
field test

A month has passed since that first day and so far my physical training is showing great results, my stamina has increased massively and my strength grows by the day, my current work out is nothing impressive I just do a watered down version of saitama's work out

25 pushups

25 sit ups

25 squats

5km run everyday

While I know my body is far superior to my old one Im still 6 so no excessive workouts for me yet but I'll get there eventually, for now I need to rest up because tomorrow is the monthly field test.

Im very confident in getting first place, the only person who might come close is sasuke but his current self is nothing to worry about hell even when he goes full emo he won't be competition at least not until he gets the curse mark.

Next morning I wake up take a shower, eat breakfast, say goodbye to my parents and then head to the academy.

When I arrive at the academy and walk into my class I'm surprised to see I'm the last one to arrive even naruto was here bright and early, when I slide the door open and walk in every one looks at me and start whispering.

"I wonder who is going to dethrone the civilian princess from the top spot" a random student asks

"It will obviously be sasuke-kun" a fan girl said with love struck eyes

I roll my eyes and head to my seat ignoring the whispers, ever since that first day of me sitting next to sasuke the girls in the class no longer hesitate to sit next to him, hell some even say in the courtyard to wait for him to arive so they can try to guarantee a seat next to him since he likes the window seat.

It was always made out to be somthing funny in the anime but watching it in real life makes me almost feel bad for the cunt, if the roles were reversed the teachers would have stepped in by now, at the same time tho its not the kids fault its the ninja culture's fault.

Ninja culture tells the girls to obsess over. and latch onto the rich clan kids if you wanna live a good life and while the uchiha aren't the richest clan they damn sure are wealthy and talented, add their good looks and you have kunoichi catnipp.

There was an empty seat next to naruto and he was looking at me expectantly but I ingnored him completely and sat next to kiba who had a victorious look on his face while looking at sasuke who was ingnoring him.

Naruto seeing me ingnoring him sagged in his seat like a sad puppy but quickly hid it and returned to his chipper mood but I knew I how he felt on the inside.

I felt like shit doing that but like cookie lyon said "i gotta put me first"

I can't be seen with talking with him due to my affiliation with the civilian council plus I know for a fact that mizuki is watching me like a hawk just waiting for me to do something wrong so he can discredit me and my grandparents.

On top of that the other civilian kids would tell their parents thus making the support my family gets drop significantly which would cause my grandparents to get on my case, while I'm not afraid of them if we fall out now my ninja recources would disappear along with my protection from danzo.

'Sorry naruto, I promise to be a good friend to you if we're put on the same team' while kicking my self for acting like my old middle elementary school friends who abandoned me durring my time of crisis.

I was brought out of my thoughts when iruka and mizuki sensei's walked in and adressed the class

"Alright students the field test will begin today, you'll be tested on your fitness levels, ninjutsu, taijustsu, and shurikenjustsu." Iruka said as mizuki silently took attendance

"After the tests are done you'll be free to go home afterwards, now we'll be heading out to the training field in 10 minuets so prepare yourselves" iruka said as he prepared some papers and a clip board.

10 minutes later we were walking out side towards the courtyard and i can see the nervousness on the other kids faces as we approached the field, I wasn't really nervous about the whole thing but I was slightly annoyed.

Literally everyone in class especially the girls are praying on my downfall, I mean its expected of course spirit of competition and all that but these basterds could at least not be so open about it.

Ino is whispering and laughing with her possie, hinata is constantly staring at me and while I dont sense any malice I must remind you people that hinata was able to stalk naruto for years even after he unlocked his talent as a sensor, thats some scary shit!

And surprisingly even sasuke is giving me even more of his uchiha glare than usual, and I think shino is also ploting ways to take me down as well but he's so forgettable I usually forget about him.

Shikamaru, choji dont seem to care about the rankings and Im pretty sure kiba is more intrested in trying out due sasuke than me, I'm pretty sure he's sexist because I don't think he even see's me as competition which will most likely change after today.

The first test was the same as the entrance exam an race and an obstacle course the results of both were pretty much the same except ino got third after hinata and my self for the girls.

The boys was entertaining to watch because naruto and kiba were so focused on trying to beat sasuke that they tied on both the race and obstacle course which made them turn their ire towards each other and led to a couple brawls here and there.

"Alright class its time for the shuriken and kunai tests,the girls will go first followed by the boys" iruka called out as we moved towards a field with targets nailed to trees at the opposite side.

As I watched the girls throw their kunai I started to understand why kunoichi are looked down on these girls sucked like really REALLY sucked like I was embarrassed to the point that I hid my head in my hands.

"Sakura haruno step up to the line and grab a pouch" iruka called out

I walked to the line under the whispers of the other kids and grabbed a ninja tool pouch fastened it to my lower back and took position, I grabbed 6 kunai and put them between my fingers, I crossed my arms aimed and threw.

Four out of the six kunai hit the center of the target while the other two hit the outter ring, I grabbed six more and again four hit the bullseye while the latter two hin the edge.

The score was good in my opinion not the best but better than all the girls who went before me, ino's turn came up and she lost to my score by two kunai, to say she was seething was an understatement

When hinata came up she actually got a perfect score which I will admit stung my pride a little but i got over it because well Im not perfect also the byakugan is broken as hell and Im totally not jealous of it or the sharingan... Not at all

The boys up untill the main cast were nothing special, sasuke got a perfect score along with shikamaru everyone else did average except naruto who only hit half the number of targets

"Hmph I expect nothing less from a loser" sasuke said with a sneer

Most of the class started laughing while naruto attempted to attack sasuke but was stopped by iruka and told to go back in line

We took a little break and then it was time for the taijutsu spars, this time the boys started first and naruto immediately challenged sasuke, I expected the fight to be a one shot like in the anime but naruto while had sloppy form and his movements were stiff but he still put up a decent fight and even got a few good punches in before being beaten by sasuke.

Kiba also challenged sasuke and while he had a clear fighting style he surprisingly didn't last nearly as long a naruto did, I'll just attribute that to naruto's stamina and endurance mean while shikamaru gave up before his fights even began and the others did well enough.

"Alright it time for the girls to begin their sp-" iruka was in the middle of his announcement when ino interrupted him.

"I CHALLENGE SAKURA HARUNO" she yelled with a smirk

There were slight gasps heard while everyone looked at me, I sighed as I walked to the training field.

"Ino I can understand your enthusiasm but do not Interrupt again" iruka said withh a sigh, he knew some one would challenge sakura he could tell that everyone especially the girls were practically begging for someone to take her down from the top spot.

"It won't happen again sensei" ino said as she got into the Academy taijutsu stance

I remained silent as I got into a kick boxing stance prepared to curb stomp the girl into the ground.

"What kind of stance is that? Hmph I expect nothing less from a civilian loser" ino said as she and most of the other girls laughed

"Sigh are you girls ready?" Iruka asked with an exasperated expression, we both nodded while keeping eye contact.

"Then begin" he shouted

"Come on civilian princess show me what you can d-" ino couldn't finish her words as I blitzed across the field and punched her in the mouth with a chakra coated fist sending her flying across the field sending her out of bounds.

"..." Silence...

I got out of my stance and tilted my head to the side and put my finger to my lower lip with an confused expression as I looked at ino who sat up from being laid out on her back with a bloodied mouth.

"Did i hit you to hard miss yamanaka-sama" I asked in a mocking tone, I of course held back i didn't want to kill the girl I just wanted to scare her off so she would stop harassing me.

"I-ino is out of bounds sakura wins" iruka said as his eyes were wide in shock while mizuki grit his teeth.

"Does anyone else wish to challenge sakura?" Iruka asked while looking across the field

"..." Silence...

Needless to say no one else clallenged me that day as the field test came to an end, a plus was the fact that the people who used to look at me with mockery and whisper loudly behind my back would look away and quiet down when ever I was nearby except ino of course but she was less blatant about it.

When the scores were anounced at the end of the day i was unfortunately placed second under sasuke due to this scores in the kunai tests, I would have also been under hinata but sge was too timid and lost her taijutsu spars due to constantly passing out from the attention.

All and all while I lost my top spot Im still second so I won't complain and the gossip about me has decreased significantly sone of the other students even started to talk to me, ther were kissing ass course so I ingnored them abd beat up the ones who tried to get forceful with me.

While the Academy isn't as fun as I thought Im still going to do my best to learn everything I can.


A.N: hey guys sorry for the lack of uploads I was brain storming on how to write the Academy arc but I decided to do a time skip summary because while I personally enjoy when other fan fictions dive deeper into the academy due to its irrelevance after the konoha 12 graduate i decided to get past it quickly, i wanna thank everyone who added my story to their collections over my mini break i got so many notifications It made me want to rush my decision on writing the arc but I took my time and came to a decision I dont regret again thank you all for your support and please give me some feed back 😌

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