

It was dark all around. I couldn't see a thing even as I waved my hand in front of my face.

"What happened? Where am I?" I asked out loud. Don't know why I did though… It's not like anyone's here.

I stayed like this for a while. I think. It's kinda hard to tell the time when your five senses are completely useless and the darkness is covering you like a blanket.

Well, I guess I'll take a nap… for a little while…


And suddenly, I was awake. I immediately wished I wasn't. After going so long without any form of feeling or sight all the vibrant colors and textures were painful to look at and feel. And then, as I was slowly acclimating to my senses again, someone picked me up and slapped my ass.

"OW, FUCK!" but all that came out was gibberish.

"He's a healthy young boy all right!" laughed a… giant??

"Let me see my baby boy." said a distinctly feminine voice. And then I was passed around to another set of arms, thankfully without the ass-slapping this time. As the person holding me looked down at me with affection and started talking gibberish like I used to do when I saw a cute animal, reality sunk in.

I'm a fuckin' kid, aren't I?

"Aren't you the most beautiful little boy? Mommy's so happy to finally see you!"

Well, shit.

Hey, this is my first story. This story is the result of me reading so many Naruto fanfics that I wanted to make one. So here it is.

Palpable_Bananacreators' thoughts
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