
Chapter 124

In the Nara training grounds, Shikamaru dashed around with the two-tailed cat, Matatabi, reluctantly following behind. Neither of them were enthusiastic about training, but Kazuki watched them like a hawk, ready to intervene if needed. After just five minutes of jogging, Shikamaru dramatically collapsed in the middle of the ground, feigning exhaustion.


However, he shot a glare at his friend Choji, who had betrayed him for a plate of snacks prepared by Kazuki himself. Choji, munching on the treats, couldn't resist revealing how many laps Shikamaru had skipped during training. Today, it was just Shikamaru and Choji enduring the exercises.


"Kazuki Niisan, Shikamaru still owes three laps!" Choji cheerfully called out, much to Shikamaru's chagrin. Feeling the weight of his brother's gaze, Shikamaru begrudgingly rose to his feet and trudged through the remaining laps. Once done, he plopped back down beside Choji and promptly snatched the snacks he had been betrayed for.


"Shikamaru, it seems like you've still got some energy left. Care to continue?" Kazuki asked with a grin, but Shikamaru simply flopped onto the ground, refusing to budge an inch.

"Fine, fine, no more training today. Since I'll be away for some time, I'll cut you some slack," Kazuki commented as he settled down beside the duo. He had already completed all the preparations for his departure and bid farewell to his family, except for Shikamaru and the kids.


He didn't want his absence to be too noticeable, so only Tsunade and a select few others were aware of his impending departure. Although Kazuki would leave behind Shadow clones to maintain his presence, it wouldn't be the same as his personal presence, and he could only spare a clone or two as he needed to maintain his focus during his journey to the secret land.

"Wait, Nii-san, where are you leaving? Why wasn't I told you were leaving?" Shikamaru sat up, his curiosity piqued by Kazuki's mention of his impending departure.


"Well, I'll be out training, so you might not see me around for some time," Kazuki explained, briefly outlining the nature of the training he was about to undertake. Shikamaru, being sharp-minded, understood the importance of the matter.


However, Shikamaru's expression turned a bit somber. He had been looking forward to his Ninja Academy joining ceremony, hoping his brother Kazuki would attend alongside him. Now, it seemed that Kazuki wouldn't be available for the occasion. Choji's mood mirrored Shikamaru's, as he had also been anticipating their first day at the academy together.


Sensing the mood shift, Kazuki quickly pulled out a scroll and released the enclosing technique. "Here, little brother, this is for you," Kazuki said as he passed a long case to Shikamaru. Both Choji and Shikamaru eagerly moved towards the box, even the two-tailed cat showing some interest as it peeked over Shikamaru's shoulder.


"Wow," Choji exclaimed as Shikamaru opened the box. Inside lay a tanto within a black sheath, intricately etched with miniature fuinjutsu seals.

Shikamaru's eyes widened as he carefully examined the blade. "This is amazing," he murmured, a hint of awe in his voice.


"Is this for me, Kazuki Niisan?" Shikamaru couldn't help but exclaim, his eyes widening with excitement as he carefully unsheathed the tanto. Upon seeing the uncanny resemblance of the tanto to his brother's own sword, albeit in miniature form, Shikamaru's curiosity piqued.


"Niisan, is this what I think it is?" Shikamaru asked eagerly, unable to contain his excitement.

Kazuki smiled warmly at his brother's reaction. "Yes, it's a tanto made from the same core material as my sword. And don't be fooled by Uncle; he has always had his eye on the remaining core. But I promised you a weapon on the day you joined the academy, so I'm just giving you your present in advance."


Shikamaru ran his fingers along the blade, feeling the smooth surface. He knew how his father had been pestering Kazuki to help him make a weapon out of the remaining core of the meteorite that was left after forging Kazuki's sword. But Kazuki had promised to make a weapon for Shikamaru as a special gift for his academy enrollment. Shikamaru was certain that if his father knew about this gift, he would try to coax it out of him, claiming it was too precious for a child to carry.


As Shikamaru admired his new tanto, Choji couldn't help but extend his hand expectantly toward Kazuki, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "And what about me, Kazuki Niisan? Do I get a gift too?"


Kazuki grinned mischievously and reached for another box, larger than Shikamaru's, and handed it to Choji. With eager fingers, Choji opened the box, hoping for something equally special. However, his expression fell when he found a custom-made ninja suit inside. It wasn't exactly what he had expected, and disappointment flickered across his face.


Seeing Choji's reaction, Kazuki couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Come on, Choji, don't judge a book by its cover. That suit might look ordinary, but if people knew its true worth, they'd be begging for it."


"Really?" Choji's curiosity piqued, despite his initial disappointment. "What's so special about it?"

Kazuki leaned in closer, a playful glint in his eyes. "Let's just say it's more than meets the eye. That suit is specially designed to enhance your abilities in ways you can't even imagine. Trust me, it's not your average ninja attire."


Choji's interest was piqued, and he examined the suit more closely, now eager to discover its hidden secrets.


"Why don't you try it out, Choji?" Kazuki encouraged him, knowing that the kid might come to appreciate the item once he equipped it. Choji looked perplexed for a moment, but then he stood up and took the ninja suit in his arms.


Following Kazuki's direction, Choji dropped a drop of his blood on the suit. Instantly, the entire attire glowed, and all the fuinjutsu inscriptions on the suit shimmered for a few seconds before settling down.


As the glow faded, Choji's eyes widened in amazement as power brimmed through him. "Whoa, what just happened?"


Kazuki grinned, enjoying the boy's reaction. "That, little Choji, is just a taste of what that suit can do. It's not just for show—it's packed with hidden surprises. Put it on, and you'll see."

Curiosity sparking anew, Choji wasted no time donning the suit, eager to unlock its secrets and unleash its true potential.

Kazuki smirked at Choji's reaction, even Shikamaru was drawn to the pressure emitted by the suit. What the kids had no idea about was how much it was truly worth. The suit was entirely lined with chakra metal plates of the highest quality and was etched with the most advanced fuinjutsu seals that were practically lost in the annals of time. Even if the entire Akimichi clan pooled their fortune, they might not be able to afford such an absolute treasure.


Meanwhile, Choji was familiarizing himself with his new attire, which had transformed into a full-body metallic armor. He looked like a metallic construct, and he could seamlessly manipulate the size of the armor. As Choji increased his size with his clan's signature jutsu, the suit expanded alongside him. The color scheme that Kazuki had chosen made Choji resemble the Hulkbuster. Kazuki couldn't help but praise himself internally for the uncanny resemblance.


As Choji continued his exuberant romp around the training ground, Shikamaru observed with a mix of admiration and envy. He couldn't help but feel a pang of longing as he watched his friend reveling in the thrill of his massive armored form. Kazuki, noticing Shikamaru's wistful expression, understood the allure of mechas and the joy they brought to young ninja.


"Alright, enough with the puppy eyes. I've got something for you too," Kazuki declared, tossing a scroll towards his little brother. Shikamaru eagerly unfurled the scroll, revealing a new model shadow puppet crafted specifically for him. Though not as imposing as Choji's armor, it boasted unique features and capabilities tailored to Shikamaru's skills.


Excitement sparkled in Shikamaru's eyes as he donned the sleek black armor, its intricate design melding seamlessly with his shadow techniques. With a grin, he joined Choji on the training ground, the two of them transforming into metallic constructs of different sizes. Together, they darted and danced across the field, a dynamic duo of mechanized warriors.


As they ran and played, Kazuki couldn't help but smile at the sight of his little brother finally experiencing the thrill of piloting his own mecha. It was moments like these that made all the effort and sacrifice worthwhile, knowing that he could bring joy and excitement to those he cared about most.


After the two had exhausted themselves with fun, they returned to Kazuki's side. Kazuki swiftly distributed the gifts he had prepared for the rest of the kids, including presents for Lee and Hinata. He then tasked Shikamaru and Choji with the responsibility of delivering the gifts.


Once the kids had departed, leaving Kazuki alone in the tranquil training ground, he performed a series of hand signs to summon his familiar, Kuro.

"[Ninpo: Kuchiyose no jutsu]" (Ninja Art: Summoning Technique)


With a poof of smoke, the mischievous creature emerged. Despite possessing the ability to change size, Kuro preferred to remain in his pup form, bounding around with endless energy. With a scroll clutched in his mouth, Kuro approached Kazuki.


Rolling out the scroll, Kazuki revealed the intricate summoning seal. With practiced precision, he executed the reverse summoning technique, standing on the scroll alongside Kuro. In an instant, they vanished from the training ground, leaving behind only the fading echoes of their departure.


As Kazuki and Kuro materialized in the sacred land of the Hell Beast Clan, the sight that greeted them was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The secret land was nestled within a vast, lush island, enveloped in a vibrant tapestry of greenery. Towering mountains stretched across the landscape, their peaks disappearing into the clouds. The air was thick with the scent of exotic flora, and the sound of rushing water echoed in the distance.


This was not Kazuki's first visit to the Hell Beast Clan's secret land, yet each time he set foot on its soil, he couldn't help but be captivated by its breathtaking beauty. The island was a hidden gem, concealed within the vast expanse of the ocean, known only to a select few.


As Kazuki surveyed his surroundings, he was greeted by the sight of hundreds of Hell Beasts of various sizes roaming freely across the land. These majestic creatures were the guardians of the sacred land, their imposing forms were a testament to their strength and resilience. From towering behemoths to nimble predators, the Hell Beasts were a diverse and formidable species.


Unlike other secret lands in the Naruto universe, the Hell Beast Clan's territory was not shrouded in darkness or foreboding, like their clan name suggests. Instead, it was a sanctuary of life and vitality, teeming with the vibrant energy of nature. The Hell Beasts lived in harmony with their environment, their existence was intertwined with the land and sea that sustained them.


One of the most remarkable features of the secret land was its proximity to the ocean. The coastline stretched for miles, offering a bounty of resources to the inhabitants of the island. The Hell Beasts were adept swimmers, their sleek bodies gliding effortlessly through the azure waters. They relied on the sea for sustenance, hunting large marine creatures such as whales and sharks to satisfy their voracious appetites.


Kazuki marveled at the sight of the Hell Beasts engaged in their daily activities. Some were frolicking in the waves, their powerful limbs and tails propelling them through the water with grace and agility. Others were perched on rocky outcrops, their keen eyes scanning the horizon for signs of prey.


As Kazuki ventured deeper into the heart of the secret land, he encountered sprawling forests teeming with life. Towering trees cast dappled shadows across the forest floor, while colorful birds flitted among the branches. The air was alive with the sounds of chirping insects and rustling leaves, creating a symphony of natural music.


In the center of the island stood a magnificent peak towering above the other peaks , the heart of the Hell Beast Clan's civilization. A magnificent citadel constructed from ancient stone and adorned with intricate fuinjutsu carvings, the citadel served as a testament to the clan's rich history and culture. Within its hallowed halls, the Hell Beasts gathered to conduct their most sacred rituals and ceremonies, honoring the traditions passed down through generations.


As Kazuki explored the secret land, he couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the Hell Beasts and their way of life. Despite their fearsome reputation, they were guardians of the natural world, protectors of the land they called home. In their presence, Kazuki felt a profound connection to the primal forces that shaped the world, a reminder of the importance of living in harmony with nature.

Dear readers and fans,

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Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

Warm regards,


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