
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

chapter 6

Hokage tower

Sakumo moved into the Hokage's office and took a seat in one of the armchairs before the old mans desk. Shikaku fallowed after the man not sure what was waiting them from what the man next to him had to say. Dragon went and stood next to the aged leader.

"I got something here that you might not like. There where a few of Danzo's little Roots left out in the world." Said Sakumo as he handed the scroll over to Sarutobi as the old man took it and looked at the strange broken seal on it. He raised an eyebrow as he looked back at Sakumo.

"So, your network has out down Jiraiya's once more?" Asked Sarutobi as he sighed and unrolled the scrolled the scroll and began reading it. One could only laugh at all the reactions run across his face as Dragon read over his shoulder.

Once he was done, he handed it over to Shikaku to read and he had a look of horror on his lazy face.

"So, what you have here is true. Then Danzo was truly a trader and has been working with my trader of a student for a very long time. For it also talks about how he wanted to put sleepers in the clans with the clan heads children. But I will have Inoichi and Jiraiya look for any seals and triggers once more." Said Sarutobi as he appeared to have aged another 30 years before them.

"Yeah. That would be a good idea. But I don't think he every got around to doing that to the children for that night we attacked him." Said Sakumo with a wolfish grin on his face.

"I do believe you are right. But it is good to just double check to be safe." Said Sarutobi as he just wanted to bash his head against his desk a million times over.

"With this new development we are going to up the training of all the new Genin teams." Said Shikaku as his lazy gaze looked at the other men in the office.

"As well we will have to up the training of the Shinobi and ANBU of this village. We will not fall to that Snake bastard and "our allies" that are siding with him." Said Dragon as he looked over at everyone.

"Well I know how to fix what's going on with Suna. For their Lord has been sending their missions to us. For he isn't to please with Raza for what he did to his sister." Said Sarutobi as he looked up at Dragon.

"If we redirect those mission back to their village that could help some and maybe stop them from siding with Orochimaru. But that isn't a 100% guarantee though." Said Shikaku.

"He is right. Also that would tip our hand that we know something is up and the Snake could move on us before we are ready." Said Sakumo. "What we need to do is act as if we are in the dark and maybe from time to time redirect a mission or two to them stating we would need their aid on it." He suggest as he looked at the other men as they nodded their heads.

"That would work. Also while we do that, we can sway them from siding with him and maybe even stepping back and aiding us?" Said Sarutobi sounding hopeful. Even though he was a veteran of two of the three shinobi wars. He still held onto hope.

"Only time will tell." Said Sakumo.

Team Placement

It was the day that all the young Genin hopeful had been waiting for. Naruto had gotten up early that morning for his normal morning training with his family.

Trixie was standing in the kitchen looking outside as he watched Sakumo and Maze spar and Kurama just laid in a tree watching them. Naruto walked down the stairs and into the kitchen as he found his Aunt. For the three Angel's had been sent off on missions for the village.

"Good morning Auntie Trixie." Said Naruto as he smiled at her.

Trixie turned around and smiled at the boy. "Good morning Naru-chan. Are you ready for today?" She asked him.

"Yeah. I'm hoping a get a good team and a Sensei that will teach me. For I kept hearing that Kakashi wanted me as his student and what I heard around from others he is always late for everything." Said Naruto.

Trixie nodded her head. "Yeah he did. But Maze wouldn't hear of it and would have gutted him of he was your sensei and didn't teach you anything as well was late for all your training." She told him. "Anyways Sasuke is stuck with him. So don't worry." She told him with a smirk.

Naruto laughed. "Better the teme then me." He grinned as he made his way outside. He would eat something after training. For how hard they push him during their morning training he would mostly get sick and that wasn't something he was in the mood of reliving at the moment.


Everyone made their way into their classroom for one final time. All the fan girls/boys watched their two 'Princes' walk by them. Naruto took his seat in the far back last row as Sasuke took his normal seat in the middle row next to the window.

After a while everyone filed in and chatter could be heard. Ino was sitting on Naruto's desk looking down at her fellow blonde. "So what team do you think you'll be on?" She asked him.

He looked up at her. "I'm not sure. All I know for now it isn't going to be with Sasuke for he got a sucky sensei." Naruto snickered at that part.

Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji arched an eyebrow at this as Hinata looked over at him.

"How do you know that?" Asked Ino wanted this little bit of gossip.

"My Auntie Trixie told me." Said Naruto with a grin.

Just before Ino could laugh and anyone else could say anything Iruka walked into the classroom.

"Alright people sit down and listen up. I have you're team placements." Said Iruka as Naruto spaced out.

'It isn't too bad brat you have Maze and Trixie as your Jonin-sensei's and Shikamaru and Ino as your teammates.' Said Kurama as he was looking in the classroom window from his tree branch.

'Yeah, I know. But I am shocked they gave me two girl teammates. But they both did tie for top Kunoichi of the year fallowed by Sakura and I know she is going to be teamed with Sasuke and I think it was Kiba who had the lowest of the grades. Making him the dead-last of our year. His mother is going to kill him for that.' Naruto laughed to himself.

"Team 7. Will be Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Kiba Inuzuka with Akamaru. Your Jonin-sensei with be Kakashi Hatake." Said Iruka.

"YEAH BABY! THE POWER OF LOVE! IN YOUR FACE INO-PIG!" Bellowed Sakura as she was jumping around.

Both Kiba and Sasuke looked to be crying to have the loud banish on their team. The worthless useless fangirl.

"That will be enough Sakura. For I can have the Hokage change the team around." Said Iruka as a demon appeared behind him. This made Sakura shut up and sit down as she looked to be scared of the man.

"Team Eight. Will be Choji Akimichi, Hinata Hyuuga, and Shino Aburame. Your Jonin-sensei with be Kurenai Yuhi.

Choji looked to be sad. For he thought he would be with his two best friends in the new generation of Ino-Shika-Cho. But he guess it wasn't meant to be this time around.

"I'll be okay Choji you have Hinata and Shino and they are really nice." Said Ino as she smiled at her large friend.

"Yeah your right." Said Choji with a smile.

"Final team will be Team 10. For Team 9 is still in rotation." Said Iruka as he looked up at the last remain three that hadn't been called on.

"Team 10 will be Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and your Jonin-sensei's will be Maze and Trixie Namikaze." Said Iruka with a smile.

"Why does the dope get two sensei's?" Asked Sasuke.

Iruka looked over at Sasuke. "It's because Maze also works in T&I and from time to time will not have time to train her team. So her sister Trixie will step in to train them for her." He told the raven hair boy.

"Well your sensei's will be here shortly so be ready to move on out." Said Iruka as he jumped out of the way as his classroom door explode from a body being thrown though it. A silver hair man with ¾ of his face being covered laid on his desk as he looked up to see both Maze, Trixie, and Sakumo grinning down at the down Kakashi.

"Boy I hope that this lesson on being on time sticks with you. For I would be more than happy to be repeating it on a daily basis." Said Sakumo as he stalked over to Kakashi as he stood over him. "I know my younger brother taught you better then this. There isn't a reason to be late and I'm sick and tried of those bullshit lines you use. If I hear from your Genin you are late, and you tell them you took the long way because of a black cat. I will find that cat and ram it up your ass." He told the now even more pale Kakashi.

"Yes sir. I will be on time I swear." Said Kakashi as he stood up at looked at the man before him with fear.

"Good to hear." Said Sakumo as he turned to leave.

'He is just like my father.' Thought Kakashi as he stood up and looked at all the Genin hopefuls with shock and fear on their faces. "Team 7 you are with me." He said as he made his way for the door. Team 7 got up and fallowed after their sensei not knowing what to think.

Naruto on the other hand was laughing. "He really did what he said he was going to go do to him."

Ino looked at him. "You knew about this?" She asked him.

"Well yeah. But we better go. For Maze is glaring at us." Said Naruto as he got up fallowed by his two teammates.