

Essence of the Sex Master

By drinking this strange water that have a light smell of squid, you gain the following effects

You gain your ideal body

Porn physic now apply to you and anyone you're currently having sex with

Your skill and knowledge at sex is increased to near superhuman level and will only grow better the more you have sex

You instinctively know how to bring the most pleasure to yourself and your partner(s)

You no longer suffer from the unwanted side effect of sex(STD or any disease in general, unwanted pregnancy, negative effect of incest, chafing, refractory period, etc)

You have unlimited stamina for sex and can always go on until you and/or your partner(s) are satisfied

Your enjoyment of sex will never decrease


Essence of the Ace

An essence that tastes like pizza, the true power of friendship. It grants you several boons:

A one time body remodel and health upgrade. You can make yourself look like anything that is still recognizably human so if you want white hair with gold eyes, go for it. Your health will be reset to the best in the world and never downgrade from there, this does not mean you have a fitness to match with just this alone. No one from before your change will find your new changes unusual even when looking at past photos.

An aura of asexuality. While people can still find you attractive they tend not to have any thoughts towards you related to sex or lewds but would rather hang out or do non-sexual things with you. Anyone observing will also have no sexual or romantic assumptions about what you're doing with your friends.

A weekly spending fund of 500 dollars or equivalent delivered to you or deposited in your account at your convenience. No one will question or wonder where this money comes from and will not tax you for it or steal it, nor will it hurt the economy in any way no matter how much you spend.

An aura of dependableness. You foster a sense of trustworthiness and loyalty in others that causes them to regard you as a confidant in matters that you can actually give advice on or that they otherwise just need to get off their chests. Complete strangers won't walk up to you and start airing all their troubles, unless you're a priest or some other religious figure, but they would find it very easy to get along with you if you talked to them.

Immunity to sexual powers, influences, or lewd accidents. While you can still spot innuendos and make lewd jokes with the best of them you are totally immune to any form of unnatural attempt to make you feel horny, attempts to set you up in lewd or sexual shenanigans, or powers that work, are charged by, or otherwise have mechanics derived from sex or lewds. The she-witch tries to manipulate your hormones? Fails. The Demon Lord has an overwhelming aura of sexual prowess? You roll your eyes, neither impressed or affected. You pratfall by accident towards a well endowed girl? Either she steps out of the way, you catch yourself before crashing into her, or she manages to brace enough that neither of you are knocked to the ground in an embarrassing position. If someone tries so much as to make you show off more skin than you're comfortable with, the effect and attempt will fail. Yes that means that if they take a sword and deliberately cut your shirt to show off your breasts the blade misses or fails to cut. If you don't want lewds or sexual situations to show up, they just don't no matter what mechanics a universe might run on. This immunity holds up even against the most powerful of Gods, you simply cannot be forced to have sex if you don't want to.

The ability to summon any type of pizza with any toppings or desired crust, an entire pie or just a slice, any time you want and you can have it at any temperature you want. The pizzas you summon will be as healthy and nutritional as if you ate a normal diet and won't cause you any problems that would normally arise from eating lots of cheese, garlic, and greasy meat, or anything else you might put on your pizza.

You gain a mastery in one skill of your choice to the level of Ace and gain a learning, processing, and training booster for any and all other skills you care to pick up at a rate of 5x faster than you otherwise would.

You can turn off any part of this Essence and back on whenever you like.


Essence of the Elements

By taking this Essence, you gain control over one or any number of the four basic elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air).

You can create or destroy any amount of your element.

You may transform into your element in order to become amorphous. Transforming back will heal you.

You gain sustenance by absorbing your element.

As you practice, you will gain the ability to branch out into the more esoteric elements (lightning, ice, metal, etc.) You have complete control over the element(s) of your choice, and immunity to their harmful effects.


Essence of the Harem Protagonist

There is something about you that can attract anyone, even strange alien beings beyond the comprehension of mortals and gods alike. What it is that attracts these individuals will vary from person to person but there will always at least be something that will pique their interest. Their interest can easily blossom into fondness, a desire for friendship, or even genuine love if given some time to interact with you in some way whether it be in person or through hearing about you.

Are quite a bit tougher, enough that you could survive the rather destructive results of typical harem shenanigans. You will never suffer crippling or lethal wounds from any of those in your harem.

You will passively draw towards you individuals that have significant power, importance in their world plot wise or some other reason, grand destinies, and this such as that. Toggleable.

Granted infinite stamina and vitality, you are a quite able lover, able to please a mind boggling amount of people into bliss.

Any individuals that become part of your harem will be more willing to put aside differences and grievances to work towards your happiness and their own if circumstances permit. The feelings and loyalty they have for you will remain eternally strong unless you do something terrible to change that.

Fate, Destiny, and coincidence will bend, twist, warp, and maneuver to keep those in your harem yours. That doesn't mean they are bound to you forever if they honestly want to move on, just that things like individuals with mind control abilities, infernal lust powers, or a dirty monster tries to claim them these attempts at taking them will fail quite spectacularly. You can sense any who try to claim what is yours and who they are.