
1. Day Dreams

He was sat at a grand table shaded by old oaks, with piles of books surrounding him. He stared with sharp eyes into a far off clearing through the trees. His father's voice droned on and on in the background about whatever important thing it was he was supposed to learn today. He didn't care. As he watched two other elves about his age play in the clearing off in the distance, all he thought about was how much he longed to play with them. The boy looked strong and he imagined what it would be like to have competitions with him. And he could tell the girl was very fast. He watched her out run the boy time and time again as he chased her attempting to throw handfuls of mud at her.

  However his glazed over day dream stare didn't go unnoticed. He knew he had zoned out for far too long when he felt his father's palm hit the back of his head.

  "Arthus!" Bellowed his father's stern but steady voice. "You'll never learn anything if you are unwilling to at least try and focus." His father sighed

  "Yes, sorry father." Arthus apologized with a saddened voice.

  "Let us continue." He paused and took a deep breath before asking. "What do you remember me saying last?"

  "Um..." Arthus thought for a moment, but he could not recall. Not just what his father said last but everything he'd said all morning. What was he supposed to be learning about? His eyes glanced about the table, frantically looking at the open books and scrolls. After a moment that felt like it lasted painful hours he slowly answered. "The... Rise of the Dark clan in the south." Arthus was very pleased he was able to give his father an answer and hoped it was close to the final point of the lesson. He looked at his father, who did not seem amused by his slow response and shyly added, "but I don't understand why they're important. Only Elves can navigate these woods, and we are so far north of them. How could they ever get close enough to affect anything to do with us?"

  "Well you would know already if you had been paying attention. Cruelty and fear are far reaching and fast spreading weapons. Santron's rule is built on these. The Dark ones weren't much different than Elves once. As far as only Elves being able to navigate these woods don't be so naive. We may be the most familiar but they are still just woods." His eyes looked like they were pondering a deep and troublesome thought. He turned to the table finding a particular scroll. "Read this passage and try to focus. I have something I need to tend to, but I'll be back in a moment to discuss the reading with you."

  Arthus nodded and watched his father walk away. A few moments ago this sight would have made him so happy, an opportunity to slip away, but now it just made him feel worried. He looked at the other kids once more. The girl had clearly won the mud fight. She was sitting on the boys back with a beaming smile and looked like she might be laughing. The boy looked far less amused. Belly down in the mud, his head rested on his arms as mud dripped past the scowl on his face. Arthus couldn't help but chuckle as he took in the sight of them. He let the smile warm him as he turned back to the passage his father assigned him. He didn't like learning about the dark ones and their current leader Santron. The whole thing seemed so unnatural.


  "Get off!" Shouted the mud covered boy.

  "YOU started it!" The girl teased with a giggle. She had her face turned up to the sun, soaking in its warmth.

  "Well that was before." He argued while trying to squirm free.

  "Before what?"

  "Before I knew you were so heavy!"

  To this she scoffed, scooped up a big handful of mud and plopped it on top of his head. "Is that too heavy?" She asked with sarcastic glee.

  With a look of defeat and through a heavy sigh he begged. "Please....." It sounded almost like it was painful to say the word.

  "Fine." She said standing up and taking a few steps away. "Best be off to the river though. You look a mess!" She taunted and she turned to head to the river, needing to wash her own hands.

  "I look a mess?" He said with a laugh as he stood up. He looked at her walking away and got a devilish grin.

  "Very much so." She said without looking back.

 He planted his foot to get ready to charge at her. "You should see yourself!" He shouted and  pushed off into a sprint at her.

  "Me?" She paused her steps to look down at herself. "I'm barely--!" Before she could finish saying she wasn't that dirty he tackled her into the mud.

  He smiled on top of her in victory this time and patted her long golden hair with his mud covered hands. "Yes all this is a real mess." 

  "LIAM!" She scolded while trying to elbow him. "Look what you've done, I wasn't nearly as muddy as you!" She wriggled to face him but he still wasn't letting her up.

  Leaning his face close to hers he whispered with a grin. "Now you are." Then he tilted his head down towards her and let some of the excess mud she'd piled on slide off and fall on her face. She squealed with disgust. Liam jumped up and took off running in the direction of the river. 

  She quickly got up and chased after him. Once they reached the river they started to climb a rather large rock near the edge. Standing at the top you could tell the water was deep by how dark it was. She stepped forward about to jump when Liam spoke out. "Kymu wait." 

  "Yes?" She asked, turning to look at him with a puzzled glance.

  He paused for a moment and smiled. "Nothing just didn't want you to get the first jump." He went to leap past her but she put her arm up and grabbed him.

  "Together?" She asked letting go of him and holding out her hand.

  "Sure." He answered, taking her hand. As they turned to face the water he whispered. "Always." Then with flailing legs and big smiles they jumped into the cool water below.

I thought this would be a fun way to introduce our characters and compare the differences between the upbringings. Arthus drowned in study day dreaming to be in the sun with Kymu and Liam who are blissfully unaware how good they're day is.

Mrs_Summer_Skyecreators' thoughts
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