
Tag You're It

I woke up yawning and thinking about the previous day.

'Imprinting seals onto your body is such an ingenious way of using sealing jutsu seamlessly. I also didn't think about the effect that it would have with me and Kushina's seal either. I'm glad everything worked out though.'



"The second seal was much easier than the first seal, Yoko-sensei."

"Perhaps it was, or maybe it was just because you knew what to expect. It's all in how you look at things," she said back somewhat enigmatically.

I nodded as I felt Kushina and my seal pulse. "Hey, are you doing ok? I've been feeling weird chakra fluctuations from you for the past 40ish minutes."

Grinning, I replied back, "Yeah, everything is fine. I'm just learning how to imprint seals into my chakra system so that I can use the seals without hand signs or a previously made paper tag."

"Oh, that's not fair! I want to learn too."

I chuckled and sent back a reply, "Don't worry, when I get the chance to go over to Konoha I'll make sure to see if you are able to learn this as well. I won't let you lose out on any of our clan's techniques because the Leaf Village wanted you."

"Thank you, Shi, I appreciate you."

I smiled at the appreciation I felt come through our seal. "You're welcome, Kush, you are my sister after all. No one in our clan gets left behind, right?"

"Right!" She answered back.


Next thing I want to do is expand into the realm of creating jutsus. From what I remember, I should have talent in this field and it shouldn't be too hard for me to do this.'

Walking to our backyard, I grabbed an apple to eat for breakfast as I passed the kitchen and sat down to meditate in the middle of the lush grass.

'So jutsus are comprised of one main thing and that would be chakra. This chakra is then moved through the body and is molded using hand seals in order to change its nature. I just have to find out which ways the hand seals mold chakra, once I figure out this fundamental part I should be able to string together different hand seals in order to create a jutsu to my liking.'

Starting with the dog seal, I slowly went through each and every seal to see which of the seals my chakra responded to the most. My results were somewhat expected especially since I've already practiced storm release a lot up to this point.

The five seals that seemed to respond the most to the chakra were the snake, tiger, bird, dragon, and rabbit seals. Taking my findings I started chaining together more and more combinations of different hand seals to see what would happen.

"Hare, snake, dragon. No, the chakra becomes unbalanced then. Snake, bird. Nope I almost blew my hand off with the energy buildup in my hand there."

This went on for a solid three and a half hours of exploring all 12 different hand signs and finally landing on a combination that allowed me to gather a stable enough amount of storm chakra in my hand.

I opened my eyes and raised my eyebrows. "This feels different, more controlled than any of my previous attempts. Perhaps I'm getting close with the theory on this one."

I went back and changed one seal, the dragon sign, as I've figured the sign corresponds to amplifying the power of a jutsu. Replacing this seal with a tiger seal that helps with amplifying just the lightning aspect of my chakra, I put together the new sequence.

"Snake -> Bird -> Tiger -> Dog." My storm chakra built up in my index finger tip and shot out with a streak of light hitting a tree and disintegrating a hole about a half an inch thick through 4 trees in a row.

My eyes were sparkling and I was smiling as wide as the sea as I looked through the 4 consecutive holes. "Wow, and that even had the desired effect and everything."

The jutsu I had wanted to create was somewhat inspired by my old world as well as this one. Essentially what I wanted to do was take the Hozuki clan's water gun jutsu and add storm release chakra into it to make it even more deadly.

"I think a good name for it would possibly be Storm Release: Laser Tag. The only downside of this jutsu is that since it doesn't rely on hydroification it can't be used seal-less but regardless it was still a good experience to get my first ever jutsu creation under my belt."

Standing up, I went over and aimed at a few more trees seeing how far the range of the jutsu was and if it also had the same properties as the laser circus jutsu. My results were as follows; the jutsu length was around 500 feet of range (152 meters) and it did not have the same properties. To me it seems that performing the laser tag jutsu is way faster in both the speed at which the seals are able to be formed and also the speed it gets shot out at.

"This could be a really good assassination jutsu if I ever need it for whatever reason. It can be shot from a good amount of distance away and it is also a really fast jutsu that arrives at its target a few seconds earlier than the laser circus would."

Knock knock knock

Looking over to the fence gate, I saw my jonin sensei standing there leaning against the post looking at me weirdly.

"Oh hey, what's going on sensei?"

"We received another mission from the old man, pack your stuff and grab your two other teammates and meet me at the Uzukage's office, he'll explain what's going to happen from there."

"Ok, sounds good. Oh by the way you want to see the new jutsu I just created today? It's not too impressive but I thought it was pretty cool.

I swear I could almost see Hanzo choke on air as I said this sentence but he kept his remarkably calm expression firmly in place.

"Sure you weirdo." He responded back eyeing me down.

Performing the jutsu he nodded his head seeming to grade the jutsu. "Not bad, I would give it at most a c-rank but it's probably better off in d-rank since any ninja above a low chunin level could dodge it."

I bobbed my head back and forth taking in his words. "Yeah you're probably right about that, not too deadly for anyone competent enough."

"Alright, enough stalling." He flickered away leaving me to clean up the backyard and pack my stuff in a sealing scroll.

'I should also probably leave a note for mom and dad to let them know I'll be out of the village for a while.' Taking out a piece of paper and some ink, I left a note.

Flickering towards Kiyoko's residence, I knocked on her door and her parents answered.

"Oh hey Shiran, do you need Kiyoko for some reason?" Her mom asked me with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, we just received a mission call, could you tell Kiyoko and have her meet us at the Uzukage's office?

"Oh yeah, I can do that for ya" She smiled at me.

"Awesome thank you!" I yelled over my shoulder, flickering towards Benimaru's house and giving the same speech to his dad who answered the door.

Within 7 minutes, all of us were at the office and kneeling in front of our kage.

"This is a bit of a weird mission." The third Uzukage prefaced.

(A/N: After this next mission is when the second shinobi war will be starting.)


70 powerstones for an extra chapter

120 for 2 extra

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