3 Words

They shape the way you think,

Don't they?

All made of letters, and they too

Find their way in that head of yours.

Cenio's calm, tranquil and transparent,

Kiran is a bid bizarre, instead,

Wuck is a bad word, and that being said,

Have you ever thought

Of the feelings for actual words?

House is quite burdensome,

Lighter is Home,

Carpet's a little cheesy,

Rug's a bit cold.

And there's more!

All the meanings,

All the feelings and the strange

Sensations you feel

Are not the same as others'!

How many things can

A simple word like cat

Mean on the tongue

Of a stranger?

How amazing, isn't it?

And the music of our words,

Not the meaning, I say,

The music we compose

Is heard differently

By each ear.

Even the sound of silence

Can break the heart

Of a person,

Or mend their broken soul.

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