


Callie’s POV

I couldn't even begin to explain my confusion as I stared at the men in front of me. Adrian stood tall, with his head held high, as did his father. They resembled each other in every single way, except I knew that Adrian cared for his children. Looking around, everyone here all had a glare set on Adrian. It didn't seem to phase him. He stood there, no emotions on his face.

His father held the same stoic face. You couldn't tell what either of them we're thinking about. Dr Benson, or Alpha Chand as he explained was the complete opposite though. He stood tall and proud, but instead of masking his emotions, he was smiling from ear to ear.

I knew this man was weird.

/"Theo says its nice to see you again Alpha Chand./" Izzy spoke for Theo, looking over at him, he seemed completely relaxed. How did Theo know this guy? Heck who the hell was he?