
Chapter One

"Mum?..", I called for my mother while searching through my dishevelled wardrobe, looking for my missing school tie. "Where's my tie?" I added, this time bending down to look under my already messed up bed, to locate my uniform tie. Maybe I had left it somewhere under the bed.

Stupid stupid tie. Why can't they have mind and legs of their own? So that they can come to me wherever I ask them to. Or whenever I lost them, to be precious.

Or I wish I can just 'accio' them...

Pathetic. I know.

I didn't heard her reply as I was crunching under my bed. It made me call for her again because I know very well that she knows where my supposed tie is. She always knows everything. "Please, you have to help me mum, I have been looking all over my room for quite sometime now, it's nowhere to be found. Please come and help me with this. I'm already getting late for school", I keep speaking, almost shouting so she can hear me from my room, because my mother is, as always, busy in her beloved kitchen, doing her daily courses. And here I am, busy with searching my school tie everywhere inside my room but didn't find it yet, much to my irritation.

Winter vacations are over, and today is the first day of school, so you can probably guess my condition why I'm running here and there, searching for my missing school uniforms everywhere.

Mom shouted back from her kitchen itself, "just check under your bed covers, I'm sure it must be there." And guess what? It was there. Indeed.

Told you, mum knows everything.

"Thank-you mom, got it", I shouted again, ladylike this time.

When I was atlast done getting ready, I walk out of my room with my backpack hanging loosely over my left shoulder. Mum is still inside the kitchen when I reach our dining hall.

"See you after school mum, byeee...", I greeted her goodbye for the day before grabbing a single apple from the fruit basket and throwing it inside my bag. I made my way out of our three BHK apartment. I can hear my mother shouting for me to stop and to have my breakfast while I skipped the stairs, not waiting for her, or for the lift to reach me, because I know my mother. She is a lovely lady. Very lovely, mind you. And I love her very much. But you really don't want to face her intimidating self once she decided to corner you. I'm already very late to listen to her daily dose of lectures about her telling me how careless I am, and that I should not skip breakfast as it's the most important meal of the day and etcetera etcetera.

I ran to the bus stop just a block away from the society building where I live, praying desperately to every name of God and Goddesses I remember that I can make it on time, but guess what?

When I reach the bus stop, non of the other students were present who were supposed to wait for the school bus along with me. It means I have missed the bus. Again.

'Why god ji? Why? Thora sa wait ni kar sakte the mera. (Can't you wait a little longer for me?)' I complained to no one looking at the sky.

Now I have to take an auto. I muttered under my breath, sighing heavily.

When I look around to call for any auto passing by, I saw Him, standing at the very same place, to the opposite side of the road, with his bicycle, where he used to stand every day.

And staring in my direction.

Sometimes, I wonder— is he staring at me? But the next moment I have to throw those thoughts out of my mind because I know, that can never happen.

Well, what can I say? He's the most charming. Handsome? Smart? Intelligent..? And what not? In short, he is everything a perfect boy should be, with that never-ending list of being "the best". And me?

An average looking girl with average height, curly brown messy hair. Pair of light brown eyes, (which is the only part of me that I love the most.) 


Let's just say— I'm kind of conscious about my body because I am little bit of chubby, specially at the chest and hip area. Not like those skinny girls in my class. And I'm not very proud of my heavy chest and not so toned legs, like my girl friends says that I should be. I mean, who should be proud of getting judged by extra layer of fat on their feminine area and unwanted attention they get from perverted strangers staring at your chest? Not me atleast.

Whilst, I don't think someone like him, would be ever interested in someone like me.

I mean, why would he? He has many beautiful options to choose from. He can have anyone he wants to have. Even in the school. Plus, girls die for his attention. I had seen it myself, how they throw themselves at him, and the efforts they do to catch his attention. So why would he choose Me? Right?

And yes, we are from the same school, and in the same class. 9A. We had have always been, since last three years. From class 6A.

Crosswell High School. The school we attend.

But, the thing was, we had never interacted, atleast not directly.

I keep staring back at his direction as I thought about my stupid little crush over him. I know every girl in my class likes him. Even seniors likes him. So, I'm no expectation. But the only difference was that I'm not very obvious about my feelings for him. I never gave him any hints like other girls do that I have crazy fantasies for him. Infact, no one knows about my little infatuation for him, except for Aliya.

A loud blow of a honk nearby finally made me broke my staring contest with him.

I diverted my gaze away from him and checked my wrist watch. It says 07:35am, which means now I'm super late. Great. I was so lost in my thoughts, and the staring contest, I almost forget that I'm running late. And I can't even take any auto now. They take long route which will cause me more than forty five minutes to reach school. And the school assembly starts exactly at 08:00am.

Mum will kill me if I'm late for school again.

Aliya, again.

I went to one of the phone booths near the bus stand and dialled Aliya's house number.

'Please be at home. Please be at home', I mentally prayed while waiting for anyone to pickup the call. Please, she must not have left for school yet.

"Yes bitch?", she answered plainly and I huffed in relief.

She's Aliya, afterall, and she is no less than me when it comes to getting ready for school, and that too on the very first day of school after a long long vacation. So I know, I should have expected this.

She is also a bed lover like me. And that's why we are friends. Best friends instincts you know.

Well, who doesn't love their dearest bed? Right? But anyway, what I mean is that we are very similar.

"Again late?", she asked as soon as she picked up the call.

"Yeah... you can say that. But trust me it was not my fault this..." she didn't let me complete.

"I'm coming in five", she exclaimed, with that she hangs up.

"...time", I completed my sentence but it was of no use.

I know that I suck in lying, then why the hell I even try? I asked myself annoyingly.

Never mind.

After waiting for around 5-10 minutes, I saw her car pulling up in front of me. It's a white colour Toyota Innova. She was sitting at the back seat with her elder brother Shayan, who was on the driver's seat. It made me smile. Shayan bhai is like a brother figure for me as well.

But then watching both of them together, I started missing my own brother Aakash, who's now doing his master's degree in computers from Boston University in America, where I always want to go, but can't because according to my mom, I'm not big enough to handle myself without her. And yeah, she was a hundred and one per cent right.

I can't do anything without her. She is my Jaan. My lifeline. And I don't think I will be ever big enough to handle my own self without her. Not that I want. I'm happy being close to her. Always.

I greeted Shayan "good morning" while opening the lock of the car door, to which he chuckled responding me back saying "you both girls have made me your personal chauffeur."

I grinned in response and Aliya rolled her eyes.

When I sat inside the car, I remember something and my head instantly turn around, out of the window in hope to locate his still standing figure somewhere between the crowd, about which I had completely forgotten while waiting for Aliya, but to my disappointment, he was not. I sighed sadly.

But when I turned around, this time to face Aliya, she had already started her dose of lecture like how every day I miss my school bus and now I should be more responsible as we will be in class 10th in not less than a few months and all other lectures about my carelessness just like my mother does. And I, the good girl I have been, was just listening to her non-stop blabbering and saying, yes ma'am after the end of her each sentence.

Well..., One can guess it. Aliya is my childhood best friend. More like kindergarten best friend.

She is completely different from me in many terms, if we exclude our crazy nature, of course.

She had that natural straight long black hair. A figure to die for, and she is also more sensible than me. Not that I'm dumb, but she is smarter.

But point to be noted here is that, that doesn't mean she is any less crazy than me. She can be the most annoying girl you have ever met if, once she started to poke you. The interrogative Aliya is something I would never like to face. Ever.

But anyways, I love her so much for this and for everything.

We used to do almost everything together. In other words, I'm incomplete without her in many senses. And I love her so much.



About 10-15 minutes later we at last reached school, till then I can guess the bell had already rung, by looking at all those other students who were running inside the school main gate in a hurry. So we ran too, to catch assembly as well, greeting goodbye to Shayan bhai in the process. And to our luck, we are allowed to go to assembly. I guess the ball is in our court today.

As we stood in our usual place in the assembly line, we both started huffing because of running so fast. But when we both looked at each other, we were already grinning. "It was fun", I winked to which Aliya grinned back saying "totally."



After boring fifteen minutes of assembly, we headed to our classroom taking our bags on the way which we had left to the one side of the assembly hall.

When I entered the classroom and placed my bag on my usual place on the second bench, I was greeted by my gang. My crazy friends.

The first class was of zero periods in which we used to do whatever we want. Some used to practice to dance, some karate, some sports and some just chilling, sitting and gossiping about random things, which we are doing. Talking about winter break.


So... This me, Kavya Thakur, and this is my not so boring but simple life which I enjoy to it's fullest, but HIM, he the most important part of this simple life, and I really wish we can be together, ever.

Little did I know that my wish was going to be granted, soon. Very soon.

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