
Naruto: I did not reincarnate, I Transmigrated

Tanna was a 30 year old woman who worked at a real estate job. She wasn't an agent but took care of the things in the background. She was heading to a family celebration when she found herself displaced in a different world. Now looking younger and accidentally adopting a younger sibling she must try and live through the crazy world of Naruto. Tanna, "I need coffee."

Ellora25 · Khác
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7 Chs

Meeting the People Properly

It took a few days but Tanna got the land between the main market and the Uchiha compound under her and Naruto's name. It was exhausting especially with all the paperwork for the property and learning about the estates that were left for Naruto by his parents. That was a can of worms for the far off future, for now, she would house both of them and worked on the paperwork to pay off the land tax. Tanna was glad she decided to get everything related to housing and land done first then she requested for water and electricity supply. Finally after two full weeks of slogging the house was ready to move in, ironically enough it was the same building Naruto lived in, in the series.

Naruto, "It's so big nee - chan."

Tanna, "Yup, now which room do you want?"

Naruto, "I get my own room?"

Tanna, "You are a growing boy Ruru. Every growing boy needs their own room. You have to keep it clean of course."

Naruto puffed up, "Of course, I will keep it clean. I am Naruto Uzumaki."

Tanna chuckled, "Yes, you are. Now, let's finish setting up our rooms. We can get other stuff for the rest of the house later."

Naruto, "Okay."

Tanna went to the room she picked and placed her items on their specific places and went to check on Naruto. He was still putting his clothes into his closet and Tanna wondered if she went a little overboard with the clothes. Nah! There is no such thing as too much clothes and if he outgrew then, they could always donate it. A day after talking to the real estate agent Lady Shijimi found them again and the two got talking over a cup of tea and snacks. Tanna had complained about how Naruto had been treated by the orphanage to which Lady Shijimi gave a tight smile. Tanna was just happy to have someone to complain to and most complaints revolved around how people treated Naruto.

Tanna, "Come on! We promised Mikoto - san, we would visit Sasuke - kun and Itachi - kun again, remember?"

Naruto nodded, "Yes, let's go."

Tanna and Naruto walked towards the Uchiha compound wearing warmer clothes for the evening. Naruto had a full sleeved T - shirt with a jacket while she wore full pants and body hugging shirt and jacket. Tanna had earlier put her hair into twisted bands to get none heat curls making her hair come out in bouncy curls when she freed her hair, just before going out. From the looks of it, Naruto seemed to like the style and declared he would grow his hair long too so he could curl it the same way like his nee - chan. After the first time they went to the Uchiha compound, they had been invited again for another dinner. Tanna wonders if she will meet other Uchiha members this time, last time it was just Mikoto and her family.

Naruto, "Sasuke - kun."

Sasuke who was at the compound gate perked up, "Naruto - kun, Tanna - san, you are here."

Naruto grinned, "Of course, we are best friends."

Sasuke, "Yeah!"

Tanna, "Sasuke - kun, are you here to guide us to your home?"

Sasuke puffed up, "Yes I am."

Tanna, "My, what a sweet gentleman you are."

Sasuke, "This way."

The Uchiha guards watched the interaction with curious eyes and let them inside nodding in greeting. Tanna smiled and bowed back in answer though the kids were too busy being cute to notice. They were greeted by Mikoto and a few other women who welcomed her along with Sasuke's cousins who were curious about them. By this time, almost everyone who was pretty much interested in the noble gossip circle had heard about the foreigner. They also heard about how Lady Shijimi got a check up done on the orphanages after finding out about how they treated Naruto.

From what they heard the Sandaime was in hot water with Lady Shijimi when she bluntly questioned him about the standards of the orphanages. It was an interesting show down according to the shinobi who were stationed around the Hokage office and was hot topic for a few days. On the bright side, the orphanages started to look much more proper and better equipped for Konoha's different weather. The gossip was still strong about that case and the Sandaime was now searching for Naruto though it seems Lady Shijimi's people were not forthcoming. The Uchiha clam did not mind keeping quiet either out of pettiness.

Mikoto smiled, "Welcome Tanna - chan and Naruto - kun. It is wonderful to see you both again."

Tanna, "I am always happy to visit Naruto's friends and family. As you can guess he is a great judge of character between us."

Mikoto chuckled amused, "Allow me to introduce my clan members, this is Lady Yumiko and her son, Shisui, Lady Yukina and her daughter Izumi Uchiha, Lady Keiko and her twins, Shinichi and Kuroda."

Tanna bowed gracefully, "Pleasure to meet you all."

Yumiko, "Ara, what a lovely young Lady. I can see why you are so taken Mikoto - chan."

Tanna, "You flatter me."

Mikoto was beaming as she ushered them inside for the huge dinner she prepared while the kids played under Shisui, Itachi and Izumi's watch. Tanna was pulled along by the lady's who were curious about her and asked her questions about her hair and eyes as politely asked they could. Tanna had the brown left eye and black right eye from her previous life but most people never noticed it. They were definitely ex - kunoichi, Tanna decided, if they noticed such a small negligible detail. She then explained about heterochromia and how it was really rare and less than one percent.

The gossip moved from eyes to the latest gossip which was about the Sandaime getting his karma by earning Lady Shijimi's ire. Mikoto bluntly told Tanna she was supposed to be Naruto's Godmother but she was denied the right to adopt Naruto which made Tanna suspicious. Tanna then turned serious and asked if she and Naruto's mother had a written agreement signed not only by them but several witnesses. Mikoto nodded slowly and Tanna gave a devilish grin that made Mikoto feel sorry for the target just a little bit. Tanna then asked Mikoto to prepare those papers and proof like diary entries or better photos of her and Naruto's mother together.

Mikoto, "Will that help?"

Tanna felt sad for her, she sounded desperate, "I have studied familial laws after adopting Naruto and as long as you prove yourself capable no one can deny you access to your Godson."

Mikoto, "He is all I have left from her."

Tanna, "There are many types of love, his mother was one of them. You loved her, it is understandable."

Yukina, "Mikoto - sama, if you need help just ask us. We will help you."

Keiko, "Yes, if Naruto - kun is your Godson that makes him family. Family always comes first for us Uchihas."

Mikoto, "Are you really okay with this though Tanna - chan?"

Tanna gave a sad smile, "Mikoto - san, did you know Naruto wants to become a Hokage? In order to become a Hokage he needs support from people. I have seen how people treat him. He needs people in his corner if he really wants to follow through his dreams."

Mikoto had a nostalgic look, "He wants to be a Hokage? That's a really tall dream. Did he say why?"

Tanna chuckled, "He wants to make sure no one else tries to take advantage of me and no other kid gets treated like he was. He is a sweet child."

Mikoto hummed as they moved on from that topic to others and observed how the young woman interacted with others. She held no animosity or wariness towards them like most of Konoha, it was a refreshing change and absolutely delightful. She remembers that day, few weeks ago when she went to do her daily check up on Naruto after learning where he was. She had panicked when she could not find him and had almost gutted the care taker when she slurred how a foreign whore had taken the demon. She had been fuming and had been looking around only to find the blond playing around with other children.

Sasuke at that point had gotten impatient and wanted to play with Itachi and Mikoto had let them head to the park. Itachi being smart approached Naruto and the three had started to play together prompting Mikoto to approach the child. She had many questions, and got very interesting answers about a pretty nee - chan who protected him, bath him, fed him and let him sleep on a warm bed. She had even gotten a name Chirrinki Tanna, what a foreign name almost melodic but hard to pronounce. Then she heard a voice calling for Naruto only to be shocked when the child ran to the young Lady standing next to Lady Shijimi.

Mikoto got really curious about the young lass and started to research what she could only to find very little information. It was about when she entered the village and her medical record, plus the fact she was also no doubt an orphan. But why was Lady Shijimi interested in an orphan foreigner was the real question, the answer soon appeared after spying on the shop. The Daimyo's wife was fascinated by the jewelry the young woman had presented to be sold for more cash. From the rest of her observations, her mannerisms and strict way she conducted business spoke of high pedigree almost noble training.

She was not a kunoichi, but her gentle and strict way of doing things pointed to her being educated about taxes, land, accounts, law and child care. These were subjects that noble women especially the civilian ones who were supposed to be head woman of the house studied. If Mikoto had her way, she would try and induct the young woman into her clan, but she had a feeling Lady Shijimi would contest her on that particular claim. Meanwhile Tanna felt a shiver go down her spine, feeling like she dodged a motherfucking nuclear war. She rubbed her neck when one of the ladies complimented her idea for heatless curls both out of embarrassment and to get rid of the chill.

Kakashi could honestly say that the last few weeks he had were very fascinating so far after returning from his S - ranked mission for the month. He only needed to do one S - rank per month and then he was free the rest of the month to do as he pleases. Yes, he was banned from directly interacting with Naruto but that does not mean he could not watch over him and keep him safe. Two weeks ago a very curious and distraught foreigner had been escorted by Yugao a fellow ANBU on training on break to the hospital. He had watched her curiously as her mouth ran due to the concussion and called Yugao the prettiest woman she had ever seen.

Kakashi had to stifle a laughter at the blush on his Kouhai's face and how she stuttered as she explained where everything was before calming down. After Tanna was released with medication and a warning to be careful the attention of the dazed foreigner was caught by the noise coming from the orphanage. Kakashi bit back a sigh, he and snake had already warned that Matron but she refuses to listen to them. Kakashi almost laughed out loud at the verbal show down between the foreigner and the Matron till she spat she could adopt Naruto. Kakashi almost strangled the Matron on the spot with his eyes as she produced the adoption papers that the foreigner read through before signing.

The young woman then picked up the dazed boy from the ground and stormed off getting a room at one of the inns by handing money up front. Kakashi really wanted to bang his head at the greed in the innkeeper's eyes but he followed his two targets instead listening in on their conversation. It was nothing dangerous and from the sound of it the silly girl had actually lost her temper when she signed the paper. A weakness that could be exploited very easily if she were a shinobi trying to make a deal. Despite his reservations Kakashi was honestly glad the young teen seemed to care for Naruto and took care of him the next few days.

Kakashi half wondered if that teen even knew what she was doing. He had first thought she was clever for getting the interest of Lady Shijimi but then from watching further he realized she did not know who she was. She called her ma'am instead of her proper title. Not to forget, right after dealing with paperwork that left her very exhausted mentally she went for tea with the Daimyo's wife. She basically complained about how Naruto was treated getting a gleam in Lady Shijimi's eyes. The Lady was obviously very amused by the exhausted tirade coming from the teen who still managed to be proper mannered despite it.

Kakashi had lit a candle for his Hokage but his petty side had snickered saying he deserved whatever was going to happen in the near future. While Tora was let lose, Lady Shijimi grilled the Sandaime about the condition of the orphanages and how it would look to others and their reputation. The Sandaime was obviously flustered and promised to add better equipment and supplies. His leader was shocked to find out someone had adopted Naruto but with Lady Shijimi there he refused to panic. He had ordered ANBU to find Naruto and report to him instead only to get more headaches when he learned about the young Lady the Daimyo's wife was interested in.

Kakashi was vindicated, 'You did not let me adopt him and now the Daimyo's people got involved.'

The Sandaime knew he could not approach Naruto or the young Lady nilly willy, not with everyone gossiping about Lady Shijimi's interest in her. Kakashi was now watching over another get together at the Uchiha clan with the ladies talking about tricks on how to look better. The young foreigner was definitely one of those noble girls, she knew many tricks of make up that did not require jutsu or chakra. It was interesting up to some point but then they started talking about shades and Kakashi lost interest. Naruto was on the other hand having fun playing with the clan kids and his laughter made Kakashi relax.

Shisui sat under the tree, "Won't you approach him senpai?"

Kakashi, "Orders from above, I can't."

Shisui, "You know you are the last Hatake heir, so it would not be odd for you to approach a Lady who most likely has a noble background. Even if her family is long gone."

Kakashi, "Maybe. But she does have a backing though."

Tanna, 'I can hear you. You are not subtle and neither are the giggles ladies. What noble background? I had to learn to deal with different types of people or lose my position. I had no choice. At least it is helping me in the end.'

Naruto, "Nee - chan, nee - chan, I want to invite Sasuke and the others to our home for dinner next time, please?"

Tanna, "Of course, why not? It's high time we had friends over to our home too."

Now, that got their interest and Shisui asked if he could invite a friend which made Tanna ask if it was a lover. That got the attention of his mom which made Shisui splutter denials and insist it was just a friend. The young Uchiha's twitched when he heard his sempai snort in amusement, he was not going to live it down it seems. Tanna though was making her own plans, Lady Shijimi would be leaving soon, perhaps she should invite her over too. She could introduce the lovely Uchiha ladies to the Daimyo's wife and she was sure they would get along splendidly and it would get the rumours that she heard to calm down. Yes, she heard those horrid rumours and accusations about the Uchiha betraying the village but when asked for proof there was none.

She was not the type to stay quiet especially when it came to friends and Mikoto was becoming a very dear one very fast. Aside from that, the second dinner at the Uchihas ended really well in her opinion, she got to invite people to their house. Now that Tanna thought about it, it was almost Diwali, maybe she could come up with some reason so she could celebrate it. Yes, this party would be a great way to do it, she just need to think of how and the food, it is the first party she was hosting after all. The next few days was spent shopping for food items and earthen lamps, she was going to impress and introduce Naruto to more food.

Tanna welcomed all of her guests on the day, "Hello Lady Shijimi, Lord Fugaku, Lady Mikoto and you must be Lord Hatake."

Kakashi who was wearing a formal wear eye smiled, "I was invited by my Kouhai and I heard there will be good food. Also, please call me Kakashi."

Tanna gave a polite grin, 'Right, like you did not come for Naruto. But I am not supposed to know that.'

Shijimi looked around the yard, "Those are some adorable lamps Tanna - chan."

Tanna, "Thank you. Naruto and I wanted to make the first party memorable. The lamps seem to fit right in."

Shijimi, "Indeed, they suit both of your warm personalities and nature."

Naruto chirped, "Thank you Lady Shijimi."

Shijimi laughed, "You can call me Aunty young one. Oh, there is someone I want you to meet. Akari - chan, please come here."

Tanna watched as a woman who looked the same age as Mikoto approached, 'Wait, red hair? Could she be an Uzumaki? It was insinuated there are others around.'

Shijimi, "This young lady here is Uzumaki Akari. She is a dear friend of mine."

Akari, "Hello Lady Tanna, Naruto - sama, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Lady Shijimi has told me a lot about you."

Tanna, "It is a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Akari. You are welcome to visit whenever you want. I am sure Naruto would love it."

Kakashi and the others were staring at the blatant power play under the guise of reuniting clansmen by the cunning short woman. Tanna pretended not to notice ushering them to take seats while she prepared tea for them all. Naruto was delighted to learn there were other Uzumaki and asked Akari questions which the woman was delighted to answer. Mikoto followed Tanna to the kitchen to help with the tea and wondered if she should point out the power play before deciding not to. Naruto was too stubborn to just up and leave his nee - chan even if it meant another member was there.

It is canon that both Mikoto and Kakashi wanted to raise Naruto but were denied because of a certain someone.

Ellora25creators' thoughts