lady laughs and asks:

What type of example is that?

My type.

Yes, it suits you.

Enough about me, how are you doing lately?

Khatoon hearing that looks at her watch and says:

Ah, I have to go. It has become so late.

Do you have an appointment?

Yes, I have to be somewhere in 10 minutes.

If you want I can drive you there.

That would be much appreciated.

After that, they both rushed to the car. And started moving to the appointment place. On the way, they talk about their daily lives. After they arrive when the lady is getting off David says:

Can we meet up again this Sunday?

Okay, no problem. For now, I have to go I will text you about it when I finish.

Okay, see you then.

Yeah, talk later.

After the lady starts getting away David also starts the cars and moves away. But what he couldn't see was that the lady was heading towards the Hospital.