
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · Tranh châm biếm
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58 Chs

Chapter 33

Unknown place.

Back with Michael, He Himself looks calmly although it is not noticeable, The translucent shadow that begins to appear a few meters from Him, being that a dark voice came from this same one.

"I don't know any Naruto... but yes... there is something that is trying to take away my dominion over Death... From Me, the God of Death!, Something that I cannot allow... but you You came to me and enlightened me about this Someone,... when I claim your Soul I will be able to meet the next blasphemous Soul that I am going to snatch away and punish for its lack of Me and Try to play with Death...

The translucent shadow finished saying with its dark voice, taking a more visible but ghostly form, being that it has a large white toga as clothing that covers it completely except for its head, which is the only one revealed, showing an emaciated face of an aged appearance with form of a man maintaining a large head of white hair and where his eyes should go nothing can be seen, only the empty and dark sockets of These.

"Behold The Face...


Shinigami did not finish what he was going to say when he spit out a dark substance from his mouth, the product of Michael's fist that was stuck in the stomach of the "God" who was not allowed to speak.

The "Master of Death" gasped in his arm and looked at the being that dared to attack him only to be swallowed by that Darkness that covered him, he couldn't even see his face but that is not the important thing, but rather that he could hit, touch, something that should be Impossible.

Michael: " It's not. "... - He whispered to the "God" who opened his empty sockets in surprise, " Did he just read his mind ?" he managed to think only to receive a powerful right blow across the face that hit him. I command to fly against the ghostly ground.


Michael snapped his neck to the side and disappeared.

"Do you dare...

Shinigami who had recovered and stood up from the ground roared or tried to do so when he received a powerful kick in the back which resonated with a "Crack" as he was sent flying again.


The "God" crashed heavily against the ground of his domain.

"You bark too much."

He heard Shinigami turn around on the ground while on his knees and when he was going to get back up he looked at some feet in front of him, slowly raising his head he began to contemplate his attacker until he saw him from the bottom up in his imposing presence that began to bother him. .

Michael suddenly released his Wings, bothering Shinigami with his Intense Light, and pointed at the false God while a translucent Sphere of Light began to form in his hand.

Michael: " I will finish you, I have other tasks and orders to fulfill, you were not a challenge "... - He said with his imposing and powerful voice that shook Shinigami by his words before he disappeared in smoke.

"You dare to address Me in that way, Angel, belittle Me... This is My Kingdom and Here I am God!"

Shinigami roared from all around as Michael dispelled his Attack.

Michael: " I will grant your wish to Eliminate You fighting... you were going to Die unfortunately... Consider Yourself Lucky of my goodness "... - he said calmly in general not at all Scared or disturbed that his Enemy has Escaped and He is in his domain In fact, it seemed as if He had initially let him escape so that he would not die unfortunately in a second.

Shinigami snapped his sharp teeth in a Grimace as he noticed that This Angel did not take his Threat, he is going to Regret.

Heaven - Main Castle - Throne Room.

In this one looking at what Michael is doing, you can see Naruto sitting on his throne having his sister Gabriel sitting on his lap who looks very comfortable as they watch the large scale Magic Circle which clearly shows them both Michael who went to fulfill one of the tasks that Naruto gave him.

Gabriel:Interesting, I thought he would be afraid of him or he wouldn't be able to treat him... - the beautiful Angel commented in a calm voice, watching her brother on the screen.

Naruto smiled softly at his sister's words, as he looks at the screen and comments.

Naruto: Michael is strong or he was before he became jealous of us and Lucifer... My confinement, yours and the death of his father degraded him even more... he became weaker than he should not... His thoughts became wrong and Unworthy of Him being a father's son... alone, I freed Him..., I permanently locked up that Useless and weak part of Him and he remained what he should always have been... - He commented calmly to his sister who nodded.

Naruto knew that after Them, Lucifer, Gabriel and Him, Michael must be The Most Powerful Angel of the entire Heaven faction and the other two biblical factions such as the Demons and Fallen Angels but when he met him, he saw nothing but weakness, doubts and foolish thoughts, A disappointment that was fixed as it should always be.

Gabriel: yes... The failure from the beginning, if This Current One had been with us before, everything would have been different but it doesn't matter... - I give my opinion without much interest in the past while it settles better in its brother's lap.

Naruto raised an eyebrow when he felt his sister's movement and something else in it.

Naruto: Are you not wearing anything underneath Gabriel?... - I ask him curiously, now noticing the soft contact of his sister's generous butt on his lap.

Gabriel: take?.. - he asked, turning to look at his brother curiously, with their exotic eyes making contact.

Naruto: yes, that thing called panties and those things about women... - He answered calmly, looking at his sister's beautiful eyes.

Gabriel realized what his brother meant.

Gabriel: Oh,... that... no, it's very uncomfortable, my previous self wore it but it was too uncomfortable for his foreign body... I decided not to wear it, I didn't do it before, why do it now?... - He told him and asked with curiosity, waiting for his brother's response to consider whether to put that on or not.

Naruto only moved his shoulders without Importance, I only commented on seeing that in Artoria, Mordred and Jeanne, since Eva preferred to be naked, Lilith only uses her toga because He is the Only One She says is worthy of seeing her naked body, Mnemosyne is not wearing anything underneath, nor are her daughters.

Gabriel gave no more interest to that and settled in when Naruto's arms surrounded her abdomen and pulled her to him in a soft hug in which Gabriel felt how his brother rested his head on his shoulder in a very close and normal for them.

Gabriel: Sariel... What mission did you give him when we arrived?... - He asked with curiosity to his brother who breathed on his neck which hurt several hairs on his neck due to his brother's warm breath.

Naruto contemplated that by looking at his sister's pretty neck and proceeded to answer her.

Naruto: There is a girl I saw while they were treating that fake in Olympus... She called me, told her that I would see her later... I sent Sariel to bring her or guide her The path to Heaven in Specific to see us... - He answered his sister's question.

Gabriel understood.

Gabriel: I see... Now, what are we going to do with the Other?... - I ask him with curiosity about Something else while he watches Michael deal with the reanimated Souls that did little to him, his Light alone made them disappear apparently Shinigami seems desperate.

Gabriel wondered curiously why everyone Opposed salvation.

Naruto understanding what his sister is trying to tell him sighed softly for a slight shake from Gabriel.

Naruto: I already stopped that part of that called system... Which no longer exists, all the decisions and " sacred " devices fall on Me... That called " Sacred Gear ", Now they stay in one of the rooms of the castle ... some Devices have arrived after the Death of their carriers but These no longer go out to look for a new carrier... I did not allow it, I will see that Angel can Use them later... - He told his sister who smiled brightly. agree with his brother's decision and one that should have been made a long time ago.

Gabriel: I understand and contemplate that The Other Michael was a great disappointment... he kept Heaven weak even when he had the Weapons and Sacred Objects to make it The Most Powerful... He must have frozen that system and would not give more power to Other Factions but his Fear of damaging something of what Father created made him make the worst decision and he continued to give power to Others, while Heaven became increasingly weaker and not only That... He tried, no, He sought to unite with those sinners ... - Angel commented calmly and the Last thing with Disgust.

Naruto gently moved his head on his sister's shoulder in agreement with her words.

Naruto: We will fix that, We will bring Light to all the sinners and strays, We will give them salvation... - He told him and Gabriel smiled happily for that, At least he would help his stray brothers to rest even if they didn't want to.



Naruto and Gabriel diverted their attention to the front when the screen that allows them to see Michael fight against Shinigami disappeared and a pretty brunette with violet eyes appeared, being that she is wearing a beautiful white Olgada toga like several in Heaven do.


The Young Girl saluted and took a few more steps before falling to her knees and lowering her head in reverence to Naruto.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, apparently the girl already knows that she shouldn't see his face if she wants to have a conversation with him and he noticed it because she looked at her feet next to Gabriel's instead of at both of their faces, which are not covering her. .

Naruto: Do ​​you need something Irina?... - He asked her with curiosity, addressing the little Angel familiarly, pure Angel this time due to the work of Him who did the same with the majority of reincarnated people and simply eliminated the others, since they were not so... pure in the way they had Other Intentions and desires that were not in accordance with their Faction but with that of the sinners, so I literally purified them with Light until they were Ashes.

Irina refrained from squealing excitedly, as God called her by name, There was nothing cooler in The World than that.

Irina: Yes, Kami-sama, Eto... I come to speak for two of My wayward Friends... Naruto and Gabriel, raised an eyebrow curiously... They both made bad decisions due to the situation but they still love you and will pray for you Even though they are demons and it was their only path in the noment... no, rather, they were deceived by them but they do not stop believing... I... I would like Kami-sama to find in you the power to free her from the Demons and unite... unite...

The brunette stammered as her fire began to fade as she contemplated who she was addressing and asking and...

Naruto: Irina... - I call the brunette who still hasn't raised her face from looking at the floor.


The brunette almost squealed when she was called.

Naruto: If you want me to free your Friends, just ask and don't give me such a long point for a request that can be carried out in two words... I am God, I can understand your words and see what I see... everything I know what you're saying... well since you crossed the door and were focused on your order... - She told him calmly while Gabriel smiled amused at that.

Gabriel: true, releasing it is also easy, you just bathe them with Light and...

Naruto interrupted his sister's words.

Naruto: She says to turn them into Gabriel Angels, not to purify them that way... - He told his sister who pouted when she understood that it is not her way.

Irina: Kami-sama then...

Irina remained silent and froze when she wanted to confirm, as she had raised her head from the ground and looked in Naruto's direction.

Naruto moaned slightly and Gabriel smiled.

Gabriel: you should lower the Intensity of your divinity brother... - I told Naruto who made a slight snort.

Naruto: I already did it, but they still don't stop looking with Adoration... only when I cover my face with my toga and no, I'm not using that thing... - He told Gabriel that he had pointed out his veil that he rarely uses .

Gabriel: well... - he said, clicking his fingers and Irina came out of her daze.

Irina: huh?... - I ask, somewhat lost.

Naruto: I will fulfill your request, little one... - He told her calmly.

Irina froze before letting a few tears fall from her beautiful eyes and smiled happily, " The Heart of God is so big ," she thought before darting forward in a flash to embrace her great and Kind God.

Naruto and Gabriel raised an eyebrow watching in slow motion as the excited Angel approached. They could come and go and she would still approach them in slow motion.

Gabriel moved to the side on one of Naruto's legs when the ecstatic Angel slammed into Naruto's right side and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you thank you thank you...

Irina thanked him by rubbing her face against Naruto's side before raising her head and rubbing her face still in excitement with Naruto's.

Gabriel looked with curiosity at that Act and even more so when the Angel connected her Lips with Naruto's.

Irina opened her violet eyes somewhat shiny from her Tears and Emotion only to see The exotic and powerful golden eyes that collide with Hers while she feels something soft collide with her Lips and gasps in the middle of... of... of the kiss She, She... She is kissing God and...

Irina began to stop thinking as her own Instincts began to take over her mind a little and she forced her lips a little for more.

Naruto didn't care, he had done this several times and was aware of it, so he undoubtedly reciprocated the kiss as he knew how while his right hand went around Irina's small waist and pressed her against him when his tongue made contact with Irina's. He felt like he was melting from Ecstasy.

Naruto's tongue moved just as Lilith taught him, dominating Irina's, who began to breathe somewhat agitatedly while the steam from both of their mouths became a little visible, as did the saliva they shared.

Irina, before getting carried away, managed to think... She... Kami... Oh...

Irina walked away with a squeal, her face completely red as she slowly got off Naruto's lap who looked at her before she began a race to the exit without saying another word.

Naruto and Gabriel stood there expectantly when the Angel escaped.

Naruto:She's strange... - He said calmly while the saliva that fell from his lips disappeared.

Gabriel: It is... - I second him before both downplaying it and starting to talk about what would follow after Michael destroyed Shinigami and Naruto recovered that fragment of his domain, since there were also other Fragments which he must recover , since apparently there are more "Gods of Death" in the different Mythologies.

Unknown place .

Outside a large dark-looking cave you can see a beautiful brunette who wears normal human clothing and is very calm, somewhat distant from how a human woman would react if she were outside a cave that looked dangerous or in which she seemed to hide a be dark

Being that first She is not a human, but The Angel Sariel, previously an Ex-Seraph, since these titles were discarded by her Elder brother and new God.

Sariel: Hello... - Angel called, feeling the presence that exists inside the cave, it is a single but weak one, it does not represent any kind of problem for her to deal with in case of confrontation.

"Sssss... Yoursss... feels just like Him...

A soft and fine feminine voice came from the dark interior of the cave with a faint serpentine hiss in the background.

Sariel: yes... They ordered me to guide you... My brother is still curious about you and don't worry, no one from Olympus will intervene... - The Angel said calmly, hearing another hiss but something that is approaching, being that in In the middle of the darkness, a figure began to appear, getting closer and closer until a face could be seen followed by his entire body.

"Heheh... call me Medusa girl and guide the path, I'm curious who murdered Poseidon and the Other Gods...

Sariel was not bothered by being called a girl and just nodded, happy to complete the task given to her.

Sariel: well, just let me touch you and we will go through a Magic circle and I am Sariel, Nice to meet you... - The Angel said with a friendly smile when Medusa opened her eyes just like her girls when she saw that girl. touched her tail and disappeared before Ella could even react.

Human world - England - Pendragon Mansion.


The Mansion's doorbell rang.

"I'm coming".

A voice was heard coming from inside the Mansion.

"Yes, who is it?"

Jeanne opened the door only to see...

Jeanne: Merlin?... and...

"Oh, sorry... Merlin also called me...

Jeanne: Are there two Merlins?... One almost a man and A Woman?... - the maid asked curiously.

Merlin: Olle... I'm a man... - He pointed to the blonde who blinked.

Jeanne: Artoria says you are not... - He told him and the sorcerer snorted indignantly to the laughter of his Apprentice.

Jeanne: Oh, you can come in... - The maid gave way to the two sorcerers who nodded and began to enter the Mansion with Jeanne closing behind them.

Somewhere in the human world - Temple of God Shiva.

In this one the God could be seen contemplating Heaven from the garden of his house while a shadow a few meters away from him observes him.

"Indra perished."

The shadow commented.

Shiva: I know... He asked for it himself ... - The God in the shadow responded without much interest.

"There will be Chaos."

Shiva: there always is... but this time it is initiated by a superior force... This was already written ... - Mormuro The God serenely.

"We will have to participate."

Shiva: " Who knows, The World is always spinning... decisions too... Nothing is perfectly perfect... anything can happen "... - whispered The God, closing his eyes.

"This is serious... this is not for acting foolishly Shiva, you will have to go to the field at some point... Indra fell... that was not Written... You know what will happen and...

The shadow remained silent when it was the focus of three intense and powerful eyes that seemed to want to literally swallow it.

"Keep in mind who you are addressing... Vishnu."

Shiva commented calmly before taking his gaze away from the shadow and continuing to look at The Sky calmly.

"This is not a force I can control, it possesses neither good nor evil...

I comment on the shadow before disappearing.

Shiva: " Nor does he possess, A future "... - whispered The God.










I'm writing a play called Return of the Demon Lord. You can go read it if you want.