
Naruto: Ghost Of Snow

A young board of directors of a company is killed and transmigrated in the body of Haku just when his mother was killed. This fanfic will be about the journey of Haku and using his potential. Warning: 1) Mc won't be op asf at the start. (No S-rank mc at like chapter 50) 2)No harem (And probably no romance) 3)Also MC is a free-spirited person and might sound hypocritical sometimes too. 4)Killing and a lot of killing. (The villain and dark tag are there) What to expect: 1)Original arcs 2)Smart Mc 3)Mc trains and explores a lot Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the OCs created by me). I found the cover picture in the internet so if you are the artist and want it taken down just comment on the latest chapter.

Voidgod · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs


"Human. Good food." The tallest of the snow leopard growled.

Haku was shocked! At this time he also realized why most of the chunins and few jonins never returned! 

How could they return when they were digested by a snow leopard?

The tallest of the leopard growled and pounced towards Haku. Thankfully, Haku was prepared and jumped backward. He thankfully didn't have his weights on right now.

Also, looking at the speed the leopard pounced at him. Haku realized! He was overestimating himself!

Although he had normal Jonin-level chakra reserves, he still had the power levels of a tokubetsu Jonin!

Anyways, Haku pulled a kunai with an explosive tag stuck to it and threw it towards the giant leopard.

He also kept in mind the other three leopards as they had already started circling him.

'About 30% of my chakra was consumed for the summoning jutsu and I can only cancel it after 20 minutes. If I don't retaliate until then, I will be a minced meat!'

The explosive tags he threw weren't aimed at the leopard but at the snow below the leopard.

The snow exploded and scattered in the air lowering the visibility.

He weaved a few hand seals and thought.

'Ice release: hidden frost jutsu'

This was a C-rank jutsu he created in his free time, inspired form the hidden mist jutsu. This jutsu already had a theory in the library so it was quite easy for him! According to Haku if combined with, frost breath just to create a new jutsu, then This jutsu has the potential to be a B-rank or even an A-rank jutsu!

Thick frosty and cold mist rose from the scattered mist, lowering the sense of smell and visibility of the leopards to almost zero. But Haku had trained his hearing diligently every day for the past eight months!

He weaved a hand seals and swung his hand towards a direction. 

A wind blade came out of it, moving towards a specific direction. And instantly! A shrill cry was heard as a smaller leopard was cut by the blade of wind.

"HUMAN HARM KIN!! Kill human!!!"

"Wind style: wind surge of tail"

The leopard, traumatized by the death of his kin, used a wind jutsu. It swung it's tail and created powerful gusts of wind, removing the frost from the air.

It looked towards Haku who was now surrounded by a done made out of ice. Haku was in-between the three remaining leopards with angry eyes.

'Why human in dome?'

But before the leopard could process whatever Haku was doing, ten explosive tags exploded just above him and his group.

Three of each exploded over each leopard, while the remaining one exploded over the dome. But the down didn't even budge!

The smaller two's heads immediately exploded while the largest —now injured—leopard kept looking at his friend's minced corpses.

'huh? T-they died?'

"Me kill human!!"

With unfounded courage and strength, the leopard jumped towards the dome, ferociously attacking it. After a few dozen attacks he finally managed to create a crack but Haku had also started weaving hand signs!

When the transparent dome finally crumbles, the leopard turns to attack Haku with its paw but before he can do that, The leopard got pierced by thousands of water needles coming from all directions even the sky!

'Secret technique: A thousand needles of death!'

I was a technique haku used in the anime too. Although Sasuke escaped this jutsu by simply jumping upwards, this was a B-rank jutsu! The only reason Sasuke didn't die then was because of anime Haku's lower killing instinct, which either subconsciously or consciously left a route for escape.

But the leopard wasn't the best friend of a blue-eyed child of destiny So he died!

Haku was panting! He had only 40% of his chakra remaining! Using one C-rank and multiple B-rank jutsus sure took a toll on him!

"HahhHahh, Now I know why I shouldn't overestimate myself, If I didn't know those B-rank jutsus then I would have died."

Haku walked towards the corpses of the leopards and inspected them. Looking at their agile and strong body Haku remarked," No wonder the people of the Yuki clan never returned! The chunins simply never stood a chance and the jonins were most definitely weaker of the bunch— probably weaker than tokubetsu jonin."

While he was monologuing, he heard quick footsteps behind him. Before he could turn his back, he was pushed back by a wind from a roar.

Another leopard which was about 18 feet in height had arrived. It looked stronger, faster, and just… better than the other leopards.

'Ugh!Not again. I can use only one B-rank jutsu.' Haku internally scowled.

Haku looked at the giant leopard and pulled out an explosive tap from his pocket.

To the shock of the leopard, haku disappeared in a gust of wind and appeared just below the leopard's stomach. Haku then stuck an explosive tag in its stomach and again used the Wind instantaneous body jutsu!

The leopard was shocked as he again swiped his paws at empty air below the stomach, after which the tag exploded causing the leopard to be injured.

But haku didn't stop! He was already behind the leopard and had used a jutsu as the leopard was pushed back by the explosion.

'Ice release: Demonic mirroring Ice crystals.'

Haku's face scrunched up as several large mirrors of Ice surrounded Haku and he entered the mirror.

'Ugh, I can only use this for about 30 seconds with my current chakra level. I need to finish this fast. Looks like the explosive tag stash of the Yuki clan is gonna finish here!'

The leopard seeing haku all over mirrors in every direction growled.

"Human you dare kill my son and capture me In This illusion! You will pay for this." 

The leopard started attacking random mirrors. Due to Haku's low chakra, the mirrors were weaker than normal, hence the leopard managed to slightly crack a few.

But before the leopard could destroy the mirrors, all of the Haku's took out a sealing scroll and unfurled it to reveal about 30 explosive tags!

Haku then threw those tags toward the leopard from all directions!


The tags started exploding as soon as they hit the leopard.

"AAAAAHH! Human! You- you filthy monkey!"

The leopard as it was getting hit, opened its mouth and created a ball of wind in it.

The wind then expanded in all directions, directing the tags back to the mirrors.

The tags started destroying the mirrors!

After the dust settled, the mirrors were all crumbled up and Haku and the leopard were both bloodied!

But Haku only had his eyes open, he was almost out of chakra. He couldn't even move properly as he was also hit by a few tags.

The leopard on the other hand, with its animal body, could still move—although a bit slowly.

The leopard dragged its mouth towards Haku's small body and opened its wide jaw!

Haku could see slightly yellow teeth and saliva and blood mixed in the mouth. 

He slowly took out a kunai from His back pocket and thought, 'As long as he doesn't chew me, I have a chan—'

Before the leopard could swallow Haku whole, the leopard's face was hit with a huge hunk of metal which looked like the main part of a halberd except one side looked more like the top of a hammer and another looked more like an axe.

The hammer part hit the leopard in its face from its right side. The Hammer-axe hybrid metal was connected with a metal rope to a long pole that looked like a cane.

But what shocked Haku was the animal one holding the cane!

It had a humanoid figure, long white hair all over the body, about 40 feet tall, and a muscular body that still looked athletic.

Anyone from Haku's world could instantly recognize this animal— no this monster!

It was a Yeti! A Yeti with wings to be exact!

"You can relax now, child of ice." The winged Yeti's strong voice reverberated as Haku's eyes closed.


A/N: I will draw a pic of cane the Yeti is using soon. Also fun fact the Yeti's weapon is inspired from my grandma's cane.

Also, there is a good reason why the Yeti has wings and why Haku arrived near snow leopards instead of Yetis.