
Naruto: I Can Create Skills

Ryo, mediocre High school student gets transmigrated into the Naruto world as a Branch member of a medicore Ninja Clan of Leaf Village “What do you mean I have medicore chakra levels, meet me in a few months!” “What do you mean Kakashi is the genius of konoha!, Meet me in a few months” “What do you mean White Fang is the best Kenjutsu user! Meet me in a few months” “What do you mean Hashirama is the God of Shinobi! Hmph! Meet me in a few…years”

Smalltimewriter · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
5 Chs

Chapter 2 A bell

I woke up hearing the creaking door, it seems someone has entered the house, i must have dozed off in the living room after completing my work

"Ryo, why are you looking so sleepy, how many times have i told you, you should go out more and make some friends"

There comes the nagging from my mother, i visibly sighed as i slowly stood up, my body issued some popping sounds as i did so, i am weak.

"Now now! Dont go and nag him right as you enter" my father chided

'So you mean to nag me a bit later!' I thought with some hatred,

"How was your day today, did you make any friends this year, i hope you did?" Asked my Father as he sat down with me while mother left to get something to eat for all of us

We didnt have much time to cook food as i am busy in the academy and dont know how to cook while mother is out with father the whole day making a living

"Ha—h! Only likeminded people get to be friends dad" i said quitely

Father didnt speak anymore,knowing the underlying meaning behind my words

I dont even have any friends in the clan,not to mention the academy…well i do have one friend, but he is more like a brother since he is a relative and all

Its not that i cant make any friends, with my socialising skills, i am sure i can catch a few friends(pokemons) and be done with it

But knowing that most of them will end up becoming either chunin or jonin once the war comes and i will be stuck as a mere genin who will die in the war…sigh

At this point, i guess i have already accepted my death,and my future death

We talked for a while before mother came back with a simple meal that was enough to fill our stomachs

After chatting with them a while, everyone went to bed,


*squeak squeak*


'You have time to be naughty but dont have the time to make me food in the morning'

I cursed as i turned around on my futon, trying to sleep


I woke up in the morning by myself, at this point i have already trained my biological clock to wake up atleast two hours before academy

It all began three years ago when i was excited about improving myself and making a name in this world, but now this habit is just a reminder to me of my own useless self

I cursed my own pathetic ability and started to refine chakra, after an hour i stood up and washed my body before putting on cleaner clothes as i went to the kitchen

Father and Mother are still asleep like always and i dont dare go in knowing what they were doing tonight

With a sigh i turned on the stove and cooked food, i dont know cooking but making something that can simply fill my stomach isnt a problem

I thought for a moment and then prepared three portions, although i kind of the want to curse them, but they are still my parents

Perhaps in this boring weird world, the only exciting thing they can do for themselves is have a night for themselves

Putting their portions on the table, i ate my own portion slowly, there was enough time for me to go to the ninja academy

"Oh! You prepared a meal for us"

Father acted surprised as he also sat down followed by mother

, we ate in silence as time passed


"Good bye!"

"Remember to socialise more!"

"Listen to the ninja teachers and focus on becoming a splendid shinobi"

"Alright alright, bye" i waved my hand as i quickly left the area

Several uncles and aunties greeted me as i made my way over

"Ryo! Wait"

I turned around and smiled, this was Sozu, my relative who was also a member of the kurama clan, but unlike me he was a better talent, to say that he outshined me was not a lie

He was as skilled as Asuma and the other characters for now which means he will probably end up becoming a jonin in time, although i have tried to isolate myself from others

I am still a human, a social animal who needs socialising if i want to live and not commit suicide from depression

" Are you excited for today, i heard the instructors will be bringing us to perform combat amongst each other today?" He asks me with that big stupid smile of his

Sometimes i think he does this to annoy me, but i know the guy has a good heart so i can only sigh and answer

"You know my condition Sozu, how could i be happy about being beaten up?" I asked with sarcasm

That seemed to shut him up as we both laughed walked to the academy

Seeing the giant stone faces, both of us felt a sense of awe, before we entered the academy

Arriving at the class, we both parted ways, i am not used to sitting with Sozu as he likes to talk too much and i just want to have my days pass by

[ Ding!!!!!}

'When did the academy install a bell' i looked up only to notice that there was no such thing, every hyper active kid was talking amongst each other

It was then that a window appeared in front of me