

"_Alpha they are here._" Harry, my beta notified me through the pack link.

"_OK I will join you people soon._" I replied and closed the register I was looking at before. I was going through the history as usual checking for any threat to my pack.

The book contains our allies and prospective foes, it may sounds weird but that is me. I don't trade my pack for anything and the pack's safety has always been my utmost concern.

My pack is my only family and my everything so I don't joke with the pack and wastes no time in uprooting any obstacles threatening our peace.

Well that is how I earned the name; the deadliest young alpha existing, I never hold back in protecting my pack even if it means destroying a whole pack and am not ashamed to say that I have done that a few times.

I had destroyed many packs down to the smallest animals there some of which were brought about by their Alphas challenging me or threatening the peace of my pack which automatically means getting on my bad side. I never feel remorseful after each massacre, they always deserved it so what's the need for feeling bad for protecting the only thing that keeps me going, my pack.

"_Alpha are you still there._" Harry's voice seeped through my head again jerking me awake.

"_Yeah, on my way._" I replied and hurried out my office. I almost forgot that I had to meet with my present victim. A victim and unfortunate subject, the alpha of Moon Savior Pack, a distant pack from ours.

He happened to be so unfortunate to get on my bad side recently and trust me, I have been close to wiping out his pack.

He had recently sent me a message through two of his top pack soldiers and just like myself I killed one and sent one back to him, aren't I merciful? At least I didn't kill the two , I needed to make sure that my messages got to him. I needed him to know that I was not his mate for him to send me messengers, If he wants to talk he should come and see me one on one.

The middle aged man was so foolish to invite my wrath upon him so I feel no remorse in willingly giving him what he asked for.

The issue started with alpha James trying to claim our pack land and resources which we earned after wiping out a distant pack close to theirs. So you see why I call him foolish? He clearly saw what happened in his neighborhood and still thinks he could challenge me and survive it.

I was not planning to descend on his poor innocent pack but not after he injured two of my precious pack members. Every living organism breathing in my pack is precious so I don't take it lightly when one threatens what is precious to me.

Alpha James is a known greedy man and I just realized that he can trade anything for fortunes, this almost made me feel bad because his greediness was not the fault of his innocent pack but as they say, the sins of the father shall descend on the children. I have no regrets doing what am doing.

I entered the lounge and met them, alpha James sorrounded by my most trusted men. They had escorted him from the border and as I had requested, he was alone. My step brother was also there.

"Alpha, " they all except obviously alpha James greeted.

I walked pass them and sat on a couch facing them.

" Seeing you here shows that you got my message Alpha James. " I started, no need for pleasantries, he doesn't deserve one.

I watched as he boiled with anger struggling to calm his wolf and remain sane, of course I have gotten so much on his throat and it is just normal that the only thing he wishes for now is to give his wolf control and tear me into shreds but I know that he will not be so stupid to try that. Not in an enemy's territory and surrounded in a room full of strong alphas.

I smiled, " If I were you I would cling on to any string of self control I can find within me, unless you no longer value your life. " I commented nonchalantly and I can swear he nearly loose the self control he has been holding on.

"I only sent a peaceful message, you didn't have to kill him! What happened to the principle of 'messenger have no business with the message? Haven't you killed enough of my pack? All because of few hecters of lands?" He blasted, eyes shining brown as his wolf pushed to the surface.

I scoffed at his rantings, "Alpha James it was all for a piece of land until you injured my pack members. No one touches what is mine and goes free. "

" You said injured not kill, that is still enough for the war you are wedging against me! "

" Alpha James did you come here to rant about the war or your messenger? You should know that am a very busy man, I don't have time to spend listening to a grown man's rantings. "

" Don't you dare talk to me in that manner, your father was my age mate and..."

At this point I was almost fed up and angered by his guts and without thinking twice I grabbed his neck and smacked him on the nearest wall. My wolf was already at the surface and the only thing I could think of at that moment was to snap his neck.

" __Alpha.__" Harry called him keeping me in check and for once I was grateful for his interruption. I shook my head and left his neck while he slumped to the floor.

I have issues controlling my temper and it was at moments like this I appreciate Harry being my right hand man and beta, he is always keeping me in check. He knows when am about to loose control and to call me back then.

Actually Harry has been a great influence in my life many of which is preventing me from turning into a beast. He has been one of the few things am most grateful about in my life.

" Harry escort this man back to wherever you got him from, I don't want to see him around here again. " I announced and turned to leave but Alpha James grabbed my sleeve.

" Wait Alpha, please! I still have to say why I came! " he pleaded hurriedly.

" Alpha James what else did you come for if not to nag about a wrath you clearly brought upon your pack? "

" Please I want us to settle this, that is why I came. End the war please, enough blood has been shed! " he pleaded and I had never been so amused in my life like when I heard that. I don't end war until my revenge is complete that is only possible when I had wiped the entire pack that offended me.

" Alpha James I thought that you know me too well, you should know that I don't end a war unless I wipe out an entire pack. " I replied him gently removing his hands from my sleeve, I need to get away from this man if not I would be forced to snap his head off his neck.

" Wait! please I will give you everything in return. Riches, lands, just mention what you want. " At this point he was so desperate but what could I possibly ask of him? I had enough riches than I can remember and others.

"I'm not interested, what could you possibly think I would ask of you that I don't already possess? Your downfall will serve as lessons for others who are planning to mess with me in the future" I fling his hands off my shirt but he adamantly clinged to me. I am almost at the edge of losing my temper here

" Please wait, I will give you slaves. Don't you need workers for your gold mine? "

This particular proposal got my attention and I turned to face him, I don't take slaves but I could use some workers. The gold mine I inherited from my grandfather is one the greatest treasure I have ever inherited apart from my pack.

My grandfather was a loving man who was also so rich and even though I can only remember his existence sparsely he impacted my life greatly. It was so sad that he died just few years after the death of my mother. He cared about me and loved him, his care and attention made me not to feel the loose of my mother much.

He taught me about life and how to be strong and and how to survive alone even if no one was there for me. After he died I realized that his gold mine was willed to my name.

It was unusual because his son, my father was still alive but he willed the greatest of his assets to me. I started managing the mine at fourteen years old and am proud to say that it has been going well.

" Alpha James give up already, I don't keep slaves. " No doubt the mine has added much to my fame but that does not mean that I would go out of my morals to do things I don't want because of it.

"Alpha James is this how much you love your pack? By giving them up for slavery?" I was suddenly amused by this old man's selfishness.

" What else do you want me to do then? Either way they will still perish. Or would you have mercy and end the war even if I can't offer you anything in return? "

He was almost shaking and the helplessness in his voice visible but I never breaks my rule, I don't end a war until I have gotten my revenge by wiping everything out.

" I know I deserve whatever am going through now but what about the innocent members who knows nothing about the issue, they will also die for what they know nothing about. " He pleaded looking his most vulnerable, he sure wants to live.

I had heard stories about Alpha James and how he treats his pack like they are his possessions but I never imagined that he would trade them for slavery in other to live.

I know that no pack can withstand my wrath but all the packs I have descended on fought till the last minute.

Slavery is the worst unfortunate thing that can happen to a wolf but here is this old man bargain to put his pack through it. I have also heard about how he maltreats the members of the lower social status and the omegas like they do not matter.

" Alpha James I have heard a lot about your selfishness but seeing it for myself today was a shock. When you came here I thought that you had the best interest of your pack at heart but I just realized that you only want to live and nothing else matters to you except for that. " he faked surprised and lost in what am saying but I was not buying his pretence.

" What are you saying, you don't know how much I care for my pack. I can protect my pack with my life but am just trying to be rational here and face the fact. There is no way we can compare to you and we all may even end up dieing at your hand so what's the need for the bravery." He continues blabbering nonsense and finding reasons to justify his motives.

I imagined what he teaches his pack if he can be this cowardice. He is so much bent on living that he does not bother that his pack is paying for what he clearly brought upon them and the height of it being him giving them up to live.

I scuffed and finally removed his hands from my sleeve and he was lucky that he did not attempt holding him back again because I wouldn't have condoned myself. People as deceitful as he is disgusts me.

" It's fine, my men will come for the slaves tomorrow and you better have them ready by then. And I hope that you have learnt your lessons because the next time you get into my bad side the only thing am taking is your life. Harry escort this man out of my sight. " I told my beta who immediately got to action. They all except my brother took the man out.

I took a deep breath recovery from holding my anger and the emotional trauma this selfish man has stirred in me. Am always reminded of my life whenever I see people or a person depend so much on another only for the other to hold them less in his heart. It's a scar I have tried so much to erase and forget but I can't.

" So bro..." My step brother started but I was not ready to listen to anything he has to say. I left half way to this speech, the past weighing heavily on my heart.

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