
The biggest decision of my life so far

So I'm 8 weeks pregnant and I'm hanging out with my now friend Robert still not sure what to do or how to even talk about this decision I have to make. Rob (Robert) seems to know when to encourage me to talk and when I'm not ready to even try and talk, he's the best thing in my life at the moment.

My mum is constantly nagging me to get an abortion and my dad is against it so I don't know what to do, I've tried to think about everyone else and never factor in what I want and so I'm lost for what to do.

Today Rob and I have come to my secret place on the roof of my house, I'm staring into space when he asks me if I want to talk. I realize that I'm not being good company and also that I'm starting to fall in love with him. As I realize this everything, all my worries, all my hurt and all my confusion just pores out of me.

In that moment I start to worry that I'm going to lose Rob because I'm being too self centered but he just hugs me telling me that no matter what I decide he will always be there for me. I start to wonder does he love me, I mean really love me not just be like that guy who threw me out after getting what he wanted.

I'm so lost in thought that I start thinking out loud without realizing, the most embarrassing thing is that I end up saying "I love Rob but does he love me in the same way" I come to my senses when I hear Rob say "yes I love you too" I flush red with embarrassment and told him sorry for saying that out of the blue.

He just smiled that amazing smile I love and hugged me tighter kissing me on the cheek and telling me what ever happens his love is real and will never fade. Boy I really love this guy and he's been there for me the last 6 weeks even when my parents were not. I think it's time I make the biggest decision of my life so far.

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