
Naruto : Absinthe

Jtwsgj_wtjwtjw · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter no.4

When Naruto, Neji, and Lee followed him to Raiga's chakra, they found him perched precariously on the edge of a cliff. When he opened up his fan, he thought to himself that it was convenient.

The man was saying this while his mouth was practically frothing with rage. "I'll hold a funeral for all of you," he said.

He brought the Kiba swords up to his head and held them there. The ominous sound of lightning crackling in the sky caused Naruto to narrow his eyes.

He raised his hands, and glowing pentagrams appeared on the palms of his hands. He yelled "Tcerider dna tcartta," which caused seven enormous pentagrams to materialise in the sky.

The lightning that struck the ground from the clouds almost at the same time forced Neji and Lee to take cover on the opposite side of him. This action was rendered unnecessary when the bolt hit the nearest pentagram rather than the Leaf shinobi. As the pentagram pulled it in, the bolt turned in a sharp arc above its head.

Neji murmured, "I see," as he realised that "they work like lightning rods."

"You people are responsible for his death!" Raiga let out a mighty roar before conjuring a bolt of lightning to attach to his sword and fire like a bullet in their direction. "I won't even throw a funeral for you—I'll put an end to you right here!"

While dodging a bolt of lightning, Naruto remarked, "He's completely insane."

The furrows between Madara's eyebrows deepened, but he refrained from speaking; his pride prevented him from inquiring as to what in the hell that meant. "Left," he said in a tone that suggested boredom.

In order to avoid the frantic dash that Raiga made to his left, Naruto leaped into the air. After he had completed his turn, he immediately began going through a series of hand signs that Madara had instructed him in. "Katon: Gōka Messhitsu!"

Lee watched in awe as Neji's eyes visibly widened as he witnessed the destructive power of the flames that spewed from his mouth and consumed the entire section of the cliff that was in front of him in a straight line. Nearly twenty seconds had passed when he finally allowed himself to catch his breath, allowing the flames to go out.

The first thing he noticed was a crackle of electricity, and then he noticed the Kiba, which had crossed in front of Raiga while he was standing there breathing heavily. A significant portion of his body was burned, and he appeared to be on the verge of collapsing. "It's a good thing I turned on my thunder armour," the man exhaled, a crazed glint appearing in his eye. "If I hadn't, that would have been my death." But I am aware..." His grin spread across his entire face. "Exactly what I was looking for."

He moved forward at an extremely brisk pace. While Madara snorted, Naruto easily sidestepped the attacker while raising an eyebrow. Madara laughed.

"Don't worry about it, kid; he wasn't coming for you."

The pupils in Naruto's eyes grew noticeably larger. "Damnit," he yelled as he turned around and began to run after the other individual.

Neji was not the type of person to be intimidated easily, so he assumed his Gentle Fist stance and approached Raiga in a direct manner. Even if the man was insane, he still seemed to have some sense of strategy; as soon as Naruto got closer, he stopped on his heel and did a one-eighty, lunging for Naruto with both arms outstretched. This demonstrated that even if the man was insane, he still seemed to have retained some sense of strategy.

Where did you get that? The behaviour of the other man made no sense at all; it seemed as though he was trying to grab him at random despite the fact that his teeth were embedded in his shoulder. The metaphorical train of thought that was running through Naruto's head came to a screeching halt and then careened off the tracks. He was stunned for a second and had no idea what the other person was doing, but the sensation of his chakra rapidly depleting jolted him out of his trance and brought him back to reality.

"What the heck-!" Naruto attempted to dislodge his opponent by kicking them off, but he was unable to gain traction. His limbs seemed more weighted than they had before, almost as if oh crap.

Neji exploded in between them in a blaze of chakra, and Raiga was sent flying by the rotation that he performed. The missing nin had almost completely healed, as evidenced by the steam rising off his shoulders as he grinned and wiped his mouth. Previously, he had been covered in burn marks all over his body. He remarked, in an almost appreciative tone, "Your chakra is so powerful."

Madara gave in and admitted, "All right, so it seems he was going for you."

Naruto rolled to his feet with a groan and shot the Uchiha a glare as he stood up. "Thanks."

Lee flew down in front of him like a watchdog and landed on his feet. "Naruto! How are you feeling right now?"

"I'm good; I'm just a little tired," she said. There must have been a stronger connection between him and Karin than he initially realised. He had a good feeling that his mother had not been able to heal people in that manner, but it seemed as though he had just gotten lucky.

What exactly was that? While maintaining their respective taijutsu stances, Lee and Neji cast suspicious glances in Raiga's direction while standing side by side.

"I'd heard that Uzumaki chakra was a delicious feast to dine on," Raiga said with an unsettling smile, causing Naruto to shudder in response. "I'd heard that Uzumaki chakra was a delicious feast to dine on." He had an impression that the other person was Orochimaru. Orochimaru lookalikes were quickly becoming a problem for Team Seven and causing them a lot of trouble "It is said that some of them could heal themselves as well as others by biting their skin and absorbing the healing properties in that way. It would appear that I was correct. Thank you so much, kid. It's possible that I'll end up throwing a funeral for you after all."

Once more, he lifted the kiba into the air, which caused the genin and one of the chuunin to spread out. Shaking himself and pulling his fan from his back, Naruto came dangerously close to losing his fan in the process. Oh man, Karin makes that sound a lot easier than it actually is.

Instead, he reached into his sleeve and pulled out the Raijin no Ken with the intention of slicing through the lightning. Raiga smiled at him in a way that brought to mind Sasuke's description of Kisame as she had been earlier.

"Ikazuchi no Kiba!"

The bolt of lightning was heading in his direction.

A startled Madara remarked suddenly, "He's going to aim for the Hyuuga."

And at the very last possible second, it made a U-turn and began heading in the direction of Neji.

It took place in a very short amount of time—much less than mere seconds.

It was revealed that Naruto was the son of the Yellow Flash, who was connected to the Nidaime in some roundabout way. The Nidaime were both speed demons in their own right. Even though his body wasn't as quick as a jounin's, a user of Hiraishin had to train their minds to function at a faster pace in order to compete with them. He was the fastest of his age group. He was capable of outthinking a jounin on any given day.