
Learning Lunar Release Jutsu

It has been one hour since Ren began to learn lunar release jutsu. During this time the demon bats still haven't found any demon eagles. Also, Ren decided to have the demon bats go into the crimson world and then release all of their chakra. Now that Ren had lots of chakra in the crimson world he decided to test the lunar jutsu in the crimson world so he can speed up time. Since Ren had a rank three path he can now speed up time by 100 times in the crimson world for 1,000 points a day. Before Ren began to speed up time and go into the crimson world, he decided that he should get some plants and herbs to grow in the crimson world.

The method Ren thought of to find important plants and herbs, was to have the demon bats gather lots of plants and herbs then he would use All Existence to tell the effect of everything. Since the demon bats could use echolocation after a few minutes they were able to find tons of plants and herbs. Now that Ren had lots of plants and herbs he began to have All Existence scan all of them to figure out their effects. After All Existence scanned the plants and herbs Ren found out that in total four plants and herbs had good effects, and it cost 500 points to scan them.

『- Snowgrass: Grass that has been grown in the farthest north and so it has adapted to the cold environment. Effect: When consumed directly someone's inner body may begin to freeze, but if taken for a long time without being harmed, one may gain a very small ice affinity

- Shadow chill mushroom: Mushrooms that have grown in near completely dark environments and so now it can no longer take in sunlight. Effect: Can be consumed after it is heated. When consumed one's body will become numb and feel less pain for a short while

- Energizing root: Plant roots that have gotten lots more nutrients and chakra than normal, and so have adapted to store a lot more nutrients and chakra. Effect: Can be consumed directly to give someone a small boost in energy and chakra

- Herbal eye plant: This plant had grown in a war, and then adapted by gaining the ability to absorb eyes for nutrients. Effect: Must be made in a paste then applied on someone's eyelid to improve someone's eye and if the eye is damaged it may be healed』

Now that Ren has scanned all the plants and herbs he decided to turn the things that had no effect into points and got 335 points from doing this. Before Ren planted the plants and herbs in the crimson world, he began to absorb more soil. After absorbing soil for around one hour Ren decided that he was going to condense all the soil together in the crimson world. When Ren condensed the soil one time, he still had a lot of leftovers so he condensed it again. After condensing the soil twice it cost Ren 200 points. Since all the soil was now condensed Ren decided to absorb different things so that all the plants grow in the environment they were used to.

Once Ren had all the necessary things he began to plant all of the plants and herbs. Also, Ren gave each plant and herb their own plot of soil so they don't mix. Now that Ren began to grow the plants he decided that he would begin speeding up the time by 100 times. The next thing Ren did was begin to learn the lunar release jutsu. The first jutsu Ren began to learn was the ice senbon jutsu. In Ren's first few tries to use the jutsu, he noticed that unlike normal jutsu he didn't make the element himself, but would instead make a moon of chakra that would do that for him. After trying to use the jutsu for around 10 minutes Ren was now able to make the chakra moon and the moon would use all the chakra it was made to make a huge ice senbon.

Even though Ren could now use the ice senbon jutsu instead of moving onto learning another jutsu, he decided that he would continue to learn the ice senbon jutsu. As Ren continued to use the ice senbon jutsu he got better and better with the jutsu, and now Ren could make a chakra moon that would automatically send out small ice senbon at fast speeds. Also as Ren learned the jutsu he noticed that the ice senbon could only be sent straight forward. Now Ren began to learn the ice fog jutsu, and since he had already learned the ice senbon jutsu he learned it a lot faster. When Ren first read the description of the ice fog jutsu he thought it was basically the same as the hiding in the mist jutsu.

But as he began to learn the jutsu he realized that the ice fog jutsu made a fog of ice crystals, and so when it was breathed in they may get inner wounds. Also if someone had a weak outer body the ice crystals may even cut their skin. Ren realized that the ice fog jutsu by itself wasn't very powerful, but if he got ice release he could make ice attacks anywhere in the fog. Since Ren could now use the ice fog jutsu he began to learn the mooneye jutsu. Since Ren thought this jutsu was a lot like Gaara's third eye he decided that he would begin the jutsu just like Gaara began the third eye, by connecting the moon to his optic nerve by using chakra.

When Ren began to try and do this he realized that he could easily connect the chakra moon to his optic nerve. Ren thought this was because his eye had been fused with other eyes and so it was a lot stronger than a normal eye. Once Ren could see using the chakra moon he decided that he would activate his dojutsu and then see if he could use it with the chakra moon. This was a lot more difficult for Ren than just connecting the optic nerve, but this still wasn't that difficult. Now Ren decided that he was going to learn the moonlight refraction jutsu.

Learning how to use the chakra moon to refract light was very difficult for Ren because he had absolutely no experience with manipulating light using chakra. Then after around thirty minutes of trying to use the chakra moon to refract light Ren was able to do it. Even though Ren was able to use the chakra moon to refract light he still wasn't that good at doing that so he continued to practice with the jutsu. After using the jutsu for ten more minutes Ren could now almost accurately manipulate the light. So now Ren decided to try to make his own lunar release jutsu.

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