Disclaimer- I don’t own anything here everything is reserved to their own rights Left for dead, feeling betrayed and alone, he gets another chance, but in the end it’ll depend on him on how strong he’ll become in his own right, along with some luck and god's blessing on his side, when past demons appear, will it overwhelm him? Watch his journey, or read in this case, how far he’ll go. ————————————————————————————— So this is a rewrite, you’ll be able to find the original in my original works in my profile if u want to, but this will be a lot better in my opinion, but you can judge for yourself. Also I will happily accept criticism, but not bitching to those people they can just leave.
"Come on John, hurry up so you can meet my friend and her kids!"
"Coming mommy!"Hearing my mommy I respond back while hurriedly putting on my shoes and run out my room to the living room after I do.
"All ready!"I say excitedly seeing my mommy on the sofa, it'll be my first time to making a friend after all!
"Well aren't you all excited? Well seeing as you're ready let's get going."My mommy said before we started leaving, but as we got to the front door I hear my Dad.
"Wait for me! I wanna see my friend to!"He exclaimed while throwing a shirt on and in response my mommy could only sigh.
"You really are the worst."My mommy said but a smile couldn't stop from appearing on her face.
"And yet you still love me."My Dad said arriving in front of my mommy, and they kissed.
"Eew!"I over exaggerated with a smile and they stopped before smiling at me together.
"When you get a girlfriend you'll be singing a different tune, John."My Dad said before my Mommy smacked his arm.
"Stop it, he's still too young to know about that."She said while my Dad rubbed his arm.
"Now let's go."Mommy said and stepped out the front door while we followed. Going to the car, my Dad gets in the driver seat while my Mommy opens the door into the back seat for me and buckles in me before getting in the front passenger seat.
"We all ready?"
"Yeah!"I respond.
"Then let's get going."He announced before starting the car and pulling out the parking spot onto the road. After about a 20 minute ride we arrived in front of a house.
"Here we are, jeez it's been a while since we've seen them."My Dad started talking.
"Yeah well we both got kids and both got busy, and they had twins so they especially were busy, but if our kids become friends then it'll be a good reason to make up for lost time."My Mommy said.
"Yeah... well let's get going then."My Dad said and turned off the car before both my parents stepped out and my Mommy helped me out. Walking up to the front door, my Mommy rings the door bell and a few seconds later a man opened it.
"Heeey."My Dad said and the man smiled before they both briefly hugged each other.
"It's been a while, wonder if you can still hold your liquor though, you haven't gone soft on me have you?"My Dad said to the man after they broke the hug.
"I'll never go soft."The man responded but then a womanly voice came from inside the house that seemed to have scared him.
"Honey, did I just hear you suggesting you're gonna drink in front of the kids?"A woman said from the door.
"N-No, I would never."Dad seeing this, bursted out laughing.
"Hahaha! It seems you've domesticated him!"
"Well someone had to. Hey Angie, it's been so long."After responding to my Dad, the lady greeted my Mommy.
"It has."My Mommy agreed as they hugged in greeting.
"Wait lady, her name isn't Angie, it's Mommy!"I said with a pout seeing her get her name wrong.
"No John, you call me Mommy but my name is Angie."My Mommy said crouching down while patting my head.
"I see, I've been lied to my whole life... What else?! Dad's name isn't Dad?!"I exclaimed rhetorically.
"Actually kiddo, it's not Dad, it's Luis."My Dad said, and I felt my whole world crumble.
"Everything is a lie, everything I knew was lie."I mumbled to myself while sitting on the ground rocking back and forth.
"Sorry, he over exaggerates like this a lot."My Mom said to the lady.
"I think it's cute."I suddenly hear a childish voice from the door, looking up I see a little girl my age with black hair let loose over her shoulders with big bright blue eyes with chubby cheeks in a little white flower dress, and looking at her only one thought coming to head.
"Yeah, I thought it was funny!"Pulling my attention I see a boy with black hair and blue eyes, like the girl, and looked almost identical to the girl.
"My name is Justin! I'm four years old! What's you name?"He asked me energetically, and by now I'm standing up again.
"I'm John, I'm also four years old... what's your name?"After responding to Justin I ask the girl her name.
"I'm Alyssa, I'm also four and the twin sister of him."The now named Alyssa answered me.
"Well with the introductions out of the way, why don't you guys show him your room?"The lady suggested.
"Yeah! Let's go!"Justin said and ran inside leaving us behind.
"Don't worry, I'll show you the way."Alyssa said seeing Justin run off and grabbed my hand before dragging me inside.