
Mystic Academy: School of the Gifted

Espers, Individuals that have supernatural powers and the ability to destroy anything with the flick of a wrist. But what if there was a school, an academy dedicated to these Espers? What If Espers had to go through school like the rest of us? In a world where Espers live amongst the crowd of normal individuals, Makoto Kimura, a First Year, has to now adjust to this new Mystic Academy. But unlike his old academy, This academy is notorious for having some of this generations strongest Espers. Being new food for the Academy, Kimura has to start at the very bottom. But unknown to them, he hides a secret. What is this secret, Why does he hide it, and what would happen if he shows this secret of his? What challenges will come his way in this new academy? What will become of him afterwards? Those are questions that he will have to find himself. ---------------------------------------------------------- Chapters 1-11 Updates come (possibly) daily. Cover was made by me, My signature is hidden.

LSen · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

They began walking together, seeing other students walk towards the academy building as well. Kimura smiled as Yamada didn't seem as happy as Kimura was. By the time they got inside, it was sort of packed, students were walking between halls, staying in classes that haven't started yet, they were just hanging out for the time being.

"My old academy never let us do this!"


Kimura got his shoes on quickly and waited for Yamada. But as he waited he heard footsteps getting closer to him.  Tap tap tap tap Kimura looked over to the side and saw a group of students walking by, Other students had moved but Kimura stayed where he was at, staring at their group leader confused.

"Get out of the way."


Kimura smugly smiled as a punch was thrown at him, being quick, Kimura dodged it without any delay. he backed up go gain some space as their group leader closed the gap, throwing punches left and right. Kimura kept dodging the punches asking, "Do you guys fight on the daily? It's my second day—" as he bumped into a girl by accident.

He quickly turned around to catch her by the wrist but looked the other way to catch a haymaker across the face. She stabilized herself as Kimura lets go of her wrist and throws a counter punch across the students face. Pest... He rubbed his lip as he looked down and saw a little bit of blood. He chuckled as he looked at the student shaking it off.

"All that for a drop of blood?"


He came in swinging, throwing wide swings as Kimura notices his eyes were glowing. Kimura raised up his arms to guard but then felt himself freeze up. Kimura couldn't move as he felt a jab at his stomach from their knee, his eye twitched a bit as Kimura was forced to take a beating form the guy. He began to chuckle, swinging left and right constantly as blood splattered left and right.

"What's wrong?! Can't move so quickly!"


A shoe then hit the back of his head, he turned around to see Yamada standing a couple feet away having books floating. "Hey! You should know better than to pick on the new kid Hasegawa!" Yamada shouted, but before he could throw the book, Hasegawa's buddies grabbed him from behind, holding him still while Hasegawa chuckled.

"I'd like to see you try."

"I mean it!"

Yamada felt his arms tightened as he screamed out in agony. Hasegawa turned around to look at Kimura, but something was off, he was gone. he quickly looked around as he saw something dart around him at high speeds. Who is this guy?! he tried swinging at the darting object but missed entirely.

"Over here dirtbag!"

Kimura jumped and smashed his face in with a kick. Hasegawa stumbled back holding his face as Kimura rushed in, his black lightning erratically darting around his body once more. Hasegawa blindly swung as Kimura weaved underneath his attack, wrapping his arms around his abdomen.


shouting at the top of his lungs, Kimura lifted up Hasegawa and suplex him to the ground. BAM! The ringing sound of the large slam echoed through the hallway. Kimura stood up exhausted breathing heavily as his electric sparks kept jumping around. Hasegawa wasn't moving as Kimura rolled him over and saw he was unconscious, letting out a sigh of relief, he stood back up.

Chatter began going around the other students as Kimura heard more footsteps coming his way, from behind this time. Tap tap tap tap Kimura grew tired of people showing up at the absolute worst times. He turned around raising his arms to guard as he saw a girl in a different school jacket and was wearing her uniform. She stood upright as she had her arms crossed, her hair blowing with the wind as her vibrant teal hair and her teal eyes had others fonding to be like her.

"You're the new student correct?"

"I-Yes! I am." Kimura said nervously.

"Then get ready..." Her eyes sharpened at him.

the air around her changed, her aura becoming dense as he felt a strong presence emanating from her. she popped her knuckles as she started to walk towards him, Kimura was surprised as he readied up his guard once more, having the erratic electricity spark again. She raised an eyebrow as Kimura rushed in at her, darting faster than last time.

As his fist was going to connect, she uttered, "Is that it?" as Kimura's eyes widened the second after. She had dodged his punch with a small smile, slamming her arm against his neck, clotheslining him as he flipped and landed on the floor rolling. He caught himself as he rubbed his neck, coughing.

"You're not the only one who can move that quick."

She commented, keeping her sharp eye on him, he got up rubbing his neck as he suddenly covered his mouth coughing a bit. Her sharp eyes softened up with concern for a second as Kimura looked over gritting his bloodied teeth. Kimura then raised up his hands to his shoulders as she looked at him confused, Kimura then said out of nowhere, "I don't want to fight anymore, I was fighting in self defense." trying to claim it as self defense.

"You can take a free hit to prove it."

"Free you say..."

"Yes F—" but before he could finish, he felt a sharp gut punch.

"I'll give you this advice new kid...NEVER give anything free..."

Kimura dropped to the floor holding his abdomen in absolute agony, unable to stand as his head was on the ground. He shivered in pain as she knelt down and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "C'mon, We have an important person to see." she sighed, dragging him as he foamed out of his mouth from the pain.