Kaos a cook and restaurant owner who would consume all the content he could get his hands on. This escalated from anime, manga, manhwa and finally novels. But never did Kaos thought that he would be transmigrated after a good night's rest after coming back from a late night walk. Waking up to an empty feeling in his stomach, he could only helplessly look up to the starry sky to where a huge monster was wreaking havoc. There was an undeniable crushing pressure Kaos has never felt before suffocating him. With his eyes started to close with a new fear took root in his brain. The horrifying chakra of the now-identified Kyubi was permanently sunk into the civilians that night and to the newly transmigrated Kaos, the fear was undeniable. Thousands of the villagers were traumatised just from the sheer presence of the Kyubi. This late trauma would constantly be reminded from the depths of hell, by a blonde child which would terrify the populace. With Kaos not being an exception... But instead of cowering and letting his fear take over. He would push through and pave a path for a safer future for himself. Others? What a joke. Being selfish is the only way to succeed in this world! But first, I need to flip patties...
"If you were to time travel back in time without anything other than yourself. Would you even be able to invent or contribute to anything?" A voice from a youtube short on my phone buzzes out which made me think.
This was pretty "valid" as to be honest, the only thing I could contribute was probably cuisine, but even then how would that help in the medieval era?
Become a chef for some rich noble to make ends meat?
'Well, it doesn't seem too bad seeing that I don't know the full scope of the things over at that time.' I thought to myself, needlessly overcomplicating some random youtube short in my head. I'm not sure why I do this to myself but this topic randomly interested me for no reason.
Walking down the dark and familiar streets. I gazed up at the familiar flickering lighting pole which I have gotten accustomed to.
Thankfully my house wasn't far from the restaurant. Usually, I'd drive but I made a goal for myself to be more fit. Which in hindsight is a funny thought as that means I should have the drive to be fit.
Not like I could actually commit to something like that…
It's just too inconvenient when I could drive a car for a 10-minute drive. But then again it's for the betterment of myself somewhat. I don't get time to do all these workouts when I have to work.
Hard work this and hard work that. It's luck that they have time to actually use their hardworking nature in situations like going to the gym.
*Tap* *Tap*
"I just want to take a long nap," I murmur getting closer to my home. Taking a left turn to the other side of the street to where my house is I sigh.
'That house always gives me the shivers.' I thought to myself looking at the seemingly abandoned house. It always gave me a bad feeling as I walked through this neighbourhood.
Soon after this I quickly found myself at my humble abode. The house was just a family property I inherited from my parents when they died which was still under their names at the time.
I couldn't force myself to sell it as I didn't need a house anywhere else. Entering the place I drag myself to my bed with all my power.
"I swear to god if I get the same customer again I will neck. Like who complains about their burger patty not being pink on the inside and calling it overcooked? If it isn't they will basically get poisoned it's not steak for fuck sake. Honestly, it wouldn't be too bad if he got poisoned" I outwardly complain as I made my way to my bed. Navigating myself through the house which was me dragging myself, I eventually made it back
Tomorrow was gonna be a free day to which I could finally relax this week. With my work clothes still on and knowing that I'll regret sleeping like this, I let myself go and started to feel my eyes close.
A loud roar could be heard as visible sound waves were being emitted from the estranged creature. The said creature was about 300m tall and was shaped like a fox. Nine red tails raged on as the creature using its claws slashed at everything in sight.
"What's going on..." I mumbled rubbing my eyes. Waking up to the empty feeling of my stomach I start to look around in confusion. "Was I kidnapped?"
No that can't be it, I wasn't tied up and was in the middle of a grass field.
Before I could look at my surroundings a binding pressure started to engulf my body. My breathing started to get erratic as my vision started to blacken. My outer vision started to close as I could see a weird construct of a massive Nine-Tailed fox ravaging the city.
Closing my eyes I still for some reason was able to "see" the fox as hundreds if not millions of dark red strands were forming in my vision.
As this happened I suddenly felt a weird foreboding. Opening my eyes I suddenly saw a claw from the beast come in from above and crush me. This happened a few more times which didn't stop and acted like phycological torture.
"W-What i-is this" I stutter out clenching the grass underneath. The monster didn't stop raging on though as this went on for a little bit.
The crushing pressure never left as tears started to form in my eye completely scarring me.
'What did I do to deserve this.' I thought to myself trembling in a ridiculous way that didn't seem possible. Even if I was scared I wouldn't shake this much.
After what seemed like an eternity the pressure loosened as a huge pole smacked into the Foxes' solar plexus which sent it in the direct opposite direction of myself. The scene of a claw crushing me stopped as I got my bearings back.
"I can finally breathe, it felt like I was choking." I shakily said to myself doing some deep breaths to collect myself. After regaining myself my eyes widen in realisation.
Why are my hands so small?
This isn't my body and what the fuck was a huge ass fox doing in my small suburb? Did the government lose it or some shit?
Wait no that can't be the case…
Standing up I run unsteadily to the nearest water source I could and looked at my reflection.
"What?" I said confused touching my cheek with trembling hands. My body was that of a child and it didn't resemble my old look at all.
A kid seemingly between the ages of 6-8 stared back at me with uneasy eyes. I had deep yellow eyes, and brown spiky hair with a ponytail at the end due to how long the hair was.
Even after all this distance between me and the fox, I could still feel where it was. I was terrified and I was willing to admit it, seeing my death over 20 times could do that sort of thing.
'I'm in Naruto.' I thought in disbelief.
No no no…
I don't want to be here, not like this. What did I do to deserve all of this? I could feel Kyubi's extreme hate as it damaged the village. It was as if I was absorbing all its rage but getting cruelly killed over and over again.
Looking at the village I suddenly got a headache and clutched my head. Months worth of memories entered my head as I realised my name.
Shin Tokura.
The child had two parents that owned a store and a nice single building near the shinobi district. Because of this many shinobi visited and ate there regularly.
"Wait a minute, his parent's house was near the centre of the village." I thought to myself with a sour look. I'm not one to care about another stranger's parents but I'll at least be respectful to them as I took over their kid's body.
Was this a dream?
No, it can't be…
The feeling drying over and over again fuelled my thoughts kicking me out of my stupid mindset.
This was no show.
This was a world where killing and death was a common occurrence to see outside the walls. Only the strong are able to survive and be safe.
'I need power, the academy that's it. Paired with my knowledge I can get through.' I blindly thought to myself still scarred from the horrors of tonight. I wasn't thinking straight but this would be more evident the next day.
After a self-monologue, the Tailed Beast started to gather large amounts of energy. No, it's a chakra ball, near its mouth as I could feel the sheer presence of the attack.
"If that hits anything, the whole village will explode." I croaked out too tunnel visioned to remember what would actually happen.
The sheer terror of the beast clouded my thoughts.
Short moments after watching the Kyubi charge up a {Tailed-Beast Ball}, the huge chunk of chakra clearly visible to me was sent. This attack was heading straight for the Hokage mountain, to which it was slowly getting cut off?
Ridiculous as it looked, the attack was slowly being sucked into some kind of void to which I recognise as Fuinjutsu from prior knowledge.
"This is the power of the fourth Hokage." I murmur in awe. No wonder the village practically are fanatics for this guy, he's a monster to redirect that.
Soon after this the chunk of chakra I recognise as the Kyubi disappeared and seemingly reappeared at a far distance.
With the threat now gone as I finally remembered what would happen. I salute Minato in my head and started to head back to the building I thought about earlier.
I should be able to live there for a while as it has a living compartment inside.
Leaving the little grassy landscape that was next to a kids park. I headed down near the shinobi district, while there I saw something I couldn't forget no matter what. Walking around I heard the cries and devastation of the citizens who ran and are running to the shinobi's for protection.
While the damage couldn't be seen as I wasn't at the place of attack, I realised that I might be an orphan after this.
According to my memories, Shin's Mother was sick. So her and his Dad went to the Konoha hospital as they were Chunin and Genin respectively.
That's where the attack were…
'It's not like I care about them. It would in fact make my life harder though as not having parents would make my growth slower.' I contemplated with a tired sigh. With my shaky body starting to calm down, I soon after made it to the building to which "my" parents owned.
"There should be a key here." I murmur. The building had two sides to it. On the right was a door to which lead to a small living compartment. While on the right was where Dad and Mum would cook food, store all the ingredients and where they would serve customers.
This place was honestly well kept and seemed perfect for someone like me to start out. Items like weights won't be cheap I bet so I'll try my best.
I've already accepted that this isn't some show anymore due to my abrupt circumstances, so why not make the most of my little transmigration.
At the entrance were two pots with a huge plant in each of them. On the right pot was a key near the back inside the dirt.
"Right there."
Digging a little bit for the keys, I feel them on my palm and grab them.
*Tinkle* *Tinkle*
Hearing the tinkling of the keys hitting each other, I opened the door and made my way inside my new home.
"This feels awfully familiar." I say to myself realising the similarities. My tired body at a nights walk back "home". Quite funny if I say so myself.
Hopefully the village stills exists by tommorow.
"It's time to get some shut eye." I croak out as I dragged myself to the king sized bed. With my vision starting to close just without the crushing pressure, a smile crept up my face.