
Mystic Realm

Doing their school assignment in their back yard ,the Dawson twins find something that will change their lives for good . As their dreams and fantasies come true . [congratulations] [oder of God's.....] Sss_manga

Sss_manga · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


Hey dax come and help me with this,"looking out of the door of their carriage drax smiled excited for their journey," we are finally leaving that lonely valley,i just pray we get to meet a group of bandits on the way,"turning to look at his brother, he saw a stern look on his face,"hey don't look at me like that,I know you're curious too, you see, two weeks ago I was in our parents room checking out somethings and then I saw a box and when I opened it I saw a sword,and it was red.

"Wait,what was I doing at that time and why didn't you tell me," "well first of all you were sleeping and I guess it's finally time to tell you, you sleep too much and I just forgot to tell you about it.

" I can't believe you actually forgot to tell me about it and I don't sleep too much and if you want to bring that up again then , you play too much,drake said getting ready for a session of another stupid argument.

"You really are asking for this"arguing for what seemed like ten minutes, they felt a jolt in the carriage they were, "stop arguing boys it's time to leave," their father said carrying a brownish coloured box and putting it in the front seat where he will be riding the carriage from.

"Dad,what is in that box you are carrying," drake asked to confirm what his brother has told him,"well, it is something special, but I only use it for emergencies.

Drax wore a face boasting of the best social media site, "so can we see it,"drake said getting excited to see it for himself, "no,it's only for emergencies, so I can't show you, okay," his father said as he turned around to start the carriage, but whispered to himself, "maybe I will use".

"Let's go boy's, it's time to move ,"jane said as she climbed into the carriage with a smile, "so how do we move when we don't have horses attached to the carriage?, " drake asked, cause the only thing he could see was his father sitting in the front of the carriage with no horses or anything attached to it.

"Haha, this carriage is different my boy, it's called an elemental carriage,your father spent a lot of money on this.

"Stop barraging and start the carriage dax," jane said with a smile on her face, "okay let's go,"dax said pressing a button on the handle of his seat.

"Um, we are not moving," drax said getting impatient, "just be patient, I forgot I have to press the button three times, "doing what he had just said, he pressed the button and two poles came out from the bottom of the carriage, and he put his hands on them and a red aura surrounded his arm and started pouring into the carriage.

"Wow, is that real aura I'm seeing right now,"drax said to himself in suprise, "yes it is and the reason it is red is because your father possesses the fire element.

"Can you show us some tricks, dad,"they both said at the same time, no I don't think so, I have to focus on making the truck move.

"I thought the journey will be interesting but this is just boring,"drax said feeling sad. Don't worry dear, I know it's your first time leaving the valley and your father needs to focus on what he i doing.

"Okay fine I will tell you some things you need to know before the test, first there are eight elements like your father's fire element and my wind element and there are also water, earth, space, lightning, light, darkness, and the rarest of all aether.

"There are also different races like an elf and a fairy, Jane said with a slight blush on her face, "and also humans, giants, dwarfs, dragons, and demons. Some fairy's are mostly affiliated with the water, wind and light elements, while, elf's are affiliated with the earth but not the stone aspect,the plant aspect, the space, lightning, light and darkness, giants are mostly earth elementalist s, dwarfs are affiliated with the fire and earth elements, demons always have the darkness elements, humans and dragons are affiliated with all the elements and in all the races there are people who can wield more than elements.

All the twins could do was nod their heads confirming all the information they received.

"Oh,I almost forgot there are also people called special souls, they are unique people who can access more parts of their elements.

"So what can they do mum,"drake said happy as the conversation made him understand the information better, "some of them are summoners and can summon elemental warriors, some of them have soul protectors.

"So do you think we are special souls mum,"drax asked, "well I can't say,we are going to know when we see the test results.

"How is the test conducted, drake asked his mother, "i won't tell you it is something you are supposed to find out by yourselves, Jane answered with a smile on her face.

"Are there any schools to train elements for people, drake asked wanting to confirm the information given to him, "wow I never thought any of you would ask that question, there are places to learn how to use the elements properly but they are not called schools but, factions," Jane answered her child in a motherly tone.

Enjoying their conversation the mother and children were soon interrupted by a jolt in the carriage."Get ready Jane they're bandits,"dax said grabbing the box by his side with a smile on his face.

"Wait here nothing will happen to you,we will take care of everything.

Looking at his mother drax turned and smiled showing the face of someone about to enjoy a show,"you really don't have to make that kind of face, drake said,"why shouldn't I,I am about to see a fantasy fight where they use real powers for real, and you tell me not to make that face,"well you do have a point, let's just sit back and watch, drake said.

Watching and analysing the situation as if they were watching an anime, the twins kept on looking,"there are twenty two bandits, what do you think, drax asked his brother but he heard no answers, "hey,snap out of it,drax said said with a cheeky smile on his face realizing what his brother was looking at.

"Look at that sword,drake said in amazement looking at the red glistening sword that reacted to the sunlight,"well that was my first reaction Sao I don't blame you.

"What a good sword, a man with dread locks,a horn sticking out of his head said , "it will sell for a fortune, get It boys.

Running across the canyon all the bandits had similar features as the man standing on the hill, horns,tail and black eyes.

"With a smile beaming on his face, dax held the sword firmly on his hand waiting for the bandits to come close, ready to slash his sword at any time.

Running with their psychopathic gaze on their faces longing for blood, "can you see it?",drake asked his brother in a serious tone,"the dark aura coming out of their bodies, yes I can!", running through the canyon with an obvious black aura protruding out of their bodies,the bandits were ready to attack and take every belonging they see.

"Jane are you ready, dax shouted seeing the bandits come closer, "yes,Jane shouted back. "Ahhhhh" the bandits shouted as they were about to release their attacks, but before they could they heard the chant of a skill, "fire slash", with every rapid movement of his sword fire slashes came out of it, " wind slashes",Jane chanted from the sky.

Within the barrage of fire and wind slashes only a few grunts were heard, running out of the thick smoke with a few burns on their body the bandit still had a menacing look on their faces but with much more blood lust.

Jane it's time to use it, dax said in a quiet voice as if he was talking to the wind, in reaction the air around them blew furiously.

As if Jane knew it was the perfect timing she raised her hands up chanted "rising tornado",at the same time dax swung his sword in a downward manner like an uppercut saying out loud"hell flame".