
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Thành thị
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90 Chs

As if the body has been hollowed out

One hundred million euros, only a fool would refuse.

In the midst of the stirring emotions, Yeshu immediately began to verify whether Daphne was spouting nonsense.

He extended his palm toward Aiqier and inquired, "Are you aiming for the neck, or would another location like the wrist be acceptable?"

In movies, it seemed to always involve neck biting, but that was quite terrifying. Fortunately, Aiqier wasn't fixated on Yeshu's neck; instead, she grasped his outstretched hand.

"I only bite the wrist during killing or infection; it suffices for me," Aiqier explained, her anticipation evident. Without hesitation, she lowered her head and bit into Yeshu's wrist. Yeshu felt a slight pain, followed by a tingling numbness coursing through his entire body.

It was a strange and comfortable sensation, one that left him almost unable to resist.

Yeshu was astonished internally, feeling his body becoming increasingly at ease, almost lethargic. It was clearly not the effect of ordinary bloodsucking.

He quickly shook his head to stay alert, internally shocked and conflicted: "Oh God, she is indeed a vampire, Daphne wasn't bluffing."

Lost in wild thoughts, his mind was in complete disarray, taking a while to settle. Aiqier continued to suck blood, appearing famished.

Yeshu's emotions at this moment were indescribable, but he maintained composure. Considering Aiqier's earlier words about bloodsucking occurring only during killing or infection, Yeshu found it particularly intriguing.

After the night in England's Ram Alley, Yeshu woke to find bite marks on his neck. Daphne had probably bitten him, but she hadn't killed him. Could it be an infection?

No, that wasn't right. He was still a normal human. Perhaps Daphne refrained from harming ordinary people.

Frowning, Yeshu pondered and absentmindedly touched his neck. Meanwhile, Aiqier, still engrossed in bloodsucking, looked strangely cute, her throat undulating as she swallowed fresh blood.

It truly was a world where appearances mattered. As long as one was beautiful, even bloodsucking became endearing.

However, Yeshu soon felt his head spinning, a sensation akin to excessive blood loss. Aiqier continued to feed, sucking for a good half-minute before finally stopping.

Satisfied, she released Yeshu's wrist, her mouth closing, retracting the elongated fangs.

Even with fangs, she remained adorable. Yet, Yeshu had no time to appreciate it; the intense discomfort left him slumping to the ground, his body unimaginably weakened, struggling to catch his breath.

Aiqier, having satisfied her thirst, revealed a rare sweet smile, sitting gracefully in the cardboard box, expressing gratitude, "Thank you, big brother. Your blood is delicious."

Yeshu, with a wry smile, waved his hand, rubbing his head as he examined his wrist. A small, neat tooth mark was visible, without any visible wound—a rather miraculous occurrence.

However, the dizziness persisted, and Yeshu felt as though his body had been drained.

In an attempt to lighten the situation, he nervously asked, "Aiqier, I believe you're vampires, but do you need to drink so much every time?"

Aiqier had undoubtedly consumed a substantial amount of blood; otherwise, Yeshu wouldn't feel dizzy, bordering on symptoms of excessive blood loss.

Aiqier, still maintaining her innocent appearance, nodded matter-of-factly, "Yes, I need to drink this much every day, or I'll be very hungry."

Yeshu sighed inwardly. This situation was challenging to accept – a daughter who was a vampire, and not only a vampire but one that required such substantial blood consumption. Even a robust two-meter-tall man would be drained if subjected to this regularly.

"No, no, your appetite is too much. I feel like I'm dying after just one time. Can't you drink something else, like chicken or pig blood?" Yeshu hastily inquired. Resolving this issue was paramount, as it concerned not only one billion euros but potentially his own life.

Aiqier hesitated for a moment, then apologized, "Sorry, big brother, I didn't know you were so weak. I'll try to drink less in the future. Please don't make me drink animal blood; I'll vomit."

Weak? Was this considered weak?

Yeshu sighed, scratching his head as he looked at Aiqier's pitiful expression. He reluctantly agreed, "Alright, I can endure it. Marrow produces blood; I just need to adjust to the unfamiliar feeling."

Upon hearing this, Aiqier raised her head, smiling like blooming peach blossoms, "Thank you, you're a really kind person. Let me help you with housework to repay you, and you should rest well."

Ah, the little loli was so sensible, too adorable. Once accepting this scenario, it seemed there was no need to dwell on it further. Yeshu sighed inwardly, acknowledging it, as if he had decided to endure it all for the sake of one hundred million euros.

With newfound courage, Aiqier stepped out of the cardboard box, beginning to tidy up Yeshu's small apartment.

Yeshu, a solitary otaku, left his living space in a sorry state. Many areas were coated in dust, and the floor lacked cleanliness. Having a small loli assist with housework was indeed wonderful.

He lounged on the sofa, watching Aiqier diligently mop the floor.

Aiqier's petite figure resembled a butterfly, her golden ponytail swaying, and her blue dress occasionally twirling, revealing immaculate thighs.

Of course, the most eye-catching were her white-stockinged legs, akin to a downsized maid, meek and adorable, exuding a touch of cuteness.

Yeshu chuckled, realizing he was hungry. He remembered having prepared instant noodles earlier, but they had likely gone cold. He decided to reheat them, and as the aroma wafted, Aiqier, catching a whiff, pinched her nose and scurried away, eliciting hearty laughter from Yeshu.

As the night approached, Yeshu, having enjoyed a satisfying meal and bath, was ready to sleep.

Aiqier, still engaged in housework, began cleaning the windows with meticulous precision.

"I'm going to bed; it's really tiring. You should also take a shower and rest," Yeshu suggested.

Aiqier, turning to him with a smile, responded, "Big brother, you go ahead. I'll sleep after finishing the chores."

Yeshu didn't insist; he was exhausted from losing a considerable amount of blood.

Once in the bedroom, he collapsed onto the bed, listening to the sound of Aiqier moving around in the living room, accompanied by the running water.

It seemed these sounds persisted throughout the night, but Yeshu was too fatigued to pay much attention.

The next morning, around seven o'clock, with the sky slightly brightening, Yeshu woke up. Opening his eyes, he saw the cardboard box beside his pillow, and Aiqier was yawning, perched on the edge like a drowsy kitten.


ier had moved the cardboard box into the bedroom, where she had slept for the night.

"Good morning, Aiqier. Why are you still sleeping in the cardboard box?" Yeshu asked, to which Aiqier responded with another yawn, her small white teeth and pink tongue visible.

"Big brother, I've finished all the housework, and it's bright outside. I'm going to sleep now. Please don't open the curtains; I don't like the light," Aiqier said, a request that caught Yeshu off guard.

Yeshu nodded in understanding, "Sure, go ahead and sleep, but you don't need to sleep in the cardboard box."

Before he could finish his sentence, Aiqier had already curled up inside the box, sound asleep. Yeshu glanced at her, noticing that she had taken off her white knee-high socks, her slender legs drawn close.

Perhaps he should buy some clothes for Aiqier; after all, she didn't even have spare underwear.

Reflecting on this, Yeshu tiptoed out of the bedroom. As soon as he stepped out, he noticed a change in the apartment.

The ceiling and floor were unnaturally clean, devoid of any dust even in the corners. The wardrobe, previously in disarray, now contained neatly folded clothes.

In the living room, a sense of clarity and order prevailed, as if the entire world had become clean. On the balcony hung Yeshu's freshly washed clothes and Aiqier's knee-high socks – she had taken care of all of it.


Yeshu marveled silently; this little girl was truly lovable.

His life seemed to have undergone a transformation. Observing the clean and organized home, Yeshu felt revitalized, making even the seemingly challenging task of writing more manageable.

By evening, with the sun setting, Aiqier awoke, sitting in the cardboard box, rubbing her eyes sweetly and calling out, "Big brother."

Yeshu walked over with a smile, "You're awake. You're really diligent and obedient. Tonight, we can go to the city center for shopping, buy some clothes so you won't be without them."

Aiqier's face lit up with joy, revealing adorable dimples. However, her stomach growled again, and she looked at Yeshu apologetically.

Yeshu understood – Aiqier needed to be fed once a day.

He extended his wrist, "Go ahead, feed. After that, we'll go shopping."

Aiqier nodded, lowered her head, and bit into Yeshu's wrist once more.

After a brief swallowing session, Aiqier intentionally drank less this time, ending it after just a minute.

However, Yeshu still felt as though his body had been emptied.

He could only shake his head; this was truly unsustainable. Being drained every day, he wouldn't have the energy to work.

He needed to find a solution to this problem; otherwise, he might indeed be drained to death.

Of course, he didn't show this concern, so as not to burden Aiqier with guilt.

Struggling to maintain composure, he said, "Let's go, buy some clothes."