
Let's Order

Su Xi Zhao looked towards the door in anticipation, when it was opened. He stood up as Modesty walked in. Sun Xi Zhao gave her a huge smile, he then walked towards her with the flowers and the book. She told him thank you for the flowers and handed them to the server to be put in water. Sun Xi Zhao held out the seat for her and she sat down before opening the other gift. When she opened it and saw that it was a book her smiled became huge. She looked at Sun Xi Zhao with a surprised look.

"Oh my Chairman Sun thank you for the book, I truly love watercolors how did you know?"

Sun Xi Zhao was surprised, Modesty commented on the book and not the three dozen roses of all different colors that he gave her. Sun Xi Zhao, rubbed the back of his neck as he sat down.

"Please call me Xi Zhao. I saw it and thought you might like it. I love going to art museums and take my little sister all of the time. I'm glad you liked it, I got you the roses in case you didn't."

Modesty belatedly remembered the roses while flipping through the book.

"Oh yes thank for those as well they are beautiful."

Sun Xi Zhao nodded, this Modesty Cameron was very different from other women, he liked her more already.

"Hey, maybe the next time I go to a museum you can go with me. I promise not to allow my little sister to tag along."

Modesty laughed.

"I think I would really like that. Just text me and we can work it around our schedules."

Sun Xi Zhao tried not to burst with joy when Modesty agreed.

"Awesome I will. Now let's order we can talk more while we eat." Modesty nodded and picked up the menu.

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