
Chapter One: Kyo Kagurazaka

Kyo was a strange name for a girl, especially for a doll-like girl with eye-catching red hair and sparkling baby blue eyes. Though the inn-keeper who found her by the doorstep seemed to think otherwise.

"I think it's a rather suiting name for this kid. She got these eyes that seemed to see through you, ya'know, like your secrets are bare before her. I mean, when you look at her eyes, there seem to be nothing. Creepy, yeah? But fascinating too, ya'know. That's why I call her Kyo(void)." Was what he said.

No one knew where this girl came from and who her parents were. All they knew was that one day, by the doorstep of the famous inn in town, she appeared. She was not crying or fussing, only looking around her with big curious eyes.

The inn-keeper fell in love the moment their eyes met and she smiled at him.

His name was Iwataru Kagurazaka and he named her Kyo Kagurazaka, much to the displease of the women in town.

When she was three months old, Kyo was already walking and when she was one year old, she could already speak fluently, making her adoptive father proud.

"A genius that girl is."

"Iwataru is so lucky to pick her up."

The man himself seemed to agree with the words of the villagers. So on Kyo's first birthday, Iwataru taught her chakra.

"Do you know what chakra is, Kyo?" Iwataru asked.

"...Is that not the thing that is present in every object and every people?"

"Eh??? You already knew??? That's not fair!" Iwataru whined. "More like, how good of a sensor are you when you can sense that much? To think that I was beaten by a kid. Wait, are you a toddler or a kid? Oh, by the love of Uzumaki girl's butt!"

At age one, Kyo found out that her adoptive father was actually an unreliable, perverted, and whiny retired ninja. And apparently, she belonged to this Uzumaki clan he loved so much.

For the first time in her life, Kyo thought as she watched her adoptive father drooling over a picture of a beautiful Uzumaki, she had an urge to beat someone up. Painfully. So she asked:

"Dad, can you teach me how to fight and use chakra?"

Iwataru's face lit up immediately, unaware of his adoptive daughter's motive.

"Of course!"

And of course, he would regret it.

Nine Months Later

"I don't get it!!!" Iwataru wailed in despair. "How can anyone be so good at chakra manipulation?!!?" Letting out another wail, Iwataru crushed the wolf in his arms.

"Dad, I think you should let go of that wolf. He's dying." Kyo really could not bear to keep watching her father crushing that wolf with mere strength.

Making choking sounds, the silver wolf flailed its only free arm to Iwataru's face.

"Listen..! Lis-ten..!!" the wolf then spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Oh… Sorry, Wakabe. I didn't mean it." Iwataru apologized with a crestfallen expression.

"Are you trying to kill me for real?! What's with your expression, huh!??!!" The wolf, Wakabe, broke free once Iwataru loosened his grip. "Anyway, since you found an Uzumaki, then let the girl sign the contract."

"Oh." Iwataru said.

"'Oh' your head! Hurry up!" Wakabe growled.

"Okay, okay," Iwataru put his hands up then beckoned Kyo to get closer.

"Kyo," Iwataru began. "Let me introduce to you. This is Wakabe from the summons of the Uzumaki line."

"So Uzumakis mostly contract with wolves?" Kyo asked. Iwataru had crammed every ninja related thing in her head the past nine months, so she was now quite knowledgeable about it.

"No. This is Wakabe from the Fox Summoning Clan."

".….Excuse me, did you just say fox?" That wolf belonged to a fox clan?!