
Chapter 1: The Beginning

[The author will make some new things, the novel won't completely follow the douluo world, and there inevitably will have a new variable that probably wasn't in the original douluo, such as Yixue village, etc. The author takes it as Rou Lan's butterfly effect.]

Douluo continent, Southwestern Heaven Dou Empire, Fasinuo province.

In a forest near the Yixua village, It was snowing heavily.

Suddenly, a rustle was heard, who is it that will go out in such heavy snow?

"It's a good harvest today, the traps that I put in have caught a few animals, this old man will have enough to eat for this season, hahaha." a hoarse old man's voice sounded

Suddenly, a loud cry was heard. The old man noticed it and decided to check the source of the sound.

"This sound.. sounds like a baby's cry. Who is cruel enough to leave a baby in the mountains when it was snowing so heavily?"

Thinking of this, the man suddenly accelerated his steps.

After arriving at the source of the sound, he walked carefully as to not scare the baby.

The old man picked up the baby from the basket into his embrace.

"What a poor lad, come, this old man will take care of you. I was also feeling lonely living alone in that valley, you will accompany me there, alright?"

The baby seemed to understand what the man was saying and stopped crying. The man noticed this and smiled.

"What a smart little one. That's good, You will be my successor from now on."


XXX City, Yexi Hospital, XXX Ward.

The ward door opened, and the girl who opened it stepped inside.

"Brother, I brought your favorite cake just now, I asked the doctor and he said you can eat it because it's not sweet, do you want to eat it, brother?"

A sweet female voice sounded. And the quiet ward seemed more lively.


Ruo Lan replied. He looked at his sister who is as lively as ever and slowly fell into deep thought.

Ruo Lan, male, age 21.

He was born into a wealthy family, with caring parents, and a lovely sister who has good talents in studying, painting, and playing the piano, and is perfect in calligraphy. He was appreciated by a lot of people. It may seem like he had the perfect life compared to ordinary people. He also agreed about that. But he had a very big flaw in his life, that is, his body. He was born prematurely causing his weak and weak body.

His parents were in a car crash, and his mother was hurt badly in that accident. Causing him to be born faster than the original date the doctors set his birth to be. He isn't saying that he was unfortunate, he knows that a lot of people has more severe illness compared to him. But because of his body, the things that he can do is limited, his piano, calligraphy, and study are good because those are the only thing he can do with his weak body, he needed to stay at home since his birth, causing him to be bored, so he studies those, for him to spend his time at home.

This caused him to have a cold and cold personality, because, except for his parents, little sister, and the servants at the manor, he never talked to other people. His condition suddenly worsen when he reached the age of 17. No one knows why, His body suddenly became so weak that a normal wind can make him have a high fever. Because of this, he was forced into living in the hospital, now he can't do anything except lie down.

He despised himself for being so weak, he felt that killing him is as easy as killing an ant. He even has the occasional thought of ending it all. but he doesn't want to disappoint his relatives so he preserved.

"Brother? Brother?"


His little sister's voice awakened him from his thought. Looking at her, he felt that time flies very fast, from the cute and cute toddler, his sister is a beauty now.

Thinking of the suitors who chased and chased her, he suddenly felt like the cabbage he raised was snatched by pigs.

"You suddenly went silent, what's wrong?"

Hearing her concerned voice, he smiled silently.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about the cake. I haven't eaten one in a long time."

"Hehe, praise me, for being so considerate of you, I even remembered your favorite cake!"

Rou Lan's lips lifted upwards a little and nodded.

"Yes, yes, Xiaxia is the best little sister in the world."

Hearing the praise Rou Mingxia smiled happily.

"I will then reluctantly accept your praise! hehe, come brother I will feed you the cake."


2 days later.

Looking at the half-finished novel in his hand that was given by his sister, he couldn't help but marvel at the book's protagonist. Died and was reborn, He adapted to everything so quickly. He took care of his always-drunk father and practiced in the morning every day. He secretly said in his heart, it's a very hard-working one. He is kind of jealous of Tang san, the protagonist of the book, he can go climb the mountain, hold the hammer, and run around. He also wants to do those, oh, he can only dream of it.

Sighing silently, he decided to take a nap.

Lying down, suddenly a sharp pain attacked where his heart was located. He was reaching for the button to call the doctors, but he lost his strength to move, and slowly he began to fall unconscious.


Opening his eyes, He was met by a snowstorm. It's not a snowstorm, it's just that Rou Lan's body was simply too small currently that he thought it was a snowstorm.

Rou Lan was stupified by this. After a while, he began to try moving his body, he wanted to observe his surroundings.

Trying and trying, Rou Lan was silenced. Feeling the small hands and feet, he was surprised to find that he is, currently, in the body of a baby.

"Have I been reincarnated? The snow is too wild, and I will die to death before even starting my new life. but why do I still have my memory intact? Not reincarnated? transmigration? I don't know, what I know is that I better get out of here."

Rou Lan was about to shout for help but before any sound was made he closed his mouth and he fell into deep thought again.

"I seem to forget that I'm a baby right now an abandoned one at that."

How cruel, which irresponsible parent will leave their baby alone on a mountain, and when it was snowing heavily at that?

"What should I do? Cry for help? That's certainly embarrassing. But counting the fact that I am a baby right now, it is a normal thing to do."

With complicated feelings, he cried out loudly. He hoped that someone would hear it and help him.

Suddenly footsteps were heard. Rou Lan rejoiced at the sound of it. He cried and cried for a long time, but no one came. Finally, he won't have to die just after arriving in this world.

A old man came to view, he was holding a small dagger in his hands.

"What a poor lad, come, this old man will take care of you. I was also feeling lonely living alone in that valley, you will accompany me there, alright?" The old man's hoarse and old voice sounded.

Hearing this, Rou Lan gave a big smile towards the old man.

"What a smart little one. That's good, You will be my successor from now on." The old man smiled happily and began walking out of the forest.

"Successor? what is he talking about? forget it, I will eventually find out." Rou Lan silently thought in his heart, in the old man's warm embrace, he eventually fell asleep.

the author is back, sorry to the readers for ghosting you~ not sure if you guys are still waiting for the new chapter, but the author saw that the writing is immature and messy, and a remake is decided...

Yanlin_Shicreators' thoughts
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