
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

VQuintessence · Tranh châm biếm
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59 Chs

Pain Of Betrayal III

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Chapter 40: Pain Of Betrayal III


"For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first." 

~ Suzanne Collins

It started to smell like a conspiracy as if there were some unknown evil eyes scheming things from the dark, making sure a specific kunai found itself planted in Isaac's heart. Truly the worst of days.

Isaac's team was ambushed by a bunch of individuals clad in black clothing, hiding their allegiance.

Isaac seemingly could do nothing but watch with a frown. The kid carrying him, however, had to act. 

He can not fight while carrying Isaac, and he especially mustn't fight after noticing something peculiar, the enemy was eyeing Isaac. 

Before the kid could act, another Uchiha kid pulled him, running away as he yelled, "Their target is Isaac!!! We must keep him safe!!!"

The killing intent in the Uchihas shone brighter as they eyed the enemy with viciousness, speaking to their admiration of Isaac.

"Protect Isaac!!" "Kill them!!" Truly, no rest for the wicked, a battle after battle, this one made especially difficult considering the second team had many of the injured with them.

They didn't want to just stall for time while Isaac was taken away to safety, they wanted to annihilate the enemy for there weren't so many, and their ambush was noticed by Isaac who warned them.

However, what they wanted most was to send more people to protect Isaac and help him to safety, something they realized would be impossible as the kid that carried Isaac ran too fast.

Or rather, the other kid pushed him to run too quickly, allowing the tree to be alone.

Things were turning strange, and if Isaac had any doubts about the odd circumstances, they were soon answered.

The two were kids, around fifteen years of age or so, and they seemed to know each other as they ran away side by side.

It took a while but the opportunity soon came, the cumulation of all of the things that happened today resulting in a Kunai lodging itself in Isaac's back, its target was his heart.

The kid carrying Isaac didn't react at all until he felt the push from the back and realized that his friend had stopped with a very weird expression on his face.

"Let me down," Isaac's reaction was simply closing his eyes for a second in a look of pain before instructing the kid who put him down in confusion.

"Go back and tell them I am safe," The confused kid was met with Isaac's cold crimson eyes, the three tomoe within rotating and giving him no choice but to obey.

The kid was one of the few who had yet to open his Sharingan in the war, not that opening it would matter against Isaac's illusion. Whether he can go back safely though is up to question. 

The illusion, however, made the kid ignore the Kunai in Isaac's back, "Why?" Only after the two were left alone did Isaac ask the shaky kid quite the simple question.

"I... I-I'm sorry..." The Uchiha kid responded with tears and thousands of confusing emotions in his eyes, "T-They have my mom! I don't have a choice... Yes, yeah, I don't have a choice!!!"

The kid's emotions were chaotic, and his speech was incoherent, his eyes rotating to show blood-red eyes, speaking to the intensity of his emotions, as if going mad.

Isaac ignored the kid's madness as he used the utmost of his willpower to pull the Kunai from his back, then utilized what little chakra he had left to apply a cover of frost on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

Isaac's face was pale, and his eyes seemed almost too absent-minded as if he had difficulty staying awake, or maybe he knew that closing his eyes might mean eternal sleep.

Therefore, against all odds, his willpower allowed him to walk up to the disoriented kid, and his only remaining hand to make the latter look him in the eyes, "It's alright, I understand your trouble, but better die in my hand than to die hopeless in their hand."

The kid's eyes constricted in realization, despair, and... Isaac didn't allow the kid's mind to break any further as he put him to rest, as gently as possible.

"..." And then there was silence as Isaac closed his eyes, seemingly in frustration. The kid's hope of getting his mom back is pointless for Isaac knew who he was dealing with.

Isaac wasn't even sure if the kid who was carrying him could make it back to the second team.

Well, all of those complicated thoughts had to be thrown out, deemed pointless by the obnoxious voice coming from the darkness of the woods, "What a beautiful show!!"

From the dark wet woods, he appeared, clapping his hands with a wide grin, none other than Danzo, the darkness of Konoha.

"You can still stand, huh?" Danzo eyed Isaac's state with satisfaction, "As expected of you, managing to somewhat react despite your state... The Kunai missed your heart."

From the woods, more individuals clad in black appeared, surrounding Isaac, and eyeing him coldly as his legs gave out, falling to his knees, his eyes burry as if zonning out of reality.

"I must admit, it was quite difficult scheming against, so difficult in fact that I had to introduce the Third Raikage into the equation. Only someone like him would be able to make you bleed."

Danzo seemed awfully careless as he crouched before Isaac, his eyes speaking to how proud he was of his scheme, "I had to make sure that you are the real one, and he didn't disappoint."

"Come to think of it, I have to thank you. If you hadn't shown me how annoying of an opponent you are, I wouldn't have been so careful, so I might've failed," Said Danzo appreciatively.

"If you hadn't shown me how you use your clones as a distraction, and if you didn't show me your mastery over illusion in the way, things might've done differently," Danzo explained smugly.

"You can feel it, right? You might've evaded the Kunai from reaching your heart but the poison sure has," Danzo added with an even wider grin.

Isaac still didn't respond but just eyed him coldly, something that irked Danzo as he continued, "Don't blame me, blame your parents for giving birth to you in such a damned and evil family. He'll, you were even betrayed by your people... How does it feel?"

"For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first," Isaac let out a sigh before adding, "This world is truly hopeless."

"Hopeless?" Danzo's eyes turned cold, gleaming with anger, "And who do you think you are to say so? Are you its savior by any chance? Why do you think yourself so much better than everyone else?!! Damned delusional Uchiha!!"

"Savior?" Isaac barely managed to squeeze out a frown, "I? No..."

It almost seemed as if Isaac was speechless... The reality is that he opened his mouth, but no words came out as he closed his eyes slowly.

What Isaac wanted to say stayed in his mind, leaving Danzo with veins popping on his head, 'I am no savior. There are many kinds of garbage in the world, and I am one of them. The difference would be that I am trying to do better, to be better... Perfection is truly an arduous path.'

Truly, Isaac doesn't believe himself to be a savior, although he is considered as such by many.

Isaac, in fact, is one of the most selfish of individuals, seeking to fix the world the way he sees fit, regardless of how others think.

He's pursuing perfection regardless of others' opinions. That's also one of the reasons why he doesn't think himself to be a good leader, just as he didn't think Naruto to be a good leader.

Maybe in Isaac's mind, only an artificial intelligence close to perfection could be a good leader, or more like, a good guide for humanity.

None of that matters now as his eyes lost sight of light, all turning dark. The light switch was flipped as he fell to the ground right before Danzo.

"Tch, you're annoying even in death," Danzo stood up, and pulled out his sword, seeking to decapitate Isaac's head just in case, "Burn him," He instructed as he lifted his blade.

"Huh??? NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Damned Uchiha!!!!"

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