
He just wanted someone to love him

Modesty arrived back home from work later than usual. She was glad she grabbed lunch with Sun Xi Zhao because the endless meetings would have never allowed her to take a single bite. Then she had a ton of documents on her desk that she had to go through plus her uncle had called her again this was the seventh time in less than a week.

He seemed upset and tired, he was going to ask her some questions but then her aunt woke up and hopped on the call. She was so happy to finally get to talk to Modesty and said how she missed her so much. Modesty smiled and then went straight into the bathroom to shower and change glad it was the weekend.

Sun Xi Zhao was standing at the wide expanse of windows in the vip room at Club Envy. His friend Zu Ming had brought him here to help him get over the break up with Modesty. Well you couldn't really call it a break up considering that they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend it had been three weeks already and he was still a little sad. He just wanted someone to love him despite his issues. Modesty was his one hope in the many years of him being alone.

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