

She lost track of time as she wandered in circles, her mind swirling with thoughts about everything that had transpired in the past few minutes. It was the first time in a long while that she felt so adrift in her own thoughts.

Eventually, when exhaustion and a sense of calm settled in, Azula decided it was time to head back. With a weary sigh, she halted to gaze at the seemingly endless walls surrounding her.

"I need some rest."

She retraced her steps, following the scorched trail she had left behind. It didn't take long before she reached the makeshift camp, where she found her two companions sleeping side by side in fur-lined bags.

"I was waiting for you."

Someone was already waiting for her by the campfire, Naruto, who sat on a log with a couple of steaming cups of tea.

"..." She no longer had the energy for an argument, so she simply took a cup and drank in silence.

"I hope you like it. It's made from herbs the old man told me grow in these underground places. They make good tea," Naruto remarked. He wasn't a fan of this kind of thing; he found it boring. However, he didn't seem to mind now. It was a way to pass the time.

"You sound like my Uncle."

"He must be great."

"He used to be. Now he's just a pathetic old man who spends all his time drinking tea and rambling about useless things." She despised her uncle. His calm demeanor grated on her; he was too peaceful and soft for a member of the prestigious Fire Nation family. He should act differently.

She wasn't a fool either. Her uncle was powerful, perhaps more powerful than anyone she might encounter. Rumors among soldiers had it that no one had ever witnessed the legendary firebender Iroh in action because no one had lived to tell the tale.

But there was another reason she harbored disdain for her uncle.

Confused by the girl's annoyed expression, Naruto fell silent for a few moments. Then, he spoke again, "Doesn't sound so bad." He shrugged and continued sipping his tea. "I was never a fan of tea, but old Tenzo said it's good for relaxing. I was lucky to find some roots in this cave that are perfect for that."

"..." Truth be told, she wasn't really listening; she was just staring at the boy. How could someone so strong, fast, and determined be so simple? His cheerful demeanor and easygoing manner seemed at odds with what he had demonstrated in battle.

Far from the stories folks tell, about being an unbeatable warrior, faster than a bolt of lightning.

Why did someone with so much potential act like a clueless, naive person?

"So... You're a princess?" Naruto asked with some awkwardness. He felt the weight of the girl's intense stare, as if she was dissecting every little thing he did.

"I'm the princess of my nation and next in line for the throne. I'll take over when my father can't do it anymore... or when he kicks the bucket." The concealed smirk when she said the last part sent a chill down Naruto's spine, but he tried not to show it.

"Oh... well, I've never met a princess quite like you. The ones I've met aren't as tough... or as quick to fight," he replied with a slightly nervous smile, noticing her piercing gaze intensifying.

"I wish I had worn a pink dress and sung with birds dancing around me." She couldn't stand those princess stories her mother used to read to her as a child. Being delicate and gentle... it wasn't her style.

"No! No! No! I didn't mean that!" He panicked at the thought of giving her the wrong impression, even covering his mouth when he heard Ty Lee moan, moving closer to Mai to cuddle with her and keep sleeping. "Actually, I like it when a girl knows how to use her fists, it's great."

"Do you have a thing where you like girls to be in charge?" the princess asked teasingly, noticing his intense blush.

"What are you saying?" Embarrassed, he looked away, trying to avoid her gaze. "What's it like being a princess? Living in a fancy castle with lots of fancy stuff," he quickly changed the subject, a topic that had always intrigued him.

"Boring. I prefer being outdoors." She gestured to their surroundings, the campsite and the natural settings. "Naruto... Can I be honest with you?" The conversation took a 180-degree turn, and Azula fixed him with an intense look.

"Huh? Yes, of course."

"I desire you…"

"Oh..." Naruto blushed deeply, resembling a well-known Hyuga clan member. He blinked, looking a bit lost due to the directness of the black-haired girl. "I already like a girl, her name is Sakura-chan, and-"

"I don't care who that is." Her words dripped with venom, clearly showing her indifference.

"She's not just 'anybody'." Naruto's smile faded when the princess dismissed Sakura like that, but he didn't back down.

"What I'm proposing has no room for 'love.' I'm clear about my desires, and I love you." Azula crossed her legs, maintaining a 'soft' and almost charming smile. "One day, I'll be the Lady of Fire, and only a man who meets my expectations will stand by my side. I'm sure our union will produce powerful offspring, the strongest in history."

The mere thought of having a firstborn child, with Naruto's talent, intelligence, vitality, strength, agility, and that unique energy of his, made her feel almost euphoric. Not even the Avatar could stand in their way; they would rise above everyone and everything.


Such a straightforward answer, but not unexpected from a young boy, or so she thought.

"You don't understand, do you? I can give you everything you desire." Azula's smile widened as she sensed the doubt in Naruto's eyes. "What are your deepest desires? Wealth, fame, honor... perhaps women." Her eyes glanced at her two friends sleeping nearby. "You could indulge your darker desires with other women, and it wouldn't bother me, because at the end of the day, you would be mine, and with a simple request, I could have dozens of beautiful girls at your feet."

"I don't want any of that, and you can't force people into things like that," Naruto responded sternly, unaffected by the princess's seductive words.

"What you said earlier, all that talk of honor and camaraderie, friendship? My dear Naruto... every man has desires, even if they deny it. It's just a matter of searching." She closed her eyes briefly, then smiled. "You said you wanted to be Hokage, a leader or clan head, right? Well, I can grant you the respect and glory of an entire continent."

"..." Naruto's gaze shifted slightly, a change that Azula noticed.

"Oh? It seems I struck a nerve. That's what you desire so much, isn't it? Respect and glory. Join me, and I assure you I'll grant you the respect you've longed for."

"Respect... isn't given, it's earned."

"…" Azula's smile faded, and she clenched her fists as she met the determined and penetrating gaze of the blonde. "Why? Why earn respect when you can take it?"

"Because I want to prove it…"

"Will it be shown that?"

"That they were wrong..." Naruto unbuttoned his jacket with uncertainty, revealing a complex mark on his stomach. This mark, a lifelong companion, held the answer.

"..." Azula didn't fully comprehend, but that peculiar engraving on his stomach told its own story.

"As a child, many called me a monster or a demon. Others simply ignored my existence. But..." he cast a shadowy glance downward, pulling his shirt over the seal on his stomach. Painful memories resurfaced, ones he wished he could forget. "...there were others who were even crueler. They said I was a nobody, just a worthless brat. They told me that if I died, no one would care. They claimed I had no reason to exist... that my parents abandoned me because... who could love someone like me?"

"..." Azula fell silent, her gaze locked onto the boy's eyes, which held a somber and empty gleam.

"I want to prove them all wrong," a glimmer of determination sparked in his eyes, and he smiled brightly again. "I want everyone to see that I do matter, that my life is worth as much as anyone else's. I want to wipe away their hypocritical smiles by making them see how mistaken they were..."


"Because I do matter. My life matters... because one day, I'll become someone important. Someone who earns everyone's respect. Someone they can trust. Someone... who matters."

"Why?" She couldn't understand why he fought so hard, why he invested so much time searching for validation from such horrible and foolish people. "Why do you do it?"

"Because that's the path I've chosen. The path of the number 1 ninja! Uzumaki Naruto!"

"..." Azula didn't even notice the passing hours as she lay in her sleeping bag, her gaze lost, attempting to fathom the meaning behind the words of the seemingly foolish boy who slept just a few meters away. "The path I've chosen..." that phrase echoed in her mind, and slowly, she drifted into sleep.

[ If you want to read advance Chapters then go visit My PAT -REON and support me there.

PAT REON I'D:- Alzero ]

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