
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Tranh châm biếm
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77 Chs

Chapter 74 - Raiding the Final Bosses Hideout

"I haven't seen you hold that serious expression before preparing for a mission in a long time."

In Kagami's doorway, Taiyō leaned on the frame as his wrinkled hands held a wooden cane. While one of his legs had bandages wrapped in.

"The upcoming mission is a bit tricky, is all." Kagami answered. "What happened to your leg? Did you and Tatsu get a bit rough playing?"

"We went to the casino and I accidentally stepped in a small hole and rolled my ankle." Taiyō grumbled. "It's hard to stay in the house when you and Mira get going. The walls are thin and you two aren't exactly quiet."

"Well blame him for being so energetic. Even after a long day he is still full of energy." Mira grumbled. "He likes an endless bundle of energy."

Kagami just rubbed the back of his head. He did feel a bit bad but, why did the conversion start to sound a bit off. It is not like he or Mira were doing anything bad or that he was a ways off.

"Despite spending a quarter of the day in his laboratory, he still brings home trinkets to tinker with at night." Mira clenched her fist in annoyance. "Do you know how many times I stepped or sat on one of his tools he leaves laying around? I've about  had it with screwdrivers poking my ass."

"I said I was sorry." Kagami waved off her anger. "I did make it up to you though."

"Yeah you did." Mira lightly blushed as she held her cheeks and twisted.

"All I ask is that you two get married before you pop out my great grandchild." Taiyō grumbled, clearly talking about this and not Kagami tinkering. "I wouldn't know how to face my old rival otherwise when I meet him again.

Kagami just scratched the back of his head, while Mira glared daggers at the old man. She just left for a last minute check over of her equipment. Clearly the conversation got out of hand. Though, with how Taiyō bursted out laughing, Kagami felt the old man did it on purpose. It wouldn't be the first time the man was clearly heavily hinting at his desire.

"Well, back on track. It's been a while since you two went on a mission. Is it necessary for you two and not assign a team to do it." Taiyō asked with concern, lacing his voice.

"It is for we are the only two Sages in the village and Jiraiya half learned sage mode isn't enough for the enemies we are facing." Kagami answered. "Truthfully, I'm not so worried about the two, but the third member who is more slippery than anything."

Taiyō nodded, "Do you have any idea how strong the foes you are facing are?"

Rubbing his chin, Kagami thought for a moment. "Probably around Jiraiya or stronger. Nothing to worry about as I can handle both of them with a bit of effort by myself. So Mira is tasked with sealing the third member and probably the most dangerous of them. Though his combat isn't strong, his silver tongue and planning is on a different level."

It was, after all, still seven-sih years away from when the Fourth Shinobi War took place. So Obito and Nagato, while still strong, aren't quite to the level they were in the manga. Not that it mattered to him even if they were, as he felt sure he could beat them.

Taiyō just looked at him before sighing. "Just be careful."

"Always. I haven't achieved my goal of finding the limit of chakra natures." Kagami smiled brightly.


Inside the Hokage Office, Hiruzen was smoking on a pipe as he began to review some papers. While next to him was a woman who appeared to be in her thirties with long blonde hair, near perfect skin and a body that speaks to men's desire. All with a blue diamond in the middle of her forehead as she grumbled at the papers before her.

"What kind of mission requires the Shadow Hokage and the Anbu commander to go out together to complete." Tsunade shouted angrily. "This wasn't part of the agreement either."

"When they are the only ones in the village who can face this foe without a lot of casualties." Hiruzen answered. "Well, that's what Kagami told me and I get a feeling he's down playing it a bit."

"Really? Then is it fine for them to go out by themselves?" Tsunade asked. "It will be bad if the next Hokage dies before taking over this job."

"Kagami isn't that far from reaching Hashirama level when he was at his peak if he hasn't surpassed him yet. Mira isn't that far behind him so very few could challenge them." Hiruzen waved off the concern. "Kagami is terrifying once he gets angry."

Tsunade just snorted at this comment before continuing to work. While she listens to stories of her grandfather's feats of strength as a young child. She felt some facts were exaggerated, so she thought Kagami was of a similar level to herself and Jiraiya or a bit stronger. 


In a forest, Kagami and Mira looked down at a large pit where a large skeleton lay exposed. Down below they can see an entrance to what looked like a cave. So crouching on the edge, Kagami and Mira looked at it all with amber eyes as eye shadows appeared around their eyes.

"I'm sensing ten people inside. One with great hostility while the rest aren't far behind." Mira said.

"Same, however six of them are dead and two don't seem to be alive nor dead." Kagami added. "It's like they are there and yet not. So those are the ones you need to seal and not let them slip away."

Mira nodded, "What about the other eight?"

"I will handle them. Just worry about the two because if they escape, it will be beyond bad compared to the rest." Kagami said as no emotions could be heard or seen like normal.

"Be careful." Mira murmured as he nodded.

Then both jumped into the pit and began to rush into the hideout full of hidden and last bosses.

Thanks for Reading.

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