
Chapter 105

Upon entering the tent, Jiraiya immediately turned his attention to Kurenai, Rin, and Shizune, and then frowned at Yeruashi.

He never had such popularity in his youth and was not surrounded by girls, in those days, girls usually gathered around Orochimaru.

This is very similar to the scenes from the past, in addition, Yeruashi is a student of Orochimaru, because of this, Jiraiya involuntarily frowned.

But it's okay.

His student Minato is also good, no worse than Erase.

"How are your injuries?"

Jiraiya nodded in response to the greeting of the girls and asked about the status of Erase.

Although their status was very different, but in this battle, Yeruashi became a hero by killing Chiyo, so after finishing up the piled-up business, Jiraiya immediately went to see him.

"I thank Senior Jiraiya for his concern, Teacher Tsunade said that everything will be fine."

"That's good..."

Jiraiya nodded, and then noticed something wrong, and looked at Erase: "What did you just call Tsunade?"

Erase grinned: "I asked my teacher Tsunade to teach me Irelands and she agreed."


Sannin's expression became unnatural, the corner of his mouth twitching.

Two of the three Sannins became Yeruashi's teachers, although Jiraiya had no intention of suppressing him, but now even if such an idea arose, it would be impossible to implement it.

He is not afraid of Orochimaru, but with Tsunade it is different, she is much more aggressive and hot-tempered, if she knew about something like this, she would chase Jirayu all over the Land of Fire.

Son Of The White Fang.

Student of Orochimaru and Tsunade.

The hero who killed Chiyo.

Erase not even eleven, but he was already surrounded by so bright a halo, his position is far superior to any conventional Jounin, having advanced a little, he will stand nearly equal with the Sannin.

"That's right..."

Jiraiya said thoughtfully and changed the subject: "In Konoha decided to raise your rank to Jounin, and the Third Hokage had personally assigned you to the position of Zokuzoku Jounin."

Hearing these words, Rin and Shizune didn't react in any way, in their opinion, Yeruashi's promotion to Jounin was quite natural, but Kurenai couldn't help but be surprised.

Zokuzoku Jounin!

This is different from a regular Jounin!

Kurenai's father is a Jounin, so she has a certain understanding of the structure of the top of Konoha, and knows that the duties of Jounins vary, as a rule, they are part of the departments of the Anbu, security, torture and so on, reporting directly to the commanders of their departments.

In comparison, the Chokuzoku Jounins are not under anyone's command, they can only be mobilized by the Hokage personally!

It turns out...

Now without a direct order of Hiruzen, even Orochimaru, Jiraiya or Danzo have no right to command Erase.

"It seems that Lord Hokage appreciated my merits, it is a great honor."

Erasi replied with a smile.

This promotion didn't come as too much of a surprise, now even Hiruzen and Danzo can't ignore his power, and he's also Orochimaru's student, so placing him in one of the departments wasn't the best option.

The position of Chokuzoku Jounin is the most suitable option, although his status is now much higher than that of any ordinary Jounin holding a position in one of the departments, but in fact, it does not give any real power.

At the same time, he can't be mobilized by anyone other than the Hokage, so without Hiruzen's direct approval, no Konoha shinobi will be able to command Yeruashi.

"I have to go, get well."

Jiraiya nodded and left the tent, a few shinobi who were waiting for him right at the entrance glanced at Yeruashi, but there was no envy or disagreement in their gazes.

Although Yeruashi has completed very few missions, but given the strength and efficiency shown in the past battle, he is qualified enough to take the position of Chokuzoku Jounin.

This status.

Well deserved.

After Jiraiya left, Kurenai and the others let out a sigh of relief.

As in the case of Tsunade, when they met with Jiraiya, they felt a strong pressure, because these are the shinobi who have the highest status in Konoha, second only to the Hokage, Danzo and the elders, in addition, Jiraiya is the commander of this front-line camp, this gap in status is too large.

"I didn't expect you to become a Jounin so quickly, it's just unbelievable."

Kurenai turned and looked admiringly on Erase.

She had never doubted Yeruashi's ability to become a Jounin, even during her time at the academy, she had no doubts about it, but it had all happened too quickly, they had only graduated from the academy about a year ago.

"This is not surprising."

Erase smiled: "In the future you will be Goninan."

Kurenai nodded resolutely, she couldn't let her father down and had to become a Jounin.


Erase now Jounin.

If she didn't become a Jounin in the future, then their status gap would be too big, perhaps it would be difficult for her to even see Yeruashi.

Like Kurenai, Rin also felt the urge to become a Jounin as quickly as possible, only Shizune was indifferent to this, she almost never goes to the village, all the time traveling with Tsunade, and does not attach much importance to such things.


Just at this moment Shizune remembered something, leaned toward Erase and whispered something in his ear.

Hearing Shizune's words, Yeruashi looked at Kurenai and Rin, thinking that a "terrifying calamity" was about to break out: "Help me, I should be able to move by now."


Under the eyes of Kurenai and Rin, Shizune helped Erase to rise.

Although his muscles still ached, he was already able to move with help.

Kurenai and Rin watched the scene in silence for a while, and then one of them asked suspiciously: "Shizune, what did you just say? What are you going to do with Erase? Hm..."

"You're not supposed to know about this."

Shizune replied calmly and took Erase to the exit of the tent.

Rin and Kurenai looked at each other, why are they "not supposed to"?! Rin immediately stood up and supported Erase on the other side.

As they were leaving the tent, she suddenly realized what Shizune meant and turned her head unnaturally.

Seeing Shizune's nod, Rin immediately turned to Kurenai, who still didn't understand, "Ah, Kurenai! We'll be right back, em...Erase already hungry, go get something to eat before we returned."

Kurenai looked suspiciously at Shizune and Rin, she instinctively felt that the two had reached some kind of secret agreement, but still felt that Rin was right, because she herself felt hungry at that moment, Yeruashi really had to eat.

"Okay, I'll prepare lunch. But you must be extremely careful! Until recovery of Erase still have a few days."

"Don't worry, we will neither like Iranina and qualified in the care of patients."

Rin smiled sweetly.

Looking after Shizune, Rin and Erase, Kurenai left to get food.

Rin lowered her head, not daring to look at Erase, and constantly asserted in his heart that the care of incapacitated patients is the responsibility of Iranina.

"Rin, you can come back too, I can handle it alone."

Shizune tried to speak as naturally and naturally as possible.

Rin said a little hesitantly, " No...looking at the state of Erase, it will be uncomfortable to move only with your support."

Listening to their conversation, Erase could not help but say: "In fact...you could ask some guy to help you..."

"Oh ... that...don't...that won't do...we are qualified Iryenin and will provide you with the best possible care."

Rin blushed and protested in confusion.


Erase sighed helplessly and shook his head.

https://www.pa treon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

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