
Chapter 11 Naruto Hyuga

Upon returning to Konoha, Tsunade was officially named the fifth Hokage, and this time things remained peaceful in the village since Orochimaru was not there to cause trouble.


So, a year had passed since Naruto suddenly became an adult, or something else. He wasn't quite sure. What mattered was that, according to his memories from another world, by this time Sasuke should have left with Orochimaru. However, Orochimaru, his guards, and Kabuto were executed by him after extracting all useful information from their minds. He was the only one who knew how to bring Orochimaru back, but he wouldn't, as he had destroyed all the cursed seals he found.

In just one year of training, if he were to face the Naruto from his memories in the final battle of the Fourth Ninja War, without awakening Asura's power, he'd beat him up because his chakra control was a thousand times better, and he also had access to the Eight Gates.

Thanks to constant physical training without rest for an entire year and with Kurama's help to push beyond his limits, training up to four times more than an average ninja could endure, Naruto was now capable of effortlessly opening the Fourth Gate and the Sixth Gate for an hour.

Naruto didn't rely solely on physical strength and raw power. He had become immune to genjutsu by preventing his chakra from being manipulated by others, creating a device that dispersed the view of his chakra from other people. He had tested this with Hinata, and if she couldn't see his chakra, neither could the Sharingan. Moreover, he continued to use his chakra pacemaker, which activated with a chakra surge if his chakra flow was ever interrupted, with a half-second efficiency.

Research on DNA had been ongoing for over three months and was progressing rapidly, thanks to the advantages in research that chakra could provide. His project for a seal similar to the Karma Seal was progressing at great speed, thanks to Orochimaru's research with cells, but he was taking it a step further.

In this year, he wasn't the only one who had progressed. The Avenger Emo had awakened three tomoe and, as he always trained with Naruto, benefiting from Kurama's chakra, his current state was incomparable to the Sasuke from his memories after a year of training.

Sakura was an expert medical ninja who had managed to mimic Kurama's chakra, just like Oro and Silver brothers. However, they lost their own chakra in the process, whereas Sakura was able to control it so her imitation didn't corrupt her own essence. This was something only ninjas with a high level of chakra control could achieve.

With her abilities, Sakura caught Tsunade's attention, who accepted her as an apprentice, although she didn't have much more to teach her apart from some jutsus of her own authorship.

Kakashi was also different, as he had control over his Sharingan, which increased his resistance in battles, making him a Kage-level ninja.

As for the Leaf Village itself, it experienced the most significant change by freeing itself from Danzo and having the support of the Avenger Emo, Sakura, and also Kakashi as an additional force.


With all these changes, another year passed, and Naruto was now able to use the power of the Sixth Gate without difficulty and use the Eighth Gate for at least twenty minutes. This already surpassed Gai, but there was a catch to this, as he only achieved it using Kurama's chakra mode. Without Kurama's support, he could only reach the Fourth Gate stably and would suffer severe consequences if he opened the Eighth Gate. However, this wasn't the most important thing he had achieved in the last year.

A year and three months into his research on DNA modification using chakra, his research conducted by ten thousand clones working tirelessly day and night had covered everything from the Sharingan, capable of altering reality, to genjutsu, known for chakra control, and even mundane aspects like retroviruses and DNA study. But his primary aid, as always, came from the common jutsus that could convert chakra, a form of energy, into matter.

This cannot be underestimated, as this ability to convert chakra into matter opened up many possibilities. With that, his ten thousand clones had achieved their final result.

Now, Naruto was in the Hokage's office, observing his "guinea pigs."

"Hokage-sama, this guy has bad intentions," Sakura cried, looking at him from the front of the Hokage's desk.

Naruto, who was on the left side of Tsunade's chair, set aside all his thoughts and smiled, looking at Sakura innocently. Sakura wasn't the only one present; Sasuke, Kakashi, Gai, and Rock Lee were also there.

"Hokage-sama, it's clear this is a Team 7 meeting," Gai said confidently. "Rock Lee, let's not interrupt the others' meeting. We must continue training for the sake of youth," Gai added and tried to turn around, but Tsunade, seeing her subordinates trying to escape, slammed her fist on the desk and split it in two. This was already her eighteenth desk. Gai was startled and returned to his place.

"Fools, I've called you here because you are the hope of this village, and as such, I've decided you'll benefit from our research results," Tsunade scolded.

"A ninja shouldn't depend on external factors," Gai proclaimed, and Rock Lee nodded. Naruto took out a vial of green substance.

"Rock Lee, if you take this, you'll be able to mold chakra like any other ninja, and your body won't be inferior to mine. You'll have great chakra reserves, exceptional healing and regeneration. You'll have the perfect body for a fighter," Naruto explained and pulled out another vial of a darker green. "Gai, this will do the same for you, although it's different from Lee's because you can mold chakra," Naruto added, and Gai and Rock Lee were left stunned.

"That… that's impossible," Rock Lee said, looking at Gai, who nodded dazedly. Naruto smiled and offered them the two vials.

"Take them!" Tsunade ordered. "I've tested their effects with some samples from you myself, and they won't have any harmful side effects for you," she explained. Both ninjas took the vials with trembling hands and ingested them.

Naruto took out three more vials: one red, one blue, and one pink.

"Sasuke, this will unlock the progression of your eyes, freeing them from your emotions and feelings, allowing you to access their power when your body can handle it. It will also improve your regenerative and healing abilities. Trust me, you'll need it in the future," Naruto said, without mentioning that it would also correct his genetic predisposition to madness, separating his emotions from the Sharingan and making it hereditary. This way, future Uchiha wouldn't be like those of the past.

Sasuke took the content without asking any questions and without looking at anyone. Since he discovered the truth about his clan's disappearance, he had been in a state of indecision about what he wanted to do or whether he should do anything about it, but he didn't give up on his quest to become stronger.

Sakura grimaced and crossed her arms with determination, indicating that they wouldn't convince her. Naruto looked at Kakashi and offered him the blue vial.

"Kakashi-sensei, this won't turn you into an Uchiha, but it will give you similar control over your eyes, and it has a similar effect to Sasuke's serum, as, if I'm not mistaken, that eye also causes damage when using high-level ocular jutsus," Naruto said. Kakashi sighed and took the serum.

Naruto looked at Sakura, who raised her head expectantly.

"I don't need any enhancements," Sakura said. Naruto simply shrugged.

"Well, if that's your decision, I can't do anything about it, but let me tell you that this is based on Hashirama's cells, and anyone who consumes one of these serums will have at least a hundred years of guaranteed youth…" Naruto hadn't finished speaking when Tsunade and Sakura lunged for the vial.

"Master, Naruto did this for me!" Sakura growled, holding onto the vial alongside Tsunade. Naruto smiled and pulled out two more vials, one for Tsunade and one for Shizune. Both of them took them without hesitation.

The only one not present in the room was Jiraiya, as he was always away from the village, conducting espionage and research, but Naruto knew he would also be delighted to take a serum that would return his youth, and he was one of the genetic samples he had taken so that his clones could create a serum for him.

"The effects should be noticeable within twenty-four hours," Naruto said and, using the spatial movement jutsu, returned to his laboratory.

This jutsu was of his own creation and was developed from the Flying Thunder God jutsu, to which he gained access when he became the head of the root. Having the Hokage on his side also helped significantly. Now Naruto understood how Danzo had gained so much power.

A few minutes later, Naruto stood in front of two capsules, connected by hundreds of cables and pipes. The capsules lay horizontally on the floor in a small room measuring three by three, filled with artifacts from which the pipes and cables emerged to connect to the capsules.

"Aren't you going to wait for the serum to take effect on them?" Kurama asked.

"I've already tested it on their tissues, and by giving it to them, I've confirmed its stability, even in a complete body. There's nothing more to test; the rewriting serum is complete, and it's time to rewrite my own body, applying all my research," Naruto said. Nevertheless, he hesitated for a moment when he entered one of the capsules but soon removed his clothes, got into the capsule, closed the lid, and put on a mask as it filled with a red liquid.

Three days later, Naruto emerged from one of the capsules, but he wasn't the only one. From the other capsule emerged a Naruto with red eyes, about five centimeters shorter than himself. Both nodded to indicate that everything was in order.

"I have to continue my training to get used to this new body," Naruto said. Kurama, the Naruto with red eyes, grimaced.

"That means I have to work for you now," Kurama complained.

"Hey, I've given you my body, be a little more grateful. Your job isn't that difficult either; you just need to bring me a sample of the chakra from the other tailed beasts," Naruto said. Kurama grumbled but went to where his clothes were to start getting dressed.

Naruto moved through space, reaching his room and falling onto his large bed. He grimaced and got up; his chakra control was horrible because, without Kurama, he felt like he was missing a part of himself.

Upon rising, Naruto saw himself in the full-body mirror next to his bed. His height wasn't the only thing that had changed; he no longer had the fox whisker markings on his cheeks.

Naruto sighed. He felt like a stranger to himself. Nevertheless, he got dressed and equipped himself once more. Then, Naruto headed to his private training ground and, with difficulty, managed to create five hundred clones, despite having more chakra than before, and this chakra was solely his, which should improve his control.

Seeing the results, all the clones began practicing chakra control to adapt to their new abilities and pure chakra. Naruto didn't dare to attempt to use the Sage Mode due to his disastrous chakra control at the moment; it would be certain death.

On the other hand, this body represented the pinnacle of the current ninja world. It had a chakra capacity that even Kurama couldn't surpass in his current incomplete form, as half of him was still sealed.

Naruto wondered if he had more chakra than Kisame of the Mist. But chakra was just a backup. He had fully integrated Hashirama's cells into his own DNA, so they were not an external element but part of him.

Other things that Naruto integrated into his new body were the Uzumaki Clan Kekkei Genkai, which further increased his chakra. The Sharingan and the White Eye were also integrated and improved, forming what he called the ultimate eye, with plans to achieve the Rinnegan. With the integrated Sharingan and White Eye, he was now the most formidable genjutsu user in this ninja world. Though he lacked experience, power was something he did not lack.

Other enhancements that he valued highly included the integration of the Sakon and Ukon brothers' Kekkei Genkai. Along with their improvements, which made him the most powerful retrovirus in this world, their Kekkei Genkai allowed him to modify and adapt his body without needing to visit his laboratory. Whenever he found something interesting, he could adapt it within minutes.

The other enhancement was the integration of Jugo's Kekkei Genkai, which Orochimaru had used to create his cursed seal, providing its users with something similar to Sage Mode, albeit less powerful as it was an incomplete jutsu.

The reason Naruto had integrated this Kekkei Genkai into his new body was, of course, the ability to gather natural energy at will and at any time to activate Sage Mode without depending on Kurama. However, it was too dangerous to practice it now; he needed to first master his new body.

At midnight, his clones numbered over ten thousand, and his real body moved at high speed using the Flying Thunder God jutsu.

Satisfied with having adapted to his new body, Naruto moved to the center of his clones and felt the natural energy around him. It didn't even take a second, and his new body instantly entered Sage Mode. Naruto controlled the natural energy within his body as if it were a part of him, absorbing it from the surroundings to restore his chakra and physical state.

Naruto smiled, as his abilities using Sage Mode and his own chakra were not inferior to when he used Kurama's Chakra Mode alongside Sage Mode. His new body, which was an 80% Hashirama cell hybrid and 15% Uzumaki, was a thousand times more resilient and adapted to physical combat than before.

However, these were just his physical enhancements, as Naruto knew they were only halfway. To surpass the power of the Otsutsukis, he needed to first merge the Kekkei Genkai of Indra and Asura and then the Hyuga Clan's Kekkei Genkai, which he had already done by having both Sasuke and Hinata, not to mention the samples he had taken from Kakashi's eye. All of these were the materials he used in his research.

Three hours after exercising in Sage Mode, Naruto looked around.

"It's time to test my eyes," Naruto said with a big smile. His clones, who were performing all kinds of exercises and practicing jutsus, smiled and gave him a thumbs up, knowing what their first objective would be.

Naruto vanished in a small vortex that distorted reality and appeared in an oriental-designed room. The room was six meters wide and eight meters long. It was fully furnished, but Naruto paid no attention to the cabinets or sofas and went directly to the large bed.

On the bed, there lay a girl, barely a teenager, with hair down to her shoulders, showing signs of letting it grow. The girl woke up as she felt someone approaching her bed and stood up to activate her White Eye, but then she stopped. She remained seated, and her eyes deactivated upon seeing him.

"Naruto!" she exclaimed in a terrified whisper, looking around. Naruto ignored her panic and jumped onto the bed to sit beside her, hugging her and giving her a kiss on the lips.

"You look beautiful in those white robes," Naruto said. Hinata blushed.

"Naruto, you must go quickly!" Hinata said in a fearful whisper.

"Hinata, do you want me to leave?" Naruto asked. Hinata lowered her head and hurriedly shook it.

"Then I'll stay here, holding you for the rest of the night," Naruto said, leaning down to give her another kiss on the lips. Hinata bit her lip, but after a minute, she hugged his chest.

"How did you get in?" Hinata asked timidly.

"I've finished my research, although I could have sneaked into this place before. However, the Flying Thunder God jutsu can be traced, and your father knows I can use it, so he has set up alarms. I can bypass them, but I preferred to wait to enter now," Naruto explained. "Hinata, I have a gift for you," he said, changing the subject, reaching into his side and pulling out a white vial. "This is part of my research and will give you a physical body superior to any ninja that has existed since Hagoromo. I've divided it into several doses for you to get used to," he explained. Hinata looked alarmed. Naruto shook his head.

"It's not something implanted; these changes will become a part of you at all levels, and you'll be able to control them just like you control your own body. The only thing you'll notice is that you become stronger," Naruto explained. "Plus, this will keep you young, so you'll always be the most beautiful woman in this world, just as you are now," Naruto whispered in her ear.

Hinata remained paralyzed and couldn't say anything for several minutes. Then she looked at him with a pout, took the vial, and swallowed the serum.

"Naruto, you're so naughty!" Hinata scolded him for his constant teasing but hugged him again. "Naruto, what kind of jutsu was that?" Hinata asked, referring to the spatial jutsu he had used to retrieve the vial with the serum. Naruto separated her from his chest and made her look into his eyes.

Naruto's eyes changed, acquiring a bright white center where his pupil and iris would be, while the rest darkened to pure black.

"This is the ultimate doujutsu, currently integrating the Sharingan and the Byakugan. The ability to create dimensions is part of its power."

"Have you created a Kekkei Genkai for yourself?" Hinata asked in astonishment. Naruto smiled.

"Not just for me, but for you too. Your future husband is an absolute genius," Naruto said. Hinata smiled and hugged him again. Naruto smiled even more because no one was scolding him for being conceited since Kurama wasn't there.

In reality, his Kekkei Genkai was incomplete because his research was missing the Rinnegan, a sample of the God Tree, and also a sample of the Bijuus' chakra. However, that didn't mean his current body was weak, as not even Hagoromo Otsutsuki could compare to him in terms of potential.

Nevertheless, Naruto wasn't at that level yet because he needed training. First and foremost, he had to master the five chakra natures, Yin, and Yang. That way, he could unlock his own Six Paths Sage Mode. He would also be able to absorb and control chakra for performing ninjutsu without the need for seals, just as the Otsutsuki do.

The need for making hand seals and practicing chakra control was a weakness inherited from Indra and Asura. Hagoromo, Hamura, and Kaguya could control their chakra at will, making ninjutsu meaningless for them.

Naruto, who had combined the genetic legacy of Hagoromo and Hamura, was the closest thing to an Ōtsutsuki in this world, or Kaguya, as each Ōtsutsuki had their own path.

Naruto rested, embracing Hinata, and by morning, like a good thief, he left. With his new eyes, it would be very easy to stealthily approach Hinata's bed during the nights, even if Hiashi Hyūga had his entire clan guarding their mansion.

On that same day, Naruto, using Sage Mode, created thirty thousand clones, all of which were in Sage Mode already. All his previous clones were dispelled so he could gain their progress and knowledge.

Out of these thirty thousand clones, created solely with his chakra and no external assistance, ten thousand of them practiced chakra control, seven thousand practiced chakra nature, as a result of integrating Kekkei Genkai, he could now control all major chakra natures. Three thousand clones practiced taijutsu, and the last ten thousand took care of his duties as the head of the Root, along with constructing an underground training field beneath his current training field.

Opening a cave using Sage Mode and thousands of clones was no problem. In just one hour, his clones had created a three-kilometer-long, two-kilometer-wide, and three-hundred-meter-deep cavern. Sealing everything to prevent ninjutsu or any Hyūga from spying and discovering his army of clones was the hard part. It took his clones a whole day to seal the place while some of them guarded the surface to avoid curious onlookers.

The hidden training field was ready the next day. On the surface, only two thousand clones trained, and only in chakra control.

One month later, Naruto could already master all chakra natures, and chakra control was second nature to him. He began trying to combine all his chakra natures, but his training was interrupted when Kurama returned and brought him samples of chakra from the other tailed beasts.

Unfortunately, the only one who agreed to cooperate with his plan was Gyūki, the Eight-Tails. The others disagreed with their human companions, and Kurama was not a good negotiator, so Naruto could only obtain samples of their chakra and returned to ask if he could beat and drag them there. Naruto could only blink. Such a fight would cause a great commotion in the ninja world, attracting enemies he wasn't ready to face and revealing his power.

Naruto felt despair and wondered if he should imprison Kurama, but the fact that he had returned to ask for permission before causing a scandal was already a point in his favor. Naruto denied his request. He had already given them the opportunity for an easier path. If they wanted to suffer, it was their problem; he wouldn't worry about their deaths. Kurama had obtained the most important thing, which was the samples of their chakra.

With the tailed beasts' chakra samples in his hands, Naruto disbanded his shadow clones and created fifty thousand new clones. Chakra control was no longer a problem for him; now he only had to master the control of Yin and Yang to achieve the Six Paths Sage Mode.

"Kurama, take this," Naruto said as he handed a scroll to Kurama. Kurama took it. "Outside the village, there's a house in ruins with the Uzumaki clan symbol. There, you'll find several masks of the death gods, one of them is used to seal your other half. The jutsu that will allow you to free it is in that scroll," Naruto said, and Kurama blinked in surprise.

"How do you know all of this?" Kurama asked, bewildered.

"It was part of Orochimaru's research. If you hadn't been asleep, you'd know," Naruto said, signaling for him to leave once and for all. "Kurama, don't even think about causing trouble, because if you do, and an enemy comes to attack you, don't come begging for my help. I'm still too weak to face them," Naruto said. Kurama looked at his fifty thousand clones.

"You're a monster," Kurama said, and then he left.

Naruto rolled his eyes; all his enemies were monsters, and evenly matched fights didn't pique his interest. He would become a god before facing the monsters, so he began his physical training. His clones had already started practicing mastery over the tailed beasts' chakra and Yin and Yang chakra control.

One month later, Naruto and his fifty thousand clones began practicing the fusion of the seven types of chakra.

Three years after being reborn as Naruto and as a traveler from another world, Naruto lay in bed with Hinata in his arms. Hinata was now fifteen, and her body displayed her lovely adult figure. She had let her hair grow, reaching down to her waist. Her skin was as pale and soft as ever, and her features were gentle. She became more beautiful with each passing day.

Hinata woke up and blushed upon realizing he was watching her.

"Na… Naruto, I already told you that you can't come to my room," Hinata complained, pouting.

Naruto kissed her on the mouth, and she didn't resist. She was so used to him sleeping there that she didn't even wake up when he arrived.

"Hinata, today, I will ask for your hand from your father," Naruto said after finishing kissing her. Hinata trembled but then nodded decisively.

"I'll gather everyone," Hinata said in a whisper.

"I'll be formal," Naruto said, understanding her concerns. Hinata hugged him. "I'll beat up the elders of your clan some other day," he added. Hinata punched him lightly in the chest.

At noon, Naruto arrived at the Hokage's office using the Flying Thunder God Technique with Sakura and Ino. In the office were Sasuke, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Kurenai, Kiba, Shino, Gai, Tenten, Neji, who gritted his teeth, Asuma, Shikamaru, Chōji, Shizune, and Tsunade. They were all wearing formal kimonos, and Tsunade had her Hokage cloak and hat over her kimono.

Naruto wore a formal-looking white kimono, and upon appearing, Sakura and Ino hurried to fix the sleeves of his kimono.

"Ready," Sakura and Ino said at the same time, pointing at him with both hands.

"It's not a wedding, and we've been waiting here for half an hour," Shikamaru complained, looking bored.

"I just want to know how he grows so much," Shino said, looking Naruto up and down.

"If there's no roasted meat, I'm leaving," Chōji threatened. Sakura and Ino advanced and gave each of them a soft punch. Then, they went to Sasuke and each took one of his arms.

"Sasuke, you look very handsome!" Sakura praised, blushing.

"Sasuke, when are you going to ask for my hand too?" Ino asked. Sasuke just grunted, and both girls laughed timidly. Naruto thought, "He definitely must have invented a jutsu to mesmerize women."

"Hmmm…" Jiraiya coughed. "It's time for my student to ask for his girlfriend's hand," Jiraiya declared.

"We'll open the way with the power of youth!" Gai declared.

"I'll guard the rear," Shikamaru said.

"I'll attack them as soon as we arrive," Neji said.

"I don't think bringing him was a good idea," Kiba realized that Neji was a Hyūga and might not look favorably upon them asking for his princess's hand in marriage, as in their clan, relationships other than incestuous ones were prohibited.

"Relax," Naruto said, raising his hands. "First of all, this is an official ceremony; we're not going to break down the Hyūga clan's doors."

"There's no way they'll give you permission to enter!" Neji declared coldly, crossing his arms.

Naruto smiled and extended his hand. Sasuke was the first to step forward, but instead of taking his hand, he placed it on his shoulder.

"As the groom, you should lead," Sasuke said.

Jiraiya and Tsunade also placed their hands on his shoulder, and the rest lined up behind. Neji grumbled, but Gai grabbed him by the collar, and then the whole group disappeared in a swirling distortion of reality.

"A few minutes ago."

While Sakura and Ino made the final adjustments to Naruto's clothing, he monitored the situation in the Hyūga clan using a clone and a mental transmission jutsu.

Naruto's current view was that of a large oriental-style wooden hall, with a long table in the center. Seated at the table were three elders of the Hyūga clan, and at the head of the table was Hyūga Hiashi. On one side of the table sat Hinata and her younger sister, Hanabi Hyūga. They were all dressed formally in kimonos, but Hinata's kimono was exceptionally beautiful, making her appear like an ancient goddess.

"What does this mean?" grumbled Hiashi, as just a few moments ago, Hinata had suddenly stood beside him in attire that was clearly out of place for a formal clan meeting, even with makeup.

"Father, elders," greeted Hinata with a formal tone and a nod.

"Hinata, I am the clan head, and this is an official meeting," scolded Hiashi, annoyed because Hinata was disregarding the protocol, first with her appearance and now by calling him "father" instead of "patriarch" or "clan head." She didn't even bow.

"No!" declared Hinata firmly. "From today onwards, I have decided to be the new clan leader. Please, father, step aside, you are occupying my place," said Hinata. Hiashi, the elders, and Hanabi all looked at Hinata as if she were a complete stranger.

"Hinata, you are not qualified to be the clan leader!" said Hiashi through gritted teeth.

"Father, you once told me that to be the clan leader, there was only one requirement, and that was to be the strongest. Since I was weak, I had to step aside without a word. Now I tell you that I am the strongest, and you are too weak, so you only need to step aside without a word," declared Hinata with determination.

Hiashi blinked, but the elders immediately stood up and assumed a combat stance.

Before the elders could react, Hinata had already pierced them with twenty chakra needles in each of their bodies. From their astonished expressions, unable to use their chakra and seeing the needles in their bodies, they had no idea when they were attacked. However, Hiashi, who was standing beside Hinata, seemed to have witnessed it and was paralyzed with shock.

"Father, even though I am the new clan leader, you are my elders, and I don't want to embarrass you. So please, stand up from my seat," Hinata said.

Hiashi glanced back at the elders and silently stood up. Hinata walked by his side and sat at the head of the table, which was the former seat of Hiashi.

"Father, I am still young, and there are aspects of clan management that I do not yet know. If you and the other elders are willing, I will take you as my advisors in this regard. However, from today onwards, I will make many significant changes in our clan. I hope that if you accept my proposal, you will not forget that your position is only that of advisors, and I will be the one making the final decisions," Hinata explained, gesturing to the seat on her left for her father.

Hiashi hesitated for a few seconds but accepted the seat offered to him and sat down. Hinata looked at the three elders.

"What changes do you intend to make in the clan?" asked one of the elders.

"The cursed seal of the branch family will be removed. From now on, there will be no distinctions between the main and branch families. Everyone will have their place based on their own merits," Hinata declared. The three elders looked at Hinata with indignation.

"We won't accept that, and we won't grant you access to the cursed seal," growled one of the elders.

"I don't need your cooperation or approval in these matters. As I mentioned earlier, you will only be my advisors," declared Hinata, inviting them to sit.

With this, Hinata made it clear that she could release herself from the cursed seal without their collaboration, leaving the elders and Hiashi stunned. Nevertheless, the elders regained their dignified posture and sat down. They accepted the positions because Hinata met the requirements to assume leadership by force but made it clear that they wouldn't cooperate with her decisions. Hinata also made it clear that she didn't intend to ask for their help, but they didn't believe her.

Hanabi, who had no official position, sat beside her father, trying not to draw attention to herself.

After a minute in this situation, Naruto and his group appeared at the location, five meters from the table, catching everyone's attention.

"Hokage-sama, what does this mean?" growled Hiashi, turning to look at everyone.

"Father, they are my guests," said Hinata with a slight smile and stood up to bow to Tsunade.

"Hokage-sama, dear guests, please take your seats. I was expecting you. As the leader of the Hyuga clan, I welcome you," said Hinata, and the elders and Hiashi understood that Hinata's coup d'état was no coincidence.

Tsunade nodded and led her group to sit at the table. She took the head position, contrasting with Hinata, while Naruto sat on the right side along with Sakura and the other young individuals. Jiraiya and the jōnin took the seats on their left.

"Hokage-sama, what is the purpose of your visit to our clan?" asked Hinata. Her father, sister, and the three elders looked at her, as it was clear they were there because she had invited them. As for Tsunade, she simply nodded.

"As many of you know, I am the granddaughter of the first Hokage. What not many know is that my grandmother was an Uzumaki, who was related to Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki's mother. Therefore, he and I would be family, and I would be one of his elders. Due to this, and in the absence of his mother, I am here to accompany him," explained Tsunade.

"I was Minato Namikaze's father's teacher. He considered me his father, so I consider Naruto as my grandson. In the absence of his father, I am here to represent him," Jiraiya explained after Tsunade finished speaking.

"Clan head, the others are my guests and friends," said Naruto. Hinata nodded.

"So, what brings the Root's leader to my clan, accompanied by family and friends?" Hinata asked confidently.

"I, Naruto Uzumaki, am here to request the hand of a Hyuga woman in marriage. I've heard that I need the clan head's permission first, so I'm here to ask for your consent," Naruto said.

One of the elders choked on his words when Hinata directed him a cold look. Ignoring his reaction, Hinata looked back at Naruto.

"Before, that would not have been allowed, but now I am the clan head, so I will accept it. You can make your request," Hinata said, with a slight blush on her face.

"Then, I request Hinata Hyuga's hand in marriage," Naruto said with a smile. Hiashi clenched his teeth but remained silent.

"I accept, as long as you fulfill one of my wishes," Hinata said and looked at Neji. "I want my betrothed to destroy the cursed seal of the branch family!" Hinata declared. Naruto smiled.

"My betrothed's wish is a command to me," Naruto said and raised his right hand to snap his fingers.

Neji looked stunned, but when Naruto snapped his fingers, he snapped out of his daze and winced in pain as he removed the bandage covering his cursed seal, revealing it to everyone.

The seal appeared normal, but in an instant, its lines darkened, changing from green to a decomposed black that transformed into threads of chakra and then faded away, leaving Neji's forehead clean and without any marks.

Everyone at the table, except for Hinata and Neji, looked in astonishment at Neji's forehead. Fortunately, Naruto had found the cursed seal among Danzo's files. Danzo had used it as a model to create his own seal, so Naruto had extensive knowledge about it.

Thanks to his research on all of Konoha's jutsu, which Tsunade had given him complete freedom for due to the impending threat of the Otsutsuki, Naruto was able to deactivate the seal. Naruto used a small thread from a Truth-Seeking Ball to destroy it, along with a dojutsu to prevent it from taking control of the bearer's chakra and destroying their mind.

"Brother Neji, how do you feel?" Hinata asked, but Neji remained incredulous and couldn't accept his new reality.

The elders didn't understand it either and looked bewildered. Hiashi was slightly better but still frowned.

Naruto knew that Hiashi didn't like the cursed seal and wouldn't use it on his descendants, but that wouldn't undo the division within the Hyuga, as his power was never sufficient to do anything about it.

After several seconds, Neji managed to recover from the shock and looked at Hinata and then at Naruto.

"Brother Neji, starting today, you and my sister will be the first Hyuga I will train to inherit the new clan jutsu I am practicing," Hinata said.

Neji lowered his head to hide his tears, while Gai and Rock Lee already had their noses running. Their team was full of crybabies, though that didn't mean it wasn't an emotional moment. Naruto waited for them to calm down emotionally.

After a couple of minutes, Hinata looked at Naruto, and he, in turn, looked at Hiashi, who sighed.

"Hinata is now the leader of the Hyuga clan, she cannot marry outside the clan," Hiashi said as a desperate last resort. Naruto nodded in understanding.

If Hinata were to marry outside the clan, her children would bear her husband's surname, which was unacceptable for the clan. With this, Naruto had to be the one to marry into the clan, adopting their surname, so he would be Naruto Hyuga, and there wouldn't be an issue, except that very few men in this world would accept such a thing, and Hiashi was using it as a last-ditch effort to make him back down.

"Father-in-law, don't worry, my family is already aware of this point," Naruto said, while Tsunade and Jiraiya nodded. "Father-in-law, at this very moment, I will move here and call you father," Naruto affirmed confidently. Hiashi looked at him, horrified and struggling to maintain his composure.

"That won't be necessary," Hiashi said, making an effort to control himself.

"Very well, then let's start the celebration," Naruto said and looked at Hinata, who nodded with her head down.

Naruto snapped his fingers, and a spatial hole formed, from which people appeared with trays of food, tables, decorations, and more.

His companions understood that the formal tone had ended, and Sakura, Ino, and Tenten rushed over to Hinata.

"Naruto, you have to go," Hinata said nervously, glancing at her bed and then back at him.

"Hinata, you have very good instincts," Naruto said with a mischievous grin as he approached.

"Na… Na… Naruto, we can't…" Naruto kissed her on the lips.

"You look beautiful," Naruto whispered in her ear as his hands caressed her body. Hinata moaned, and any resistance disappeared.

In the morning, they lay naked on Hinata's large bed. She curled up against his chest, and Naruto sighed.

"This is what it feels like to be the happiest person in the world," Naruto said, inhaling happiness.

Hinata blushed and gently tapped his chest as she was left speechless by his comment. Naruto kissed her on the forehead.

"Hinata, it's already dawn; the maids will be here soon," Hinata whispered when she could regain her voice. Naruto sighed.

"Hinata, we'll get married tomorrow," Naruto declared.

"We'll get married in a year!" Hinata said nervously.

"Well, at least I'll have fun sneaking into this place at night," Naruto said. Hinata hit his chest, but in the distance, footsteps could be heard, and she grabbed a sheet to put on her pajamas.

Naruto grimaced and reluctantly gathered his clothes to return to his own room.

After freshening up, Naruto returned to his underground training field, where Jiraiya was waiting for him, having been absent for several months. Jiraiya made a face when he saw him.

"Kid, if Hiashi Hyuga finds out, he'll use all his strength to cut off your balls," Jiraiya said with a resigned sigh, more envious than hopeless. Naruto blinked but then shrugged.

"It's not like I can do anything about it. Besides, how would he find out? You know me, but he won't notice any difference," Naruto said. Jiraiya made another face.

"Don't visit the clan on an official visit for a few months," Jiraiya advised, as his morale was already low, and if he said anything, it would be to ask for details. But he knew that Naruto would break his bones if he dared to ask, so he didn't mention it.

"Master, here you go," Naruto said, taking out a vial of red serum with a hand movement through space. "This is your last vial," Naruto said, as he had given Jiraiya and Tsunade the full treatment, just like with Hinata. However, in Jiraiya's case, it had been delayed due to his constant travels outside the village. Jiraiya sighed and took the vial.

Jiraiya's appearance hadn't changed too much, but all the signs of aging on his face had disappeared, making him look like a man in his thirties or forties.

"Naruto, your beauty treatment hasn't worked; Tsunade still kicks me every time she sees me," Jiraiya complained with regret. Naruto gritted his teeth and felt the urge to kick him.

"Looks aren't everything! Stop writing perverted things and spying in public restrooms!" Naruto scolded indignantly.

It was clear that no woman would want to be with this pervert if he didn't change his ways, no matter how good or bad he looked. Even Tsunade once said she'd rather be with the cold-blooded killer Orochimaru than be this guy's girlfriend with all his nonsense, but he didn't get the hint and continued to act like a pervert.

"Naruto, a man must respect himself and uphold his principles," Jiraiya said seriously. Naruto had a twitch in his eye.

"Wise Pervert, don't try to justify the unjustifiable. What you're doing is defending your lack of principles," Naruto scolded, but he wasn't in the mood and prepared to start his physical training. With his new body, rest was a thing of the past. Naruto only paused his physical training for meals and sneaking into the Hyuga clan.

"Master, Tsunade is a young woman again. If you don't get serious and continue with your nonsense, someone else will take your place," Naruto warned and started his training while Jiraiya looked scared.

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