
iron Cage and blood beast

"Beast Mutation!"

Luna henry nearly shot right up from her seat out of shock, but she managed to restrain her impulse at the final moment.

These words were so firmly etched in her mind as if they had been there all this while. She wondered if this searing pain was something one would feel when being branded

Beast Transformation: Drawing power from beast blood, and using blood to control the transformation …

Luna henry eyelids twitched as she held the book with hands trembling in trepidation. What exactly was this?!

Hunters and trackers drew their strength from the sordid blood of dream beasts and demonic beast. Through injecting themselves with a drug made out of sordid blood, they could gain a portion of the power of the abyss. However, such an act was extremely dangerous, and there was a high chance of dying on the first injection.

This eventually became known as the threshold for becoming a hunter.

On top of that, if the dosage exceeded a certain limit, the hunter or tracker would be unable to control the devastating prowess of the sordid blood in his body and become 'infected', leading to the occurrence of a certain phenomenon.

This phenomenon could be split into three stages: Personality distortion, loss of rationality, and physical mutation.

The higher the concentration of sordid blood, the stronger the hunter or tracker and the prowess of the transformation

Demonic Beast Blood and Dream Beasts Blood. Both held immense power, yet they were worlds apart in nature.

Demonic Beast Blood, a common but treacherous essence, surged through the creatures dwelling in the darkened corners of the realm. Its potency granted immense strength and abilities, but at a price—it demanded control, often leading to uncontrollable ferocity and malevolent urges in those who wielded it.

On the other hand, Dream Beasts Blood was a rare and coveted essence, found only in the purest of creatures born from dreams realm . This ethereal blood held harmonious power, granting its wielders extraordinary abilities while maintaining a bond with the dream world. Its scarcity made it a mysterious and sought-after resource.

Luna possessed the dream beast blood of fall night wolf born in thr realm of Dreams.In the realm of dreams and ethereal beings, the Fall Night Wolf is a majestic creature that embodies the essence of the autumnal night. Standing tall and proud, this magnificent wolf is adorned with a coat of lush ebony fur, gleaming with an otherworldly iridescence reminiscent of the harvest moon.

Amongst the different types of physical mutation, the most commonly seen one was beast mutation.

And it was highly impossible to control a beast mutation weather its demonic beast mutation or dream beast Mutation!

Veteran hunters and trackers who had accumulated too much sordid blood possessed unimaginable strength, but at the same time, they underwent great suffering due to their beast mutation phenomenon.

It was true that luna henry had considered 'casting aside her humanity' to undergo a second injection so as to gain the power needed to exact vengeance, but she had never thought that this mysterious bookstore owner would actually give her the method to control sordid blood!

This meant that she would be able to control her beast mutation, a problem which neither hunters,trackers nor magicians have been able to achieve since ancient times


Sensing the blood in her body slowly coming under her control, Tuna raspy voice quivered in a mixture of excitement and agitation as she asked, "Is this what you want me to do?"

The young man standing before her was a real madman!

Mabye he is an old magician who have lived for centuries and ubelievably powerful one at that!

One must know that this knowledge was more than enough to topple the current system amoung the group of hunters and trackers! As soon as this skill was spread amongst the people, the hunters and trackers would be able to break free of their reliance on sordid blood.

This was an undertaking equivalent to a crusade to change the old world. There was no saying what would come out of this—she could become lauded as a saint or condemned as a sinner.

But in any case, the choice of fate was currently in her hands, and she wanted to change the old world that had long gone out of time.

Luna's breathing got heavier and heavier as she lowered her head to stare at the book in her hands. Her panting echoed exceptionally loudly in this quiet little bookstore.

On the other hand, Scaler sighed in silence as he watched the lowered, trembling head in front of him.

Haa, she's just like any other young lady in the face of a breakup.

Despite appearing to be a strong, independent woman, she had a vulnerable side to her too..

With just a few words of encouragement and comfort, she's already on the verge of crying.

At times like this, tears didn't just represent sadness. It could also be a sign of being ready to let go of the past in preparation to move forward.

After revealing her vulnerable side, what she needed next was an injection of self-confidence. She should be given the courage to believe in herself, that she could stand proudly before the harshness of the world and face it!

"Yes, you need to do it. You must do it. Cast aside your remorse and face yourself honestly."

The young man spoke with a lowered tone. It sounded as if he was talking to her and to himself at the same time.

"Once the last trumpet sounds, I shall present myself before the sovereign judge with this book in my hand, and loudly proclaim, thus have I acted; these were my thoughts; such was I. Such as I was, I have declared myself; sometimes vile and despicable, at others, virtuous, generous and sublime; even as thou hast read my inmost soul;"

What Scaler narrated was an excerpt of original text from Confessions.

He looked at Luna henry with a smile and continued, "Like wild beasts, everyone has primitive desires. That's just how reality is, isn't it?"

Luna raised her head, only to see Scaler raising his cup and clinking it against hers.

"Cheers to a new tomorrow. What do you say?"

After a long Luna henry put down the book and picked up the cup earnestly. She smiled and nodded prudently in response. "Thank you for your guidance. I will comply with your wishes."

Scaler had just taken a sip when he noticed Luna henry actions and froze up.

Did she just gulp down the entire cup of tea? That was just a symbolic gesture! I just wanted her to have some hot tea to warm herself up...

Furthermore, I have only topped it up moments ago. It must have still been boiling hot!

How in the world did she drink the whole thing in the blink of an eye?!

Nevermind, nevermind the people of this world are really crazy unlike me.

She has just been jilted after all. She might not be in the right frame of mind...

Scaler put down his cup uneasily. He hesitated for a brief moment, but he decided to ask it in the end, "Do you need me to call an ambulance for you?"

Luna henry shook her head. "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

Most of her wounds had already healed up during the exchange. This was the power of sordid blood.

Alright then. Since she's already said so, I'll just assume that she's fine.

After all, she wouldn't have been able to continue speaking so casually with me if she had really been scalded.

Would you like to rest a little longer?"

Scaler brought out a black umbrella from beneath the counter and shook it. "It's unfortunate that my cramped bookstore doesn't have much space, so I can only keep you here till tonight.

"Here's an umbrella. You can take it along with the book. The due date for returning the book is a month with a maximum extension of another seven days. Remember to bring the umbrella along with you when you drop by to return the book."

Rather than a bookstore, it felt more apt to call it a book warehouse. There were only bookshelves in the store aside from books.

"I'll leave in a moment's time."

Luna henry took the umbrella before receiving the register book scaler was passing over to write down her personal particulars and sign it off. She then raised her head to look at Lin Jie and asked cautiously, "May I know a little more about you?"

Me? Oh of course we have talked for a long time and I didn't even introduce myself yet how silly am I!

Scaler blinked in realization before swiftly putting on a professional smile. "I'm Scaler Arcanis but you call me just scaler. I'm just an ordinary boss of a bookstore who likes helping others."

He placed the book in a plastic bag and looked at the name on the register.

Luna henry … Hmm?

Doesn't the most famous billionaire man Caelan henry of Lunaris city surname also goes by henry?

Scaler Arcanis was confident in his memory, and the name 'luna henry' was rather atypical too. He was quite certain of it.

Not to mention, the lady before him was dressed in an evening gown that appeared to be custom-made. It was not the kind of attire that an average person could afford.

Scaler tried his best to maintain his composure as he silently tucked the register away.

This is quite the big fish.

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