
My Vampire bodyguard

Rosabella Green is a rock star in a band called Destroyers. She lives a party lifestyle with her band mates. Even though she couldn't recall some details about her past, Finn had divulged some disturbing information. Her parents sold her to the Vampire Clan, because her mom had cancer and needed a magical cure. Finn has been slightly watching over her, protecting the girl he promised to deliver to the clan. There is also a werewolf pack in which Arjun is a member, and the pack has a reputation for causing trouble. What happens when he claims Rosabella is his mate? Having already been confused about Rosabella's ability to change his eyes, will Finn step down? It's the story of a girl, her two mates, one vampire and the other werewolf.

Kayla_Ellen · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs

Chapter 8

Rosabella 's P.o.v


Present time


The waitress comes to our table and takes 

"Vampires don't eat?"

"No reason to eat," he laughed.

I nod my head. That seems like a horrible life to me. I look around the room, and many people are watching us. That's normal being a rock star, but they don't seem interested in me. The girls are practically drooling over Finn. He was so handsome, I our order. I ordered Spaghetti. Finn doesn't order anything to drink or eat. I got some sweet tea.can't say I blame them.

"All these girls are watching you", I laugh.

"And?" he asks.

" Doesn't that phrase you even a little?"

"Nope, not one bit."

He is different from most boys, not because he is a vampire, but because he has class. The members of the band would be all over the attention. I put a mouth full of spaghetti in my mouth. Finn laughs at the sauce all over my face.

"I am a sloppy eater."

"I know,' he grins.

The waitress comes back and refills my tea. "Are you sure I can't get you anything?" she asks Finn, giving him a wink.

"Nope, I am fine," he says. Finn is quiet for a moment, staring off into space. It was strange. What is going on? He evenly looks at me.

"Almost finished?" he asks.

"Yup." I take my last bite. He crocks his hand to the side. He sniffs the air and looks off into space again.

Finn looks really uncomfortable, and even though I don't know what is going on. I know we need to get out of this restaurant ASAP. I get up from my chair, and he gets up from his. I see he leaves five hundred-dollar bills in the folder that's more than enough to cover the bill.

We walk towards the door and Finn wraps his arm around me tightly. I see three men walk in. They look like they are from a biker gang. They had long brown hair and wore bandanas. They had on leather jackets. "Finn." one says with a Stern look.

"Raj," says Finn. It was almost a bark.

"Well, now that we are introducing ourselves, I am Sai and this is Arjun," one of the men says.

Arjun walks over to me, and places two hands on my face. He smiles and rubs his hand gently on my face. " She's my mate," he says.

"Who is the girl?" asks Raji.

" She's my mate," Finn hisses. He doesn't show his fangs, but I can tell he wants to.

She makes your eyes change? ''Arjun.

" They are golden aren't they?" Finn asks sarcastically.

"I am not going to just back away from my mate," growls Arjun.

Finn steps closer to Arjun. Raj puts his hand up in protest. "Not here Arjun," he yells.

"This isn't over," Arjun barks.

"It is" Finn snarls.

What the hell is going on? Mate? Why I am everyone's mate. This is insane. I feel so overwhelmed. Finn doesn't look happy, so I know this is serious. We went towards the motorcycles quietly. I climb on and put on my helmet.

"Hang on baby," Finn tells me. He sped off briskly. I see everything racing by me. It was like little flashes of color speeding by my face, but I can barely make anything out.

We made it back to Finn's house in no time. We got off the bike.

"Are you okay?"

"You just have no idea how bad this is," he tells me.

"Then explain."

"Inside," he responded.

My feet brush against the snow as we walk inside. I touch the snow, and it feels just like Finn's hands. We walk to the house and can hear the football game coming from the television. Dominic, Cedric, are sitting on the couch. The girls are nowhere to be seen.

"You need to feed Finn,'' says Dominic. He tosses him a bag of blood.

"Dominic embalms people at the funeral home, that's how we get blood to drink", Finn tells me.

" That's better than killing people." I smile. Finn opens the bag and drinks it down quickly. I looked away, trying not to show how disgusted I was. I literally just want to puke watching him drink that.

What is he supposed to do? It will be something I have to get used to.