
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

chapter 12

Silver City

Uriel appeared before God. He looked up at his father with a glare on his face. "Father. Why didn't you send for me sooner?" He question.

God looked down at his disrespectful son. "Uriel, I believe it at the time it would be good for you to spend some time down in the human world. But I was wrong for even being around your nephew my very own grandson. You showed you only went down there for your own entertainment for all the women you had spent nights with on missions and when you leave the house when no one was looking. You basically answered the called for the sin of the flesh. Never once worried that something bad would befall your nephew."

Lucifer walked into the room clapping his hands together as Kushina stood behind him as her hair was up in the air as if they had a mind of their own.

"Dear brother. I would have killed you the first time you stepped away from carrying for my son. But my dear and lovely wife told me to give you a chance for we all get stressed and need to relax in our own ways. But even now my wife regrets ever saying those words." Said Lucifer as he looked at a pissed off crimson eye Kushina.

"Now dear brother please explain to me and father why you told my son those cold and harsh words?" Asked Lucifer as a black flaming sword appeared in his hands.

Naruto and Michael

"Good you are staying in the air longer. But you need to clean up all those openings in battle." Said Michael as he swung a wooden sword down on Naruto's head as said boy allowed his wings to fade away and he dropped form the sky as his wings reappeared behind his back.

Its been two months since Uriel left and everyone in the house had relaxed a lot as well all the Angel's haven't been taking on A-rank missions anymore. They been able to just relax and aid in Naruto's training whenever Michael was done beating him into the ground.

Trixie walked out of the house. "Alright Michael I need to boy. His team will be meeting up in 30 minutes and he needs to eat and shower. For we are taking a C-rank mission today." She called out at the blonde hair Archangel.

Michael looks down and glares at the Angel that wishes to live with demons. "Fine. We are done here anyways." He said as he landed on the ground and grabbed a towel to wipe away the sweat that was on his face. He looked up as he felt eyes on him. Trixie blushes as she looked away as she was caught staring at him. Michael smirked at her as he walked past her just stopping for a brief second. "Do you enjoy what you see?" he asked her as he vanished into the house. Trixie's cheeks burned crimson from his words as she quickly turned away from Naruto as she saw him running to her. "I'll meet you with the others." She said as she vanished.

Naruto just blinked and shrugged his shoulders as he didn't see what happen between the two as he ran into the house to shower and find something to eat. As he saw Michael standing in the kitchen drinking a glass of milk without his shirt on. He just shook his head and ran past him and up the stairs to his room and to the shower.


Lucifer looked at a bloody and beaten Uriel laying on the ground before him. "I will make you regret how you made my son feel that night." He growled out.

Uriel looked up at Lucifer spitting out the blood from his mouth. He was shocked that his father allowed Lucifer to have him to take his pound of flesh from him and return him when he was done to face the punishment his very own father set for him as well. "I don't give a damn. He is a spoiled brat that expect us all to stop everyone for him." He growled out.

Lucifer's eyes flashed crimson as his black wings open behind him as horns appeared on his head. "My son?! My son has a pure heart and soul. The purest I have felt outside of Silver City since I was a boy myself. Before my fall." He growled out. "He wasn't spoiled when he just wanted to spend time with you and learn what you have to offer him. Have you forgotten you bloodily bastard. That you offered to go to Earth and train my son. Not for you to go and get a good fuck in." He said as he kicked Uriel across the room that had been his home for the past two months.

"Just be grateful father will not allow me to kick you." Said Lucifer as he turned and walked out of the room as the door closed and sealed shut. Outside stood Kushina as she looked up at her husband in his devil form. She softly smiled at him and placed her hand on his cheek as Lucifer tried to look away for her not to look at how ugly he believe himself to be.

"Lucifer you are beautiful to me." Said Kushina as she lean up to him and kissed him on his lips softly.

Lucifer's eyes widen with shock as his wife still found him beautiful in his hideous from. He pulled Kushina into his arms and just held her until he was back to normal. Kushina looked up at him with a soft smile on her face.

Training ground 10

Naruto came running up to his two teammates as his hair was still wet from his quick shower. "Hey guys." He called waving to them.

Shikamaru open her eyes from where she was napping to see her boyfriend running up to them. As Ino looked up from the training scroll her summons had given her to study.

"Hey Naruto." Said Ino with a smile as she went back to her scroll. They still had about 15 minutes until Trixie or Maze showed up.

"Hey Naru-kun." Said Shika as she sat up a little smiling at him.

"Sorry I was late you two." Said Naruto as they like to meet early and train together.

"it's fine. It gave me the time I needed to look over this scroll." Said Ino as she figure she was going to get anymore studying done and seals it away.

"Also I got to take a nice little nap before we do any of those damn D-rank missions." Said Shikamaru as she let out a sigh.

Naruto shook his head to his girlfriend's lazy antics. "Yeah. But you could have been doing something." He told her.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I have been training with my father since 6am. He wants to make sure I can take care of myself on our first real mission outside of the village. As my well my summons have me up at 5am running laps and training. They have taken after my troublesome mother." She said as she just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Sounds like my training with my Uncle Michael be we start at 4am." Said Naruto as he lays down and lays his head on Shika's lap as she plays with his wet locks.

"It appears your training ran late today." Said Shika as she looks down into his beautiful eyes.

"Yeah it did. He has me working more with my wings. Also battling in the sky telling me that it is important for the future. Whatever that means." Said Naruto as he let a small yawn escape his lips. He really wanted a nap. But a life of a ninja was one of always being on your toes. But he felt relaxed and safe with his two teammates and knew they would protect him if he felt asleep as they knew the same would be done for them with him.

This was the sight that Trixie and Maze walked up on as they say Team 10 relaxing chatting with each other with Naruto's head on Shikamaru's lap.

"Alright brats. We have a mission. We are going with Team 7 on a simple escort mission to the Land of Waves." Said Maze as she was now grinning.

They all sat up. "Really?" Asked Naruto as he was shocked to hear this.

"Troublesome." Said Shikamaru as she didn't feel like dealing with an annoying fangirl.

"Oh great. Why? Sakura is going to be annoying and I don't want to deal with her." Said Ino as she let out a sigh.

Maze grinned. "It will be fine." She said waving them off.