
Naruto's Strange Night.

Mr_Insane_3041 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Travel Night

By lunchtime the group, consisting of Naruto, Anko, Tsunade, Hinata, Ino, Mei, Kurenai and Jiraiya, had reached a small village by the border between Fire and Water. Next they would need a boat to reach the island where their destination was, but first they decided to have lunch at a nice restaurant. At this pace they would reach Hidden Mist by sunset.

As the group ordered (Naruto of course ordered ramen to his fiancés' embarrassment and amusement) a group with headbands that showed that they were from the Hidden Cloud village came in. They were led by a large man with dark skin and glasses and a rapper's attitude. His name was Killer Bee, the jinchuriki of the Eight-Tail's and younger brother of the Raikage. His team consisted the blonde and busty Samui, the dark skinned and hot tempered Karui and the over thinking and philosophical Omoi.

When Samui noticed the Mizukage and her company she thought it would be a good idea for her teacher to go over and greet the important woman, especially since she seemed to be in company with two Sannin. He was the Raikage's little brother after all.

The older man refused at first but when she threatened to tell A that he hadn't greeted a Kage on his behalf Killer Bee had no other choice but to go over and greet the beautiful woman. Samui sent her other two teammates a look that told them "be quiet or else…"

The group led by Mei looked up as the team from Hidden Cloud approached them.

"Yo, hello Mizukage!"

Killer Bee's greeting embarrassed both his team and the group.

"And you are?" The red hair asked unsurely. Samui realized that it was up to her to make sure they weren't embarrassed even more.

"We're from the Hidden Cloud and thought it would be common courtesy to greet another Kage. Especially since my teacher over here is the brother of A, the Raikage."

The Mizukage was a little surprised. What was the brother of the Raikage doing in the Fire Country? Before she could say anything Naruto decided that he too wanted to greet.

"Hi, my name's Naruto Uzumaki and me and my friends are going to the Hidden Mist so that I can restore my clan!" His girls, which practically included every girl that he was traveling with right now, hit him in the head. Sometimes he was just too blunt.

Samui blinked. Uzumaki? Did that mean he was the son of Kushina Uzumaki that her village had tried to kidnap many years ago? After the Hyuuga Incident/Fiasco A had found out that there was a young boy named Uzumaki in the Hidden Leaf and in order to not lose face too much he had arranged so that Samui was to marry him when he was a little older. The reason why she was chosen was because she was the best kunoichi in the village.

The blonde foreign beauty continued to watch the young boy. She couldn't believe that this kid that reminded her of her teacher with his personality was supposed to be her future husband. Then again, since he was obviously leaving the village did that mean the deal was over? Not until the Raikage said so.

At least now she knew that he wouldn't be found in the Hidden Leaf any longer but in Hidden Mist. One question remained though. Why had he left the village, and was traveling with the Mizukage, two Sannin and a bunch of females?

"May I ask why a group of ninjas from Hidden Cloud is appearing in the Fire Country?" Tsunade's question was both sudden and blunt.

"Why, we were just finishing a hot mission when we decided to take a shortcut through these beautiful lands. Since when is that a crime baby?"

One slap later and Killer Bee found himself on the floor.

"You've got to be the rudest guy I have ever met. You don't call a woman like me those kinds of nicknames unless you're her lover."

Samui quickly started to apologize for her teacher's rude behavior.

"I'm extremely sorry Tsunade-sama." She bowed as deep as could without losing her balance. "Not even his own brother can do something about his behavior."

The older busty blonde nodded. Apology accepted.

Team Killer Bee sat down at a table next to them and ordered some food for themselves. Meanwhile Karui decided to ask the question that had been on the team's minds.

"Why have all of you left the Hidden Leaf to go with the Mizukage and revive a clan in the Hidden Mist?"

"That is classified information." Jiraiya said as politely as he could without sounding rude.

"So we´re gonna have to leave wondering?" Omoi asked.

Mei nodded.

"I'm sorry, but considering what have happened lately this is something that can only be known by the people involved in the matter."

This made Samui even more curious. Luckily for her she had a paper that made her one of the people involved. A marriage contract between her and Naruto Uzumaki, signed by both the Raikage and the Hokage. She was forced to always carry it with her in case it needed to be invoked before the groom had turned 16.

The blonde bombshell took out the piece of paper and handed it to the Mizukage who read it with wide eyes before returning it.

"Fine then," the red hair said, "but what we're about to tell you must stay between us, got it?"

Samui nodded.

"I understand, and I'll promise my team won't tell anyone about it."

"Hey what's going on here?" Karui asked a bit loud, "what was that paper?"

Naruto decided to add a few words himself.

"Yeah, how are they involved in this?"

The Mizukage saw that both groups were curios. She sighed and looked around. It didn't look like they would be overheard, which was a good thing.

"Okay, first answer. Appearently Samui here was arranged to marry Naruto shortly after a certain incident (Everyone had heard about the Hyuuga Incident so they figured out that was it). The marriage contract was signed by both the Raikage and the Third Hokage and even though Sarutobi is dead the contract is still valid." She took a pause to let everyone take the information in.

Killer Bee and his team couldn't believe what they were hearing. The Third Hokage was dead?

The girls were shocked to hear that not only would they have to share "their" Naruto with yet another female, but one from a village that would do anything to gain more power. This would be hard to accept.

"Hey, how did the old man kick the bucket?" The jinchuriki from Hidden Cloud asked. Naruto answered that question.

"He was killed by one of his former students, a guy named Orochimaru. Luckily that snake died with him." You could tell that Naruto missed the old man.

Mei decided to continue the story. Once she was done Karui was the first one to speak up.

"So the Hidden Leaf's without a Hokage and you left for Hidden Mist because Naruto most likely wasn't welcome in your village any longer despite his bloodlines and now you're going to let him revive his clan in the Hidden Mist instead?"

The former Leaf shinobi nodded. That pretty much summarized everything.

Samui sighed. This meant that she would have to move to the Hidden Mist herself.

"Well then," she said, "I guess I'll have to move with you then Uzumaki." The boy would have to earn her trust before she called him by his first name.

"Wait, so we're moving to Hidden Mist then?" Omoi asked.

"Yeah, since the competition for my future husband his growing tougher I'll need to be near him a lot more."

Now their food had arrived but Mei still had something to say.

"Before you can do that there are certain papers that me and the Raikage need to take care of."

"Yoh, no problem Mizukage, 'cause for this new alliance you'll have support from the Raikage." The thought of moving to a new village slightly excited Killer Bee.

"Yeah," Jiraiya added, slightly jealous that his newest student was going to be surrounded by so many beautiful women. Then again, some of them might want to train with their fiancé, "now there is no reason for the Raikage to have an alliance with the Hidden Leaf and instead focus on the relationship with the Hidden Mist."

Speaking of the Hidden Leaf, things were looking pretty hectic there with some of their greatest triumph cards gone, never to return again. Not to mention that their relationship with the Hidden Mist was pretty bad because of what they had wanted to do to the Mizukage's fiancé because they somehow blamed him for the death of their two latest Hokages.

Danzo was so far the only candidate for the position of Hokage along with Kakashi but all in all it didn't look good for the village.

Meanwhile the Hyuuga clan and the Yamanaka clan were in uproar. They couldn't believe that their main heiresses had left the village to go with that demon. Especially since he was probably the reason why Orochimaru had attacked.

The only members of those two clans who weren't upset were Hiashi and Inoichi, who thought that their daughters could have made a much worse decision.

The rest of the genins couldn't believe that Naruto had left the village with so many important people. Add to the fact that he had made Sasuke, the rookie of the year, look like a civilian made them wonder just what kind of future he was going towards.

The one who was the most upset over Naruto's leaving was Sasuke.

He couldn't believe that the dead-last of the academy had managed to surpass him already. Who exactly was Naruto Uzumaki and how dared he make fun of the last Uchiha? One thing was for sure, once he had dealt with Itachi it would be Naruto's turn. Sure he had acted like he and Naruto were still friends but deep inside he couldn't help but feel jealous of the blonde's superior powers.

Neji on the other hand was happy for Hinata's choice. Naruto was probably the only one who could help his oldest cousin to grow and his uncle seemed to be aware of it.

Sakura wasn't doing any better either. For some reason she missed the dumb blonde. She didn't understand why though. With Ino gone she had one last rival for Sasuke's affection, so why wasn't she using her advantage? The pink haired girl didn't want to admit it, but she felt a bit sexually frustrated after being raped, a feeling she was ashamed of, and with the way Sasuke had been lately he might be able to help her once again feel violated and helpless.

Yes, Sakura Haruno had found herself turning into a masochist.

Meanwhile Team Killer Bee and the Mizukage's group had finished eating and decided to separate. Samui would go back to Hidden Cloud and prepare to move to Hidden Mist while Mei would return home and prepare a suitable home for the Uzumaki clan (there was an old, abandoned compound that would be big enough for the Uzumaki clan). In secret she and Anko would also inject the Sharingan in Naruto, adding a sixth bloodline to the clan (Ice Style, Crystal Style, Lava Style, Steam Style, Byakugan and Sharingan), which would make the Uzumaki clan the strongest clan in history.

Naruto had no idea what a powerful clan he would become head for or that he in about one month would be a married boy. Things just couldn't get any weirder right now.