
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Tranh châm biếm
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58 Chs

Chapter 40

Underworld - Ancient Grigory.

Even in the Ruins of the destroyed Fallen Angels Faction you can see the group of Naruto and Other Guests who still do not come out of their surprise and shock at what they witness being These Last Ones, the Maous and Azazel.

Naruto smiled softly as he looked at a Shiva chained with suppressive Chains that completely covered all of his Limbs, not as a precaution, but so that he would not Escape from the Place where his "Soul" goes, Oh, maybe the Hindu "Leader" doesn't Know that Naruto knows it, but he knows that if Shiva dies or commits suicide by himself, he can jump to another body with his strange ability, an ability that allows him to escape from less favorable possibilities and he saw it when they clashed fists... He could try to destroy his soul, yes, but that does not ensure that the Hindu cannot reincarnate into any being, no matter how minimal it may be. The fragment of his soul that goes according to the different concepts that Naruto is recovering, these being his domains, Shiva has his Soul connected to these different domains... Some small fragment of his Soul could escape to some domain of these in case he tried to eliminate it and since there is reincarnation or taking a body, which would be more inconvenience that's why Naruto has not yet could destroy it, not until it takes over all its domains,...This Unworthy being is connected to many of Them, just like Other beings.

Naruto made a slight sneer of disgust, all his domains are fragmented by These Unworthy Beings who divided them among Themselves in Some foolish act... how many can he count?, 30 Useless beings believe they own the Sky... Others of the Air, wind and other domains when everything should be One and belong to Him as the only God after his father but He will fix that problem personally.

Naruto watched calmly as a golden Magic circle with an engraved signature of his appeared below Shiva and the Hindu began to be slowly swallowed by it, just like his followers behind who did nothing, nor did they move when the Chains Captured them, by Order. from Shiva Himself who ordered them to protect the lives of his Beloved Wives that the guardian of the gates of Heaven captured from what Naruto saw but still fights against this Vishnu for the slight interest of Naruto who shared some power with the guardian who He hasn't used it yet, since neither of them seems to be trying... well, if when he returns they haven't finished, both of them will be eliminated by his hand.

Naruto raised an eyebrow when he saw Shiva staring at him as he continued to be dragged by The Magic Circle.

Shiva stared at the Angel with his three Eyes without blinking, he did not see Malice, Hatred or bad Intentions in his gaze, he could almost say that He is looking at a child because of how pure he looks, Innocent but Apathetic, Bad combination... A child with problems for sure but at the same time powerful and intelligent... A warrior completed but... he does not understand it, even with what he sees that he reflects, it is not enough, he cannot collect a true image of the one who is capturing him, so many centuries of life and read others until Intimidating Them with a Single Look, but none of that works... no... it doesn't do it with This different Angel who can't read.

Shiva sighed, leaving aside Trying to read someone who presents something to him but it is as if it is not or he does not know it, it is simply as if it were not enough to really see what kind of Entity This Angel is... It is... .as if He were not worthy.

Shiva denied the Strange thoughts that were coming to him and turned to Focus on The Angel who did not look away nor tremble under his Intense gaze, nothing.

Shiva: n.. don't hurt them... - He said after a second of thinking to Naruto while Half of his body disappeared, he didn't beg him, nor did he humiliate himself... just, he told him that sincerely.

Naruto understood what he said but he didn't answer, he didn't owe anyone an answer, it's God.

Shiva took his silence calmly, he did not see anything Bad in his Eyes and although he could not read them something told him that his Wives would be fine, being the Last thing the Leader of the Hindu Faction thought when he was swallowed completely by that Magic circle somewhere Like Hanuman and Brahma but the Three Ex-Gods felt what they lost at the Last Second of being swallowed by that Magic circle.

Naruto sighed softly as power welled up in his Soul which he easily suppressed. Those domains were always his as God but he was a little surprised to see that these Hindus had more than half of the different domains with them, large Fragments no less.


Naruto diverted his attention to the side when Gabriel landed near him and ran in his direction before jumping slightly and tackling him with a big hug that Naruto reciprocated at the excitement of his younger sister.

Looking at everything Shocked is a Shocked Sirzechs and his companions Maous plus Azazel who had a great chill run through his entire being when he remembered that he wanted to take Naruto as a normal Angel but more powerful than Others but nothing more, Someone whom He believed that could address when he will talk to Him about his peace or Threats under pressure as a result of what could happen if he does not control himself in The Supernatural World... but what an Idiot he was... his Big Brother... He is Further Away of being a normal Angel and being someone He thought he could treat... be his Equal as the Leader of his Faction..." What a Joke "..., just look what he did... He kneeled the Damn Shiva, To the Top 1 of the most powerful in the Supernatural World, not only that... but, I don't know if he is injured or anything because of El Style and Shiva He noticed that one of his hands was missing. In addition, he also saw that he had scratches. on his body and small superficial blood stains but... hell, it's Shiva!... although he didn't do anything else to Shiva... he hurt him, Kneeled him and practically destroyed his Pride as a man and Leader by Kneeling Before Naruto, how powerful is he? Did he judge him wrong? Did he believe that he could create a weapon strong enough and capable of locking up this monster?

"You have to run away."

Azazel heard the whisper next to him and noticed how the Demons took off from the Place quickly, something that He imitated or tried to do.

"Oh, you're not leaving."

Azazel opened his eyes in shock when he suddenly found himself being held by N... Na... Naruto's neck, "What Moment?!"

Naruto smiled softly in response, turning off all his Aura of dominion and divinity to contemplate the sinner and Leader of These.

Gabriel also imitated his older brother with a smile of his own as he hugs his free arm but looks at Azazel with disgust and Disgust reflected in his eyes that The Fallen One could easily see and shook him, no one had ever seen him with so much Disgust before.

Naruto effortlessly lifted the Fallen above the ground but allowed him to breathe until he saw that Azazel was going to put his hands on his arm for support or try to get out of his grip, which is Impossible.

Naruto: Try to touch me, you dirty sinner, and I'll rip off both your hands... - He said softly, but Disgust could easily be felt seeping into his voice, which intimidated Azazel. He never heard his... older brother address that way. to someone or even to Him but well... Before I wasn't a Fallen when I ever greeted him.

Gabriel: Leader of sinners, at last we meet again... - I mentioned the beautiful Angel with her sweet voice that made Azazel tremble with Fear, the purest Fear, since literally She is the Cause of leaving him a trauma and his voice, reminds him of Ella when she came for Him... The real one, not the Other Gabriel, the sweet and pretty Gabriel whom He desires or desired, but now he doesn't want to have anything to do with Ella... he doesn't like her. , she is scared and feels like his mere presence already makes her skin itch as if she were being burned or exposed to intense sun.

Gabriel: heheh ... The Leader of the sinners who did not want my salvation... He denied ... but I will still give it to you, Although I have Interesting memories... once, although I slept after a while I could see the Unworthy creation that father placed in control of me by deforming me into that... she denied again with disgust for the one who controlled her before ... You said very unpleasant things to my Other me... She didn't understand it but I did... Be yours?, being the companion of a sinner or something like that... I must say that it was the most Disgusting thing I heard and boy did you show courage in saying it... - She spat at him with disgust, making Azazel shudder as he felt Disgust literally spring from him. She, not at all A sweet Angel.

Gabriel mocked Internally, Is she with some dirty sinner or dirty demon? Ha, she would rather exterminate even the humans, those defective beings than Unite with any of Them.

Gabriel: but you showed courage... I caught Azazel's attention ... will you show it now?, to tell me the same thing... maybe I'll let you live... - He said softly with the fakest smile that Azazel had ever seen. She has never seen it in anyone before. Others at least try to hide it but she is still so innocent of those malicious acts that she is literally declaring with her eyes and smile that she is going to rip out her soul.

Azazel almost cried to himself, He confessed to the softer and not Terrifying Gabriel, Innocent and somewhat stupid but, doing it with This Monster... ha, he can't even open his mouth from Fear and that look of hers has him terrified the same You have to know that you are at the mercy of Naruto, the two most terrifying monsters that you never wanted to see again, wherever they were before, why didn't they stay there?

Azazel for the first time in his life felt helpless.

Naruto: Did he want to be your partner?... - He asked Gabriel curiously, turning to see her and she nodded.

Gabriel: yes, she told it to my Other self... - Spit again showing her displeasure that in no way gave Azazel the courage to do what She asked, whether it was truth or a lie to live.

Naruto turned and looked at Azazel calmly.

Naruto: little sinner... I must say that you cause me displeasure and even more so what you tried to do being what you are... but don't worry, we will help you reach the Light, well... - He told him with a soft smile that It coincided with Gabriel's.

Gabriel smiled cutely, happy that his brother is going to bring the wayward Este to the Light.

Azazel[ Is this how I will die ?]... - he thought, losing all Hope as well as the feeling of Fear when he reached Acceptance.

Azazel: a... so here I end up at the hands of my own brothers eh... - He murmured, being heard by both Naruto and Gabriel.

Gabriel: you are a sinner... - He pointed out to him because of his words why they are going to take him to the Light.

Azazel: And that doesn't give me the right to live?... - I countered him, he almost spat.

Gabriel nodded calmly as did Naruto without both understanding his point.

Azazel snorted, just as he had noticed before, these two are not for anyone's rights, nor their desires... these two are Damn Sociopaths, ha, The first case of Sociopathy was generated in the first and true Angels and not except in The Firstborn of God.

Azazel: You guys...

Gabriel: you talk a lot, sinner... - He told him, touching Azazel's shoulder.


Azazel screamed with all the pain in his heart as he was surrounded by Light, which burned him slowly and more than painfully... This is not a Damn Salvation...


Azazel continued screaming when the Light began to enter his mouth and burn him from the inside which is more painful.

Naruto who still holds Azazel smells a rich smell like Gabriel who is the one who purifies both of them, ignoring the sinner's cries of agony.

After a few minutes when the screams began to subside, Naruto released Azazel's body or what was left of it, bathed in Light, literally disappearing into Ashes before it could touch the ground.

Gabriel: One less sinner... - he commented calmly before hugging Naruto again, who hugged him, showing how affectionate they are to everyone.

Satan and the Others began to approach the couple just like Morgana who came down from Heaven and witnessed everything calmly. She was not very oblivious to Death, she had seen how her sister Artoria in the past murdered thousands although not in this way. so tortuous

Lucifer swallowed some saliva, he liked seeing the Death of that crow, it bothered him but this also confirmed to him how Monsters and not at all Friendly his brothers can be, Another Angel would hesitate to do what They did, even Michael or his father but These two Literally they burned alive and without even letting Azazel speak for being a sinner, that's all, Sinner, Death and nothing else, "Scary", they didn't even seem hurt or having any Other Emotion for what they did, it was as if they had just gotten rid of a Common sinful angel and Ready.


Satan who returned to his child form ran in Naruto's direction before Tackling him in a hug next to Gabriel, something dangerous in Lucifer's Mind, his sister seemed more receptive to Hating the non... Light.

Lucifer watched in surprise as Gabriel accepted the closeness, perhaps, because The Child is Naruto's, if not, he could have attacked who knows, that crazy woman is lost.

Lucifer: It looks like we're done ... - I comment when I arrive with the group next to Naruto who is now carrying Satan.

Naruto nodded slightly as Morgana takes in her surroundings... large, vast, ruined surroundings.

Morgana[ wow ]... - the Sorceress thought calmly.


Belial was the next to tackle Naruto in a Hug.

Michael just stood nearby contemplating his surroundings, internally satisfied that the Kingdom of sinners was finally destroyed and those who were sent to Heaven will soon be corrected as they should be.

With The Maous .

These who are fleeing at high speeds internally sighed, relieved that they were not being followed, little knowing that they could only escape because it is not yet their turn and for them there are other plans, the fact that they do not actively possess any mastery of Naruto or that none at all. If they call themselves that, God gives them some time.

Serafall looked back for a second until she contemplated a fact.

Serafall:Azazel, Azazel didn't come with us... - He told his companions when they all began to fly at the same level.

Ajuka:tsk... Azazel... - growled for The Fallen not seeing him with them, Hope he is safe wherever he went, They cared more about escaping than seeing if he followed them.

Fallbium, he frowned at that, Azazel is important to help you understand these events that have been happening lately and the current ones that you saw with your own eyes, wait for him to be in a safe place, since the Mind of the Fallen can serve you in a near future.

Sirzechs: we have to go back and Report This and prepare... Now it is more than Obvious the great Threat that that Angel represents to The Supernatural World, The Faction of the Fallen was totally destroyed, we all saw it and... and... He... - cut off his words when the horror and fear reached him, just like everyone else because of what they had seen, pure monsters but the worst thing was actually seeing Shiva, Shiva himself kneeling before that Angel... like Will this affect The Supernatural World and the consequences of the destruction of the Fallen Angels Faction?... All The Supernatural World Will Enter Chaos and Fear because of what it did, The Factions will prepare their forces and may even Try to March against Heaven , whether out of Fear or Starting a war to deal with such a Threat... The World is simply not going to Accept what He did.

The Other Maous thought the same, The supernatural World is going to change again and perhaps move further away from what They were looking for before... Peace.

Sirzechs Internally felt Jealous... Very jealous that a Mere Angel Knelt the Shiva, he wanted it to have been someone from his Faction, anyone, A demon, A Half-demon or whatever that had some demon in his blood, since that would give fame and prestige to Them and consequently to Him for being The Leader of These but Lately what is on everyone's lips in The Supernatural World is About the Sky Faction and that Damned Angel Specifically and Now This, It just surpassed everything.

Sirzechs clicked his teeth, he will have to keep an eye on the Current Sekiryuutei and start mobilizing him to be of any use, he is no longer the center of attention since his fight against Raiser and what happened with Kokabiel, he couldn't even deal with Loki because of that Angel ...The Sekiryuutei was supposed to do it, he would fight The God to Impress the Asgardians and more will be said about the Demons in The Supernatural World but This Angel had to Appear and damage his plans... why the hell didn't Michael do it? control?... That Idiot.

Serafall contemplated everything that has happened since that Angel was Freed, practically everything is in Chaos and the fact that they know that he is somehow their father of all the Demons and not Lucifer as was thought, she does not like it at all.

Ajuka wondered what that Angel was looking for and if he decided to attack the Underworld, would they be able to do something? Would he have to release his true form? Would he do something with her even though they had literally just fled with their tails between their legs? ?

While the Maous continue in their own thoughts as they return to their territory in Elsewhere.

Human world - Unknown place.

In the thick green forest you could still see the beautiful green-haired girl who bears the name of Gaia who smiles softly as she walks away from the lake through which she looked at the son of God and now God Naruto.

Gaia: hmn... well Naruto... just as a God should be and it seems that he still seeks to clean up the errors of the Bible ... - the Goddess whispered quietly, happy that Naruto will show part of the Supremacy of a true God before the False Ones who Now call themselves Gods when they are not, One fact was Zeus and the Others... Gods only in titles but not true Gods... their children, although misguided, were until Cronus.

Gaia, he denied, is not the time to compare but to pay Naruto a visit but first to recover the Weapons that She created for Uranus centuries ago and Now They are scattered throughout the World... perhaps Naruto will like these Weapons or She can create new ones for Him if He Accepts her.

Gaia frowned for a second, She expects Him to do it, since She doesn't really know anything about Falling in love and stuff... done by Him who created Uranus lusting after her, since it was easier that way and She No, she is not going to act in the footsteps of the little human Amphibians who damage her land, causing her pain as a result.

Gaia sighed, she thinks a lot, It is better to Act and see the result... that being the last thing the Goddess thought when she suddenly disappeared from her Place, unaware that several Alarms were Activated in certain Gods who were watching her, since it was not only Zeus who did it.

Japan - Kuoh City - Kuoh Academy - hallways.

In these you can see Xenovia and Asia walking calmly towards the Campus, both showing beautiful, very happy smiles.

Asia: " What a thrill "... - The ex-nun whispered happily being heard by He spoke to "Father" about them and that He could Accept them and change them back to being Angels, after all that would be easy for The Most High, which has the duo excited but they have to keep a low and normal profile until The change happen, since what they are doing is literally a betrayal of the demons and with the tension between the Factions they do not want to place themselves under the eyes of the Maous, this being what Xenovia explained to Asia so that she would not be overjoyed. and will attract the attention of Rías or Sona, since they can be captured and confined for their traitorous thoughts if these two latter realized their desires.

Asia understood to Xenovia's Relief that she saw that everything related to The Most High in Asia makes her less... Stupid, yes, that.

The duo went out to the Campus and calmly observed their surroundings. Today they have no homework at The Club and Rías has not sent for them so they could enjoy their free time to think about The Highest and also about The Secret that Irina told them. , which made Xenovia a little jealous, since Irina told her that she kissed the Almighty on the mouth by mistake.

Xenovia's beautiful cheeks blushed at that, She saw herself in Irina's Place and not like Error...

Xenovia denied blushing, much to Asia's curiosity, but Asia did not ask, as she focused better on her own thoughts.


The duo listened and looked into the distance with their demonic vision as the Kendo Club followed Issei and his friends who were fleeing from them.

Xenovia: unfortunate ... - the demon murmured, looking at Issei and his group who were running with silly smiles on their faces after making sure their perverted acts that The Almighty would not accept.

Asia sighed, Hope Issei can see the Light when She leaves with The Almighty, she will pray for Him.

The duo, unaware that they are being watched, were seen by Sona from the Academy, who looked in the direction where they were looking and patted her forehead, why couldn't that trio of perverts understand?

Sona [ I will have them Expelled for a while ]... - she thought, already tired of the same thing always as she returned to the Student Council.

All Ignorant of the great change that will come to the Supernatural World.











Well about Shiva, let's say that he has his Soul connected to his different domains such as Leader of the Sky, lightning, destruction, etc... if Naruto destroys him, his Soul will fragment and a piece could go to some being or another entity and there is reincarnation because even Naruto cannot destroy it until he recovers all his domains.

Examples are the Aquatic Spirits, of Heaven etc, where Shiva could Escape.

Azazel unfortunately died but expected.