
Naruto: Surgeon of Death in Boruto

In the timeline of boruto, system leaving after giving the mc some benefits.

Lame_Craze · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

Leaf Village.

Ninja Academy Playground.

In the playground, Shino holding the clipboard stood before the kids of his class, ready to start the test to gouge out everyone's strong and weak points.

Ten logs in the same line with one feet distance from each other were drilled on the ground at the corner, a huge wooden wall standing tall, and other mechanisms required to test the students, were already here.

"This is the finishing line, and the starting line is a little behind those logs, your abilities will be judged at the speed you will cross the hurdles"

"First, you have to run through the gap between every log from the other without stopping and then jump above this wooden wall and lastly arrive at the finishing line as soon as possible"

"This exam is simple, but it is a good way for me to measure your strong and weak points, now one by one whose name is called will come forward"


Shino pointed at the red line near the entrance of the academy, the finishing line, and told the other rules of the test, everyone nodding in understanding.

"Inojin Yamanaka!"

The first one to come forward was the blonde kid who had mocked Boruto earlier, Inojin went to the starting line, and without wasting a moment, he ran towards the logs.


Inojin flashed left and right, passing through the logs, before arriving before the high wooden wall though he didn't seem much flustered and putting force, he jumped up easily going above the wall, landing on the other side safely and started running towards the school gate at full speed.

"That's enough, next, Shikadai Nara!"

Quickly Inojin arrived at the finishing line, only in twenty seconds, Shino at the finishing line just nodded slightly, and motioned the next one to start.

"What a drag…"

"Next, Sarada Uchiha"

"Chocho Akimichi!"

"Iwabe Yuno!!"

"Denki Kaminarimon"

"Boruto Uzumaki!"

After Inojin it was the turn of the kid with a lazy look in his eyes, whose performance stayed true to his eyes, after him one by one everyone demonstrated their abilities.

"Wow! Boruto you're the second best in the class!"

Denki holding a laptop arrived near Boruto and told him the current stats, an excited look over his face.

"Who surpassed me?"

Boruto was a bit curious wondering who was more powerful than him in physical abilities in the whole class.

"It's Iwabe Yuno, even teachers praise him for his physical abilities"

Denki showed the current ranks to Boruto, the name Iwabe at the top and some remarks of teachers on his abilities also in the data.

"Shojiro Ryuma!"

Boruto was surprised but the exam continued, those who had completed sat on the side, waiting for the test to end and go back together.

Shino called out the next name, his voice spreading out in the wide playground, everyone a bit curious who this guy is as the name "Ryuma" seemed to have a kind of attraction.

"Sorry for the delay, Sensei"

The next moment, a voice sounded and a figure walked out of the academy building, he wore a long black unzipped coat reaching his ankles, a dark shirt and blue pants underneath, a white hat on top of his head covering his black hair, a long sword with white cross marks from top to bottom on its scabbard rested on his shoulders, a red rope coiled around it's opening.

"Wow, it's that cool guy" Chocho who from extreme exhaustion sat on the side with Sarada, seeing the figure stood up with full blood, an ecstatic look over his face.

"Damn, he's so cool!" The boys couldn't help but say so, as that lazy face with that attire and sword on his shoulder, gave Ryuma a look which other boys only fantasized to look like.

"Forget about cool, but he surely is tall for his age!"

Shikadai beside Boruto rubbed his head and commented, first time someone so tall despite being only 12.

They all seemed shrimps before him, he didn't want to stand near him, it will only make him feel ashamed.

"These are the rules, now go to starting line" Shino once again told the rules of test to Ryuma who had arrived late and after doing so, he pointed towards the starting line.

Hearing the rules, Ryuma walked through the crowd, eyes due to his strange dressing struck on him, but he ignored them and soon arrived at the starting line.

"Well~ let's take this easy "Thought Ryuma standing at the starting line, the sword still on his shoulders, deciding not to be too attention catching.


Shino looked at the stopwatch for a second before he shouted loudly, pressing its button, starting Ryuma's exam.




"It's done Sensei!"

Ryuma at the starting line squatted a little, gathering some force in his legs, as the next moment, he ejected, the ground under him cracking, a blue light whizzing past everyone blowing their clothes, eyes widened.

But before everyone could say anything, a voice pulled them out of their thoughts as they saw Ryuma with one hand in his pockets and other holding the sword on his shoulders, standing at the finishing line quietly.

"Shojiro Ryuma, 2 seconds, Brilliant!"

Shino was surprised at the result before a wide smile appeared on his face, as looking at the stop watch, he announced the result in a loud voice, satisfaction in his tone.

"It seems he is exceptionally good in Taijutsu" Thought Shino looking at the cracked ground, as it reminded him of Lee in his younger days, only he was this fast despite being so young.

"Damn 2 seconds, it took me 10 seconds!" Boruto who stood with Shikadai and Denki, couldn't help but point out loudly, an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"Wow, so strong!" Chocho exclaimed as well, clapping her hands, a blush on her chubby face, her shining eyes stuck at Ryuma who quietly stood at the finishing line.

"Well~ that was unexpected" Sarada pushed her glasses, a light flashing in them, not knowing what she was thinking.