
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Tranh châm biếm
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58 Chs

Chapter 38

Human World - England - Pendragon Manor - Entrance.

In this you can see a beautiful young woman with purple hair with beautiful crimson eyes, perhaps about 17 years old due to her height and teenage appearance, and the beautiful young woman is looking at the doorbell of the property which she visits, she moved to reach it when suddenly The door of the Mansion was opened, attracting his attention, and he saw a young servant who looked at him before giving him a brief bow.

"My Lady, we are waiting for you in the living room," Come forward.

The young and beautiful maid mentioned, generating curiosity to the young, purple-haired woman who raised a curious eyebrow, wondering if they had seen her coming or knew in advance of her arrival, these strangers, since the maid gave her that impression, as if they knew about her.

The purple-haired Young Woman denied and went inside the Mansion, as the Young Maid had moved to the side, welcoming her to pass by, which she did without any type of fear, doubt or caution for entering a place she did not know and did not know. is familiar with Him, She is more curious to meet "This being or Someone" that attracts the Attention of her Spear, than worrying about whether she is entering some type of trap from which She can easily get out, since with her Spear In Hand everything is possible and there is no place that can hold her, trust her a lot.

The Maid closed the door behind Her while the purple-haired girl looked at her out of the corner of her eye and the Maid pointed her finger in the direction where the Living room is, since it is only two steps to the right of Her.

The Young Woman took the steps calmly, briefly looking around her before glimpsed from the Entrance four people in the said room, apparently waiting for her comfortably seated in a large armchair, these four beautiful young people being to whom she could not point out. Their Age, to their surprise and slight Uncertainty, they look so Exotic and beautiful to a Level of perfection that does not allow them to give them an exact Age, nor an Approximate Age, well... One looks Young... 15 years old maybe or who knows.

"It's a pleasure, Scathach ... Come on, take a seat...

The Warrior Goddess literally felt a chill to her surprise again when that unknown black-haired woman mentioned her name with her almost whispering and soft voice. She didn't understand what was happening, but she felt something there for a moment.

Scathach shook off her slight discomfort and with her serious and firm gaze she went to the free chair that was in front of these four strangers but kept her distance and sat down gently when the eyes of the four strangers were practically on her, freezing her a little in her place.

A pair of beautiful violet eyes from Lilith overlapped.

Artoria's pair of cold emerald eyes.

Jeanne's pair of Electrifying Blue eyes.

And Lastly a pair of deep Crimson eyes from Hanna.

Terrifying eyes superimposed on Scathach's Space staring at her.

The four present looked curiously at the purple-haired young woman before gently stepping back, stopping her from overwhelming her, which was not the fact, since they had not moved from their seat, they only looked at her or so it seemed to them.

Scathach managed to recover the air that she did not know she had cut off due to the surprise and uncertainty of feeling as if these strangers were going to jump against her at any subsequent second, she instinctively resisted the impulse of wanting to invoke her Gae bolg as a precaution, these girls are dangerous .

"Nice to meet you Scathach, I'm Lilith."

The beautiful black-haired woman introduced herself with her beautiful but strange voice that did not soften his guard at all.

"Artoria Pendragon".

Now it was the blonde's turn and she caught Scathach's attention. She had heard of this ancient warrior, the queen of losing Camelot and who also bears the title of " Invincible with her Sword Excalibur ", since she never lost. just one of his battles of the literally millions he had against the barbarians and other Kingdoms of those times.

"Jeanne d'arc".

The Other Blonde introduces herself as Scathach also recognized her name "This is the Warrior Maiden."


And finally it was the turn of the beautiful silver-haired woman with strange crimson eyes and brown skin... her eyes are somewhat disturbing, unlike her own, to be honest.


The purple-haired girl finally introduced herself calmly with her beautiful voice seeming melodious like Lilith's who smiled.

Hanna: The bearer of the Spear of God... - she mentioned calmly when she was the focus of Scathach's eyes.

Lilith: yes... that's what we're going to talk about... - she commented softly with a small smile of her own.

Underworld - "Grigory" - Heaven.

A tense and heavy silence surrounds this with the appearance of none other than Naruto, the much acclaimed, " firstborn son of God ", who is there covering a surprised Gabriel who looks at the back of his older brother.

While a few meters away from Him, There are three beings that made the Fallen Cadre ranker, Shemhazai, gasp in horror and disbelief, who still struggles to remain conscious under the Deathly grip that Gabriel maintains around his neck.

Naruto smiled quietly under his robe.

Naruto:Shiva, Brahma, Hanuman... - he mentioned calmly, earning frowns from the Three Hindu Gods for his very familiar and disrespectful way of addressing Them, as if he knew them and they gave him the same thing, there is also the fact that below That toga they only see Light and not a face for their Annoyance.

Shiva sighed, calming down, there was no reason for bother other than the obvious one from The Killer of Indra who confirmed it to him.

Shiva: Naruto... - he mentioned, ignoring his previous request about calling him God.

Naruto shook his head gently.

Naruto: "What a rebellious child you are"... - he mentioned calmly and Shemhazai opened his eyes with more than horror, "That his brother is crazy and doesn't know who he's dealing with?, and no less three of the greatest exponents of the most powerful faction in the Supernatural World, hell, he never expected to see those three together, something big must have happened for that to happen.

Shiva smiled amused but his eyes did not.

Shiva: child? No one has ever called me that before, let alone addressed me that way... - I mention calmly.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: I understand, I wanted to lighten your mood a little. If you're tense, now, I'm going to Kill you... well, Eliminate sounds better... he denied ... I digress, I'm still not familiar with some "modern" words but you understand, right? ... - He mentioned him calmly without worrying about his Affirmation and declaration.

Brahma frowned deeply upon noticing, This boy is dangerous.

Shiva raised an eyebrow in amusement.

Shiva: eliminate me?, bold words... heheh ... I have never felt so threatened before,... he smiled ... no one has ever stated that to me in front of me and never in my centuries of life did I expect to hear that coming from an Angel Even, Other beings maybe but not an Angel... - he mentioned amusingly.

Naruto:Oh, well... - he said calmly, losing interest in talking more.

"Hmhmhn... there is a first time for everything, Shiva and I think I'll need Gabriel to take this one away, brother."

A Monstrous and deep voice made an appearance behind the three Gods who did not flinch, since before they had felt the most Malicious and Sick Aura that they had never felt before in Someone, not even in the current Demons.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, Shiva noticed a Strange woman in black armor and horns a few meters away from Them who smiled at Him with perverse madness, but superimposed on Her is someone whom He knows, with reason, there was no being more perverse than Him, not even Nowadays, He had died years ago but it seems that he returned... Lucifer .

A Dark and Malicious presence began to be felt in the environment, while the sky slowly began to darken.

Lucifer proceeded to look at one of his hands while he opened and closed it, changing his Attack of Madness for seriousness in an Instant.

Lucifer: " At last,... I have never before fought against Someone, Besides my Father "... - He mentioned and looked askance again in the direction of the Gods.

Shemhazai[ L...Lu... no... it can't be but there is no doubt ]... - The Fallen thought.

Naruto nodded softly when Gabriel in a blink appeared next to the New Lucifer who in his hand blinked a Dark axe, while Gabriel made his Sword appear in his hands.

Naruto:Michael... - I called and The Angel Himself appeared on the other side of Lucifer, releasing his Monstrous presence which did not flinch, nor did it burn Lucifer, perhaps he could even turn Other demons into Ashes but not Her, who was the most close to God after Naruto, made by Whom he was able to fight his father face to face, without turning into Ashes in his mere presence, he is Unique in all of his Kind.

Hanuman looked at the Three beings behind him, He without having to comment knows who he is going to deal with.

Shiva downplays the importance of that fact, there will be 2 against...

The God looked calmly as a strange gap appeared on his right side that revealed a... Child? And a young girl.

Satan and Belial looked with a raised eyebrow in curiosity at their father before Understanding everything and if Heaven was slowly darkening due to the work of Lucifer, when Satan and Belial began to release their presence and Aura This abruptly became Dark as if it were from evening.

Morgana who watches from a distance gasped in surprise.

Two dark but primitive presences began to activate the senses of everyone present when fire literally began to surround Satan and Belial who are close to each other.


A bestial roar followed, which completely paralyzed Shemhazai who is free, since Gabriel had not torn him to pieces but He is in the front row watching these Monsters as they prepare.

A Monster, A true Monster, One taken from Hell itself was what was seen where that child should be.

And that Girl.



Dominate and Terrifying!

This is what those Monsters are projecting.

Powerful gusts of wind were generated by their roars alone.

These two now caught Brahma's attention, since they have triggered all his alarms, making it impossible to ignore them.

Lucifer smiled remembering the Monster as a child that he faced in the past, he looks good and seems to have evolved into a literal beast and that Girl... Interesting.

Shiva now frowned, danger everywhere, that's what he felt now.

Naruto raised an eyebrow in curiosity about the Appearances of his children, they release an Aura more similar to Lilith's than his own, but it is of no Interest, they are their children.

Naruto: Now we should start, shouldn't we?... The other Angels retreat and Morgana, protect you... - he said calmly when the Angels began to disappear in flashes, their task had long been accomplished and that one was no longer there. dome that did not allow teleportation because it had been destroyed.

Morgana quickly created a small dome for Her and rose higher in Heaven as a precaution, but even with that she didn't take her eyes off Satan and Belial, before... they looked so... and now.

The presence of Naruto and Shiva was not yet felt, or anything like that, since in a millisecond they both disappeared.


An Explosive Honda resonated, literally cleaning Shemhazai who had not come out of his surprise and was literally disintegrated.

Human world - Unknown place.

Entering a beautiful forest in which the life of nature abounds, you can see a beautiful young green-haired girl completely naked with her beautiful fair skin shining under the sunlight, while bending on her knees in front of a small lake that It shows you an Image as if it were a Mirror.

The beautiful Young Woman smiled as her beautiful deep blue eyes caught a certain Angel.

"God's Boy... hmhmh...

The Young Woman smiled amused, this being none other than the main Creator of the Greek Faction, Gaea.

Gea: Naruto and... returned at this time... - The primordial murmured, interested in The Angel, Someone strong like Her and of her time, someone who will not take in stride the Current mediocrity of Today where the strong fear the weak because of their signaling and consequences if they exercise their powers and so on, since they will see them as a Threat and danger as if that should matter to the strong, the Opinion of the weak.

Gaea denied, she experienced that prejudice with her grandchildren and her children after the Fall of Uranus. She is too strong and dangerous to be there and free, Cronus said it but did not act, her son "Zeus" came out dumber. watching her for Millennia since she came to power in case She does something Bad or goes off the path, A weak person thinking that he can judge her... but She did not act, she no longer had anyone on her side, children and grandchildren who were ungrateful. .. he always wanted to have a big and beautiful family but it was a disaster when Madness came to Uranus, his Firstborn.

Gaea sighed, pushing those thoughts away, The past no longer matters and Zeus is no longer there to be a nuisance to her... Now again she can say that she is free like the Naruto Boy who is recovering his domains after the Departure of God and Him. .. He...

Gaea contemplated, he is strong... not crazy and Cute... controls Olympus... and maybe, a good father , isn't he? He doesn't show the arrogance and stupidity of Uranus... and if he remembers correctly, he had many children who loved and respected him with that human until something happened that did not allow him to return to them and that demon corrupted them but in his short time with them, his children always loved them and he was a good father.

Gea put her hand on her belly and touched it with curiosity and if maybe... with Him, they could have many children and no... there wouldn't be very strong prejudices from both of them, or would they? She doesn't know it yet. .. been disconnected from the World for too long.

Gea: hmn, it doesn't matter, it's only if He accepts ... - Mormuro the primordial one, She would ask him and if there are Threats she would eliminate them all, she would clean the world for him, a new beginning... yes, that would do... She wanted a big and beautiful family, why not have it ? She is a Goddess,... there are no longer times for regrets and no doubts either, This current and Mediocre era is nothing, it does not compare with that of the Beginning, the strong , the powerful without prejudice, like Now it is the weak who rule... If Olympus Opposes it will erase it and create a New one.

The Young Woman nodded firmly, regaining her resolve, feeling someone from her times helped her recover and put aside the fear of being singled out, she will eliminate them all and start again.

Gaea: yes, I will do that and I also feel my little Mnemosyne... heheh... apparently she brings life... - The primordial smiled and saw her future companion again, Someone from her time who was not afraid of the first time he met her, he... even hit one of her children in front of her.

Gaea looked at who he was facing, that Shiva, a boy who believed himself to be the strongest and did not know the true power, this reality.

Underworld - Grigory.

The Sky roared while powerful Auras suffocated the surroundings and explosions were heard.

Shiva from the ground looked seriously at his opponent who is looking at him from a few meters away. He not only resisted his first attack but also hit him.

Shiva frowned, The Angel only has two hands and He four, but he still hit him and He had seen how.

In the first clash The Angel sent him a single blow with one of his hands that he hoped to stop with one of his own hands and return the attack with another but his instincts were triggered and he moved his four hands in different directions and to his surprise he felt These clashes and several more reach his face but he managed to get out of there, powerful and multiple blows in one, never before fought with someone like him.

The Hindu God disappeared from his Place when Naruto appeared in it gently and the earth literally shook and disappeared again.


Naruto appeared in front of Shiva sending a fist to the God who noticed it and He sent one of his own with multiple Attacks appearing at once colliding with Naruto's Multiple Fists who smiled and moved his leg.

Shiva left the range quickly with his three eyes darting everywhere, waiting for anything until they saw Naruto practically coming from their blind spot at great speed.

Shiva: Haki !... - The God growled, jumping from his place while the closest thing to a gap swallowed Naruto by surprise and a pulse of power from Shiva pushed him inside it, which Shiva passed and both disappeared from the Field. .

In the gap .

Naruto appeared in a greenish but completely desolate field.

Naruto: "Is this?"... - he asks calmly into nothingness.

"A Place where we can fight without destroying The Underworld and Affecting the earth."

Naruto: heh... - he snorted when Shiva appeared several meters away in the air.

Shiva: You don't care about the world, right?... you began to attack yourself and yours without any care, without seeing that they could affect...

Naruto: I hope Vishnu is enough to protect your Wives... - He said, interrupting Shiva and changing the topic.

Shiva opened his eyes slightly in surprise before having them calm again, it seems that The Angel knew about the Other but there was nothing he could do but just Face Him and Hope He forgives him out of pity or something.

Naruto: "Let's start", now ?... - He asked him when a powerful and suffocating golden Aura began to surround him.

Shiva quickly released his own power when to his surprise the golden Aura of the Angel tried to literally swallow him.

Sky - Near the Entrance .

In this one could see four main Hindu Gods along with a small battalion that is led by one of those Gods Vishnu who wears a war armor.

Parvati, Kali and Durga are the Other three Goddesses who come to the Side of the God.

The small but powerful Legion looked with a raised eyebrow at the great and Important Statue that is sitting on a great Throne near their path to the gates of Heaven that are not so far away, from their Place they can see it.

Kali: A Statue in honor of Elohim? Was it that big?... - the Goddess commented with curiosity while her sisters did not know what to say because they had never met the God so they remained silent and continued walking with Vishnu.

Suddenly everyone present froze, no... it wasn't that, their Instincts were triggered and it was a Natural reaction since by Inertia they again saw the supposed e... It... tattoo.


A scream of horror echoed.









I hope you like it.

About Gaea, let's say that she recovered her Goddess side by feeling Someone from her time. She had been literally secluded and hidden by the pain over the loss of her son and the way her grandchildren were.

She always wanted a family.

No, she didn't throw it at Naruto, it was just something spontaneous that came to her suddenly.

As I said, everything can happen suddenly, Naruto did not expect the Attack of the Hindus but if he knows how to react to it and being able to see the entire World and Factions simply works in his favor.

Well, the main Biblical family is literally going to fight.