
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Tranh châm biếm
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86 Chs

Chapter 16 : I respect my mom

Short chapter because we will have a time skip next one .

if you have anything to say or want me to add then just tell and i will consider it because i am slowly running out of ideas , so your help is much appreciated .


I slowly bow down lower until my forehead touched the floor . The room was quiet , the gesture spoke louder than words .

I have thought a lot in this past 5 years and half, me being lazy, prideful, brash, undisciplined, introvert and ARROGANT .

Lucifer's arrogance led to his fall from grace. Lucifer became consumed by pride and believed he could surpass God's authority. This arrogance led to his rebellion against God, and he was subsequently cast out of Heaven, becoming known as Satan or the Devil. His defiance and pride ultimately resulted in his downfall and transformation into a figure of evil and temptation.

And i don't want the same thing happen to me, i don't want to die because of my own arrogance and pride .

Not get rid of it, control it so it wouldn't cloud my judgement but have enough of it so no one could step on me without thinking about the consequences  .

I have seen and hated enough MCs that tolerate shits that happen to them and do nothing about it but i can't be like them, no even more that i have inherited some of Garou's personality. I have a straight forward personality now and can't stand somethings, if someone  throws a stone at me then i throw two back . That's who i am now and can't change it anymore .

My head still on the floor in a dogeza position. Something that i absolutely didn't want to do to anyone who doesn't deserve it but then i thought about the time i have spent in this household .

' If anyone deserves anything in this world, then it's my parents . They have done things to me that no one will be ready to do so anytime . They were not ordered or anything to take care of me . I am in debt, and i hate unrepaid debts ' i thought

" i am ... " i pause a little bit before continuing " very sorry my dear mother " i said . " i promise i won't worry you again . Please forgive this pathetic son of yours "

Then i slowly look up to see my mom looking at me with tears in her eyes before she lunged at me and hug me .

" it's ok baby, just promise me * sob*  that you will take care of yourself. I thought that i lost you, you know ! " she replied between her sobs .

I hug her back feeling very blessed that i have someone to turn to when there are people out there wishing to have even %1 of what i have .

" i promise " i said before i get into her embrace more .

But for there is an ending for everything good . And that ending sometimes comes in the form of your closest ones as i feel one more pair of arms hug me and mom .

" hehe so when will you do a dogeza to me too son ? " i hear my father whisper in my ear while laughing creepily as i get tick marks on my head .

I instantly get away from mom before i deliver a crescent kick that has a circular trajectory aiming for his head but he grabs My leg and i rotate my self at that instant to deliver a spinning kick at his abdomen .

* PAW * 

He blocks it with his palm .

" now now, that's just rude kid, i just wanted to receive an apology too . " he said with a pitiful expression at the end .

" NEVER !! "  i shout before...

* swoosh *

Running back to my room feeling embarrassed .

Ayaka's POV /

i look at the embarrassed face of my lovely son who was running back to his room and look at hiroshi smugly .

" i won the bet hiroshi . I told you that he'll come to apologise " i said to him .

' Tch '

" who would have thought that he will actually do it sighhh , so what do you want ? "

" ohhh well i heard that there was a new clothes shop selling .... or that store my friends talking about having new type of ..... or that ... or that ..... or that ... "

" NOOOOOOOO !!! " 

And hiroshi died of heart attack that night