
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Tranh châm biếm
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158 Chs

Chapter no.86

Read ( +30 ) advance chapters on Patr.eon.



"Welcome to the chunin exam finals! My name is Shiranui Genma and I will be the proctor for these exams."

He said as much to the genin as to the audience. "Every genin here today had worked hard to get to this point of their careers and have already made their respective villages proud by doing so...However you are here today to show the strength of you village and which of you has what it takes to become chunin!" The crowd cheered as they knew the matches would be starting any moment now. "So without further ado we will now begin the matches for the tournament!"

Uzumaki-Namikaze Natsuki vs. Sabaku no Temari

Genma walked over to where the proctor judged the match from and looked at the lineup. "The first match will be Uzumaki-Namikaze Natsuki versus Sabaku no Temari! Will those two please make their way to the center of the arena. All other contestants, please make your way up to the contestant's booth to observe the match." All of the other genin walked towards the stairs up to their booth, leaving only Natsuki and Temari behind.

Temari's appearance had not changed much over the month, she still wore her usual battle dress that was made for purposes such as this. Natsuki however changed into a more revealing attire, which many of the men in Konoha were pleased to see. She wore a small black tank top that ended just above her stomach, underneath was a short-sleeved mesh shirt. She had on a short blue skirt, black shinobi sandals, and knee-length tights. She wore her beautiful scarlet hair down as usual and her katana was positioned at her waist.

Genma looked between the two kunoichi before speaking, "The same rules apply here that were applied during the preliminary rounds. I trust you remember them?" He received nods from both girls. "First match of the chunin exam finals, Uzumaki-Namikaze Natsuki vs. Sabaku no Temari. Begin!" He yelled as he swung his hand down from above his head to signal the start of the match.

Natsuki immediately reached down to her waist and unsheathed her katana. She locked eyes with the Suna-nin who had unstrapped her fan from her back and they charged at each other. Normally one wouldn't use a war fan in combat against a sword, but it seemed as if Temari had no other choice. The girls traded slash after slash in an attempt to gain the edge in this fight. Natsuki brought out her katana into a stab, but it was easily blocked by Temari. The Suna kunoichi then brought her fan back, intent on slamming it into Natsuki's side, but the girl managed to bring her sword up in time to lessen the blow.

Natsuki was sent flying across the field until she flipped in mid-air and drove her feet into the ground, slowing her down until she stopped completely. She looked up and saw that Temari had already opened her fan until all three stars were showing. She silently cursed to herself. She had been trying to stop Temari from creating any distance between them so she couldn't use her Futon jutsu, but it seemed as if she was too late.

"Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Wind Scythe Jutsu)!" With a single swing of her fan, Temari created a giant air current which collided with one another resulting in a large vacuum pocket. Natsuki knew that if she was hit by this jutsu she would be assaulted by countless wind blades and the tide of the battle would turn in her favor. She would not let that happen. She wouldn't be beaten so easily.

Natsuki quickly sheathed he sword and weaved a few hand seals and began molding chakra in her lungs. "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu)!" Natsuki expelled a single stream of fire from her mouth that took the form of a fairly large orb and soon engulfed the oncoming Futon Jutsu. The wind only served to accelerate the flames as they became hotter and moved at faster speeds toward Temari.

The blonde kunoichi cursed as she channeled chakra to her feet and jumped far to her right as the flames shot right passed her. She looked over to her opponent and saw her panting fairly hard.

Natsuki had found out that she had three elemental affinities, Futon, Raiton, and Suiton. She had gotten her Suiton affinity from her mother and her Raiton and Futon affinities from her father. She didn't have a Katon affinity but Kakashi had taught he some Katon jutsu anyways because she was up against a Futon user in her first match. Because she didn't have an affinity for it, Katon jutsus took much more chakra than any of her other elements.

Temari couldn't waste too much chakra right now, so she would have to resort to other methods. She pulled out three kunai with exploding tags attached from her weapons pouch and through them at the still form of Natsuki. Natsuki was forced to dodge the kunai as they impacted the ground, but she hadn't noticed the exploding tags attached and was blown away a good distance by the explosion.

She slowly got up, slightly ragged from the impact of the blast, and quickly unsheathed her sword to block the shuriken that were coming at her. Natsuki quickly rushed at Temari once more. Temari was quickly on the defense because she didn't want to waste to much charka here in a fight such as this one. Natsuki was wildly slashing at Temari, not giving her a chance to break free from the clash or gain any distance between them. Finally Natsuki managed to get inside her guard and slashed her across the stomach. It was a shallow slash, but she still managed to draw first blood.

Natsuki jumped back and went through a few more hand seals. "Suiton: Teppodama (Water Release: Gunshot)!" She sent three large, condensed balls of water towards Temari, who easily dodged. The fast moving projectiles continued and impacted the ground next to her, leaving only small cracks.

Natsuki was about to fire more of the same jutsu at her, but Temari quickly raised her arm. "Proctor, I forfeit. It's obvious my Futon jutsu won't do me any good here and I don't have many other techniques besides that." Genma quickly nodded his head, accepting the answer and stepped forward.

"Winner by forfeit, Uzumaki-Namikaze Natsuki!"

The crowd erupted in a roar as they continued to cheer on one of the favorites of the tournament. Temari turned around and walked up the stairs towards the contestant's booth, leaving a confused Natsuki behind. She had thought the fight would have kept on going, Temari obviosly had plenty of chakra left and didn't even look tired in the slightest. She stared on for a few moments before making her way up to the booth as well.