
My Unwanted Mate

Having a mate looked fascinating to Umbrie but luck wasn't on her side when she gets mated to Keiran — a boy who showed no emotions and was very cruel and had dark truths about him. He wasn't what she hoped for and she had to deal with it since he didn't accept her rejection. A life with Keiran whose aim was to punish her and she didn't know exactly what she did wrong. His treatment towards her were bitter but he'd kill any male soul that even breath the same air as she did..

Eunice_Nwodu · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Drugged and Used

Why the hell did I keep his number anyway? Right. To decline the call whenever he called.

I was still baffled with the number of calls. He is not in trouble, is he?

I smirked as I got on my bed snuggling my pillow.

Suddenly, I felt a rush of ache around my body. I gasped sitting up from the bed. What was happening to me...

I could no longer speak as another painful burn escalated from my skin causing me excruciating pain. I let out a scream almost at the verge of tears.

I could feel it everywhere.

This only happens when one's mate is having a hot session with another person.

Wait, Keiran is sleeping with someone else.

I groaned falling to the ground.

I didn't know how long my scream lasted but I knew my wolf was in much pain than I was. It was struggling all over me with multiple thoughts and opposing actions like it has just been wounded badly.

I gasped letting myself roll and I was struggling to keep myself from transforming. Just then, the door flew open and Jared ran in followed by my mother.

I felt myself been lifted in one swift and I was taken to the bathroom.

'It hurts so bad!' My wolf carped and this time, I felt my tears rolling down to my cheeks.

I was thrown into the bathtub and immediately, the shower was turned on. Extreme cold water raining down on my body.

'It's not helping!'

I lifted my head seething and I saw my mom sobbing while Jared stood at the water switches.

"Take a deep breath, Umbrie. Just hold on..." My mom sort for words to console me as she stroked my hair.

I remained quiet panting so much like I had ran a race. The pains were gone.

'He stopped.' My inner wolf informed me sounding less miserable like it was seconds ago.

I stood up from the bathtub and stepped out slowly, there was one word for me at this moment - weak.

I was very weak and tired.

"That bàstard. He is dead the moment I see him." Jared gritted with his fists clenched. It must have been like that before but I didn't get to see it

My mom covered me with a blanket and led me to my closet while Jared exit the room looking like he could bring down a wall.

I had a change of clothes and mom was by me watching me drink the lemon tea she made to soothe me. She had a very sad expression and I wished it wasn't because of me.

I should have left the house or probably toned down my screaming. It would have prevented the hearts that just got broken tonight.

"Can you hear his thoughts?" My mom asked referring to the mind link ability.

"No, he turned it off." I replied sipping slowly from the tea.

"Did the both of you fight today? Why would he do such a thing? He shouldn't be hurting you like this."

"No, we didn't fight or anything. He almost did fight with Jared at the cafe. That's the only thing. I don't understand also. I don't know what I did to him." I ruefully said fighting back the tears.

"I won't let him ruin your life. I will speak to the Alpha and other leaders. We must do something about it. You want to cut ties with him, don't you?" She questioned with beady eyes.

"Yes." I replied remembering the pains I encountered earlier. I never thought I'd experience it. Not ever in this alive. I was only told and I hated hearing that it happened to someone too.

Goodness. I dropped my head on my knees fighting off the excruciating memories.

He's back, but I think it's to ruin my life.

I was left alone to get some sleep but I couldn't sleep. The memory was so disturbing and I was scared as hell that the pains might return in any moment.

What would I do? How would I stop it?

I should not have gotten intimate with Keiran. Maybe it wouldn't have hurt this much. He just had to wait until he returned to hurt me this way.

Six months with no betrayal and then he pops out of nowhere to make my wolf suffer.

I'm going to hurt him, that is a promise.

That night might have been the most chaotic night of my life, I woke up feeling better and the torture of the pain on my skin was gradually disappearing that I couldn't imagine what it was like anymore.

I debated with myself if I should go to school or stay back at home and rest.

I just don't understand why he would do this to me. I had thoughts of having my revenge. But I still have to pull myself together and head to school. There's so much to be done.

Mom took out time to drive Sky and I to our schools respectively. And I guessed she was just helping me because she pitied me after what happened last night.

When I arrived at the hallways, Daphne was resting against her locker talking to someone on her phone. Everyone was walking around breezily minding their own business. I decided to start with approaching her.

I debated if I should tell her about my encounter when I went to her house.

But I can't do that. I can't tell her because she never gave me her house address. I don't even have an excuse for going to her house. Not the right excuse. I will have to keep quiet about it. It wasn't my business to begin with.

Gosh! I care too much.

I'll definitely look weird to her.

"Morning, Umbrie." She said noticing me first. She wore a bored look and I just smiled at her.

"So, i saw posters about the drama club and I think we should join. What do you think?" She said excitedly placing a hand across my shoulders.

"I'm cool with it. That's, if I get in." I replied with a shrug. I doubt I'll get in anyway.

"Awesome! You look tired. Didn't you get enough sleep?" She questioned and I was busy pulling out books from my locker. I had an English class first and a lot of textbooks are involved.

*I didn't." I admitted studying her face.

"Unlike you, you are dazzling!" I beamed and her cheeks turned crimson red.

I really had to switch topics for two reasons, one, I don't want to explain what happened last night and I'd be forced to lie. Second, I should really be a good friend since I don't have such close friends. Being a werewolf came with a lot of differences.

"Oh stop! You're so sweet. Well, thank you." She chuckled placing a hand over her right cheek.

That's weird. Daphne is actually girlish cute!

After being at my locker, we walked to class together with her doing most of the talking. She did talk about Jared and his craziness yesterday. I'd like for Jared to hear how a stranger butchers him with the perfect definition of his absurd character.

I was almost past the door of the classroom when I looked sideways and I met those pair of brown eyes — Keiran. He was walking in with his friends. They were four in number this time.

He was well known over the school but it's a popularity over how cool he was and how good he always looked in expensive clothes. Most girls had him as a target but he's so unsteady. Disappearing and appearing. He is definitely not someone that can commit. I wonder why the moon goddess ever thought we were a pair.

They stopped halfway talking amongst themselves with what seemed like a heated argument but I can't make out one word they were saying. He wasn't staring at me or even letting up a glance yet.

I was too stumped to move. My legs weren't working anymore.

The next thing I felt was my heart beating fast with so much ferocity. What happened yesterday flooded my mind.

I cringed and continued walking into the class. I'll make him pay. I have to.

I was going through the words I had jotted down when I realized Keiran wasn't in the class yet but his friends were settled at the back row including Hillary who's always following him like a pet and it's owner.

I had put my whole focus in class until now. My wolf was silent and I couldn't tell how she was doing.

How did I let things turn out this way? After he left for one month, I should have destroyed the bond. I should have had the Alpha of the pack do something but instead, I adjusted too fast and it was like he never left.

I remember his parents coming to meet me at home three months ago. It was just like any other Saturday when I'd have to do the laundry and assist Sky with his homework. I was not too smart but I could at least try once I study the examples.

Mom walked in while I was rounding up my clothes into the closet and then she held a cold look I couldn't define.

She spoke so softly informing me that Keiran's parents were at the living room waiting for me. I went to meet them without hesitation in case they had news about his whereabout. I was disappointed when they said they were still looking for him. Then they said they needed a favor. They made sure Sky wasn't close by before saying they wanted me to sleep with someone else so when Keiran felt the pain, he'd return.

It was so awkward at first. I wondered how much it took them to say that to my face. I should just give up my body so their son would return, then what?

He destroys my life because I caused him so much pain. That's so unfair. The worst thing they could come up with!

Keiran left on his own, I never escorted him to the bus stop or anything. He wanted to be left alone to wherever he went to.

Besides, I thought about him getting so hurt that he decides to harm himself. What if he was depressed and wanted to end his life? Ugh! The idea caused me so much thought and added to my stress.

I was trying so hard to prove my point before Jared stepped in and made it clear that he won't let me do that. When they heard his voice, they dropped the topic and decided to wait till whenever he returned.

Which brings us to now. He's back and he's acting more worse than before. His family won't spill where he was either. It's just so disturbing.

But I won't let Keiran be the death of me. I'll move on with my life. Do what I have to do to be happy and fulfill my immense wishes.