15 I Took a Girl Home!

"Is this where you live, Yasui?" Katsumi cheerily glanced around the neat luxurious room.

"Yes, big sis Katsumi. I live here by myself, so the room might be a little small. However, you should still sleep here. It's rather late outside." Yasui presented the bed to Katsumi and prepared to sleep on the floor.

As a gentleman, he had to give the bed to the lady. Oh, and he decided to call Katsumi big sis because he's younger than her. Plus, he respected her as a person even though she is might not have had the best past.

"I can't, Yasui. I'll take the floor, and you can sleep on the bed." Katsumi didn't want her intrusion to be a hindrance.

"No, you sleep on the bed." Yasui shook his head.

"No, you!" Katsumi insisted on not sleeping on the bed…

Then, Yasui smiled and proposed a compromise: "How about both of us sleep on the bed? Didn't you want to sleep with me before?"

"Wahh!! How could you say that!? It's you who tricked me! And how do you even know about such things!" Katsumi blushed heavily and threw a pillow at Yasui's face.


Yasui felt the soft pillow smack his face.

"Haha… anyways, if you dare sleep on the floor, I will also sleep on the floor!" Yasui brought the pillow and jumped on one side of the bed. He left one side open for Katsumi.

Katsumi bit her lips and finally conceded.

"By the way, I'm a little tired, so I'll go to sleep first. We can talk more tomorrow. The bathroom is over there if you need to wash or relieve… yourself." Yasui pointed at one of the doors in his apartment.

With that said, he fell laid down, and closed his eyes. Katsumi, on the other hand, went to the bathroom to take a bath. It is a sign for her that she's starting to clean her dirty background.

When Katsumi finished, she came back to the bed and looked at the boy who saved her. She was feeling very hopeless… and this person saved her from the depths of hell. She laid on the bed next to Yasui and gave him a hug from behind, thanking him.

Yasui had a little grin as he felt the two ample bunnies pushing on his back. For one, he liked the feeling of bunnies on himself. And two, he felt like he did something right.

On one breezy night of Konoha, both of them drifted off to sleep.



Both of them woke up one after another and freshened up.

After that, Yasui spoke a lot with Katsumi to catch up on her situation. By the time noon rolled around, he had a good grasp of what she's going through. He also confirmed that her age is 21 years old. She had been sold by her parents when she was 15 years old.


Katsumi blushed after her stomach made an embarrassing sound.

"Hehe, you must be hungry, big sis Katsumi!"

"Kinda… teehee." Katsumi spat out a bit of her tongue and joyfully laughed.

"Alright, let me take you to a delicious restaurant!" Yasui got up and ran to the door to put on his footwear.

Katsumi also followed. At first, she said that she didn't want to burden Yasui anymore than she already had, but he insisted strongly that she needs to stop worrying.

In fact, Yasui already had a plan for her. She needed work, and he needed grown-up personnel for various tasks. Hence, he said that it'll be helpful if she worked for him, and she happily agreed.

This type of work isn't something dirty. Well, occasionally cleaning the house might be a little dirty. But other than that, he wanted her to work in a position that's similar to a secretary, possibly CEO if she manages to get the right skills. He planned to open some businesses, and having her help will make things run more efficiently.

As for why he plans to open businesses, it's obvious! As he said before, money is a form of power, so he is going to gather as much as possible.

"Yasui–!!!" Naruto jumped out of nowhere and almost scared Yasui to death.

"Shi–! Stop jumping out of nowhere and scaring me, Naruto." Yasui almost cursed at the blond kid.

"Hahaha! Sorry about that! It's just that I went to find you yesterday at the hospital, but you weren't there! So, I had to run around the village to find you because I don't know where you live!" Naruto rubbed his nose.

"Don't you have something better to do? Training perhaps?" At first, the interactions with Naruto were all good. But, Yasui found out that Naruto spoke a little too much. So much that he had a headache just listening to him talk.

Sometimes he will just answer hmm or yeaa, but the guy will just keep on talking and talking nonstop.

"Nope!" Naruto said with a big O mouth. He then looked at the beautiful girl behind Yasui and asked. "Hey, Yasui. Who's that beautiful sister behind you!?"

"Her? Her name is Katsumi. She's a big sister friend that will be helping me out from now on." Yasui turned to Katsumi and spoke: "Big sis Katsumi, meet Naruto. He's one of my friends from the ninja academy."

"Oh? It's great to meet you, Naruto!"

Hearing the warm and friendly greeting, Naruto stared wide-eyed. This is the second person who didn't treat him like a monster. Her eyes also didn't show hatred towards him.

"Uh, hi," Naruto said hesitantly, his voice wavering slightly. "You don't… hate me?"

The woman smiled warmly. "Of course not. Why would I?"

Naruto was speechless. He had never expected such a response. He was so used to people shunning him that it was almost a shock to him to hear someone be so accepting.

"I don't hate anyone," the woman said kindly. "Everyone has their own story, and I believe everyone should be given a chance."

Naruto couldn't help but smile in response. He felt a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time. He had finally found someone else who understood him.

"Then can we be friends from now on?" Naruto asked, hope in his eyes.

"Yeah! Of course, we can be friends from now on!" Katsumi held out her palm.

Happily, Naruto gave her a high five and cheerfully asked: "Hey, Yasui. Where are you guys going right now? Can I come along?"

"Hm? I'm taking big sis Katsumi to Ichiraku raaaamen. Do you want to come?" Yasui already knew the answer.

"Can I really!? I can come eat Ichiraku ramen with you and big sis Katsumi!? Yay!!" He jumped up and down and celebrated this joyous occasion. He hadn't eaten Ichiraku ramen for a whole week! He's simply dying to eat it!

"Big sis Katsumi, have you ever eaten Ichiraku ramen before?" Naruto turned to the beautiful sister.

"Nope, I haven't before."

"I assure you that you will love it! IT TASTES REALLYYY GOOD!"

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