

A soft, warm breeze blew through the room, intertwining with the soft scent of lavender. The room radiated ambiance, almost as if it produced a sweet lullaby.

It was near the end of spring, the air scented with various blooming flowers and a hint of rain. Birds settled nearby, filling the air with their various songs. If one listened close enough, they would hear the flapping of wings or the rustling of plants blowing in the wind.

A young woman, appearing to be in her early twenties, sat comfortably in front of a wooden desk. Despite the small pile of work on the desk requesting attention, her gaze fixated on the wilderness beyond the open window in front of her.

At times like these, the concept of time appeared to be fictional, unreal. Only the slow, lazy movement of the sun across the pale blue sky gave its viewer indication of the passage of time.

The woman lightly tapped her pen on the pile of papers in front of her, appearing as if she were lost in thought. The slight breeze blew through her brunette, medium-length hair. The loose strands disturbed by the wind tickled the side of her face and nose; she did not pay any attention to these slight distractions.

If only each day would lead to an experience like this one. If only the world were not so harsh to every individual. If only time would stop in this moment.

This, however, was not the case.