
My sweet Lillith be mine

"Hi. I'm Shera Rose. My life wasn't perfect before his arrival but it turned into a mess after his arrival." "Hey, I'm Ace. (whispering) My life was hell before her arrival but she turned it to heaven." "Hey..... What are you whispering?" Shera asked. "Nothing my sweet Lilith" Ace said. "First of all, I'm not the queen of hell. So stop calling me in that name. Secondly, his name isn't Ace. It's......."Ace cut off her. "Hey. wait. You can't say it to anyone."Ace said. "Oh! Baby, are you embarrassed?"Shera asked in a mocking tone. "You, just wait there. I will show you who will embarrass you in the end" Ace said while smiling mischievously. "Wa..it....wa...wait....Ac...Ac...e.I don't mean to make you angry. I....just want to have fun," Shera said. An electric shock went through her body when Ace came toward her. "Oh! Is that so? So....let me also have fun."Ace said while tracing her nape from his nose. "Wait..Ah...I'm...sorry...sorry...I..ma.de..a..mis..take..forgive...me..Ah..plea..see.." Shera pleaded while shivering under his touches. "OK then. Do you admit your mistake?"Ace asked her. His hot breath was fanning her bare neck. "Yes..yes...I admit."Shera said in a hurry. "Then obey the punishment."Ace said. He went in front of Shera and glanced at her eyes directly. 'Oh! man. Is she an enchantress? Why on the earth do I lose my self-control wherever I look into her eyes. Anyway I must teach some manners to this kitten' Shera was staring at Ace innocently. "Honey, please....."Shera pleaded while staring at him with puppy eyes. Ace smirked at her. "My sweet Lillith, it's too late to apologises and also don't you want to touch my abs?"Ace asked with a foxy look. Shera blushed from his words. "You...You... pervert.... shameless..." Shera said with an angry voice. "Oh! Pervert!? Shameless? Is that so? Then I will show you how shameless I can be..."Ace said. He bent toward Shera. He put his hands under her thighs & back, lifting her in bride style. Shera was shocked. His cold hands went under her dress, touching her bare thigh. A chill went through her spine. "What....tt....ar..e...y..ou...do....in...g?????"Shera asked while trembling. "OH!! My Lillith, Don't tell me you're already excited or do you think it's better to do it on the sofa than on the bed? Whatever the place, I'll be at your service" Ace said while grinning. Shera turned into a brighter shade of red. "Don't worry my Lillith, I will carry you to ''our bedroom'' and I'll make sure you are comfortable. Just wait a little longer, sweetheart." He said emphasising 'our bedroom' while carrying her through the stairs. 'I'm sorry' Shera thought. *************** 'When others couples equal them to Romeo Juliet, Jake Rose, Shah Jahan Mumtaz Mahal I have to become Lillith(queen of the hell) while the person who thinks he is my lover become Asmodeus (king of the hell). The simple meaning of that is we are the rulers of hell. Can you imagine the mentality of this person? He is annoying. I also can't understand what is the relationship between us but somehow I'm addicted to him. I'll follow him blindly. Sometimes his love is too much to the point it makes my blood boil hotter than a fiery sea but somehow, in the end, I'm the one who laughs till my stomach hurts. It's because of his craziness. Calmness is a sign before a storm, just like that storms are bound to come to our peaceful world. Will we be shattered from these storms? or will we show the strength of our bond? But what's the bond between us? What is the purpose of these wars? Why should we fight? Time is the best solution to all of these questions. I will let time to solve them.' ~Shera Rose~ ''I don't mean to disrespect any belief or religion. I just need to let u understand the story. I got all this information from the internet. Luv u. Stay safe, stay healthy.'' -Shelley Richard-

ShelleyRichard · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Searching for My nightmare girl while relaxing

''So Ace, What happened?'' Alex asked, returning to his elder brother mood.

'OK here we go'

''So first, I went to a club... '' I cut off by Alex instantly.

''What the ..... How many times have I told you not to clubbing? Can't you listen to me? How old are you? Are you ten or what? '' Alex said. Angry was clearly visible in his eyes.

''Chill bro. I wasn't clubbing. I had a meeting with one of my most important client. If he wasn't important, I won't step inside a club even he gave me all his companies and business deals. I had to go there. He is here for only a few days. So I couldn't risk this rare opportunity to be dissipated.'' I told him truthfully.

''OK, go on,'' Alex said to me while sighing. I saw sighs of disappointment on his face.

I told him the rest of the story except the part myself medication with alcohol.

''So according to you, you had a nightmare about a girl or probably a siren?'' Alex asked.

It was more like he was confirming the things I told him. I felt bad for some unknown reason by hearing her comprehended as a siren. I don't want my nightmare girl to be called a siren.

Nightmare girl? Funny.

''Nope. She is a girl. A charming and fascinating one'' I told Alex with a small smile on my lips.

Even though I didn't see her clearly I could tell that she is beautiful. She had something special. Something that attracts me. My smile didn't escape from Alex's hawk eyes.

''Hey, Ace. Don't tell me you have fallen for your nightmare girl. You are smiling like a teenage girl that talked with her crush for the first time'' Alex commented on my look with a smirk playing on the edge of his lips.

I really hate Alex's examples. His examples just piss off me. What to do? I think every older brother is like this. They are annoying and irritating. They start their so-called annoying jokes at the exact same time you try to be serious. They try to cheer your mood up in the worst way. We the one's who have older brothers have the best tolerance rate. Their annoying rate is supreme. Anyway, we have to bear it cause we know they love us and we do too.

'' Arrrrr, seriously Alex?'' I asked sounding as annoyed as I can be.

''Ok, ok. I just told you what I felt. Let's go back to the point.'' Alex cleared his throat.

''.....Next, you smelt a weird scent in your room just after you wake up from your beautiful nightmare. And yesterday you taste a weird taste in your food for dinner. On both days, you heard a teenage girl's voice. '' Alex said.

''Yeap. That's right. That's what exactly happened.'' I told him.

''So that nightmare girl of yours warned you while that teenager talked somethings about the scent and the food. You get a headache after her voice. Right?'' Alex was making a summary of what I told him.

''Right,'' I confirmed him.

''Do you think they both are the same person?'' Alex asked me.

''Don't know exactly cause I only heard the teenage girl's voice without seeing anything. Even though they both talked but the teenager's voice was unclear cause I got a headache right after I heard her voice. So I forgot her voice but I won't ever forget her voice, my nightmare girls' '' I slightly smile at the mere thought of her.

''Wait, what?!? Seriously Ace?'' Alex asked while raising his eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes at him. He did the same.

''Oh, I almost forgot to ask. You really didn't get affected by yesterday rain? Not even a single bit?'' Alex asked. The surprised look was written all over his face. It was clear to anyone who looked at him right now.

Even though I forget it before, now when I think about it I feel shocked about it more than him. It was impossible to go through a rainy day without getting affected. And again headache wasn't any better than the effect of rain.

''Yes, not even a single bit but headache wasn't better either'' I said.

''Hmm. How is work lately?'' Alex asked after some seconds.

''Good but exhausting. I got a lot to do especially cause of the sudden visit of Mr Richwell'' I told Alex.

It is true that he didn't inform any of us earlier nor any other company. We heard it from the news. It also on the movement he lands here. James had arranged a meeting with him as soon as he heard about his arrival.

''Hmm... Mr Richwell is your important client who invites you to a club right?'' Alex asked.

''Yes.'' I nodded.

''So, How about sleep? How many hours have you slept in this week per day?'' Alex asked with a farrow on his face.

''Bearly 3-5'' I answered him even though I didn't know how much I did. Anyway, I don't think I did more than this. I never had a peaceful sleep for 4 or 5 years. The longest time I can sleep continuously is half an hour. After half an hour I get insomnia and wake up.

''I think you are depressed cause of lack of sleep and exhausting work. And you feel lonely cause you live all alone'' Alex said.

''So?'' I asked. Alex knew how much I hate medicine and hospitals. He always gives me an injection or something I can practically do. Like medication obviously.

'' So, I think you should take a leave and visit your college,'' Alex said. He studied my face for seconds and talked again knowing that I was waiting for him to continue.

''Then you can mix with youngsters and relax your mind,'' Alex said.

''Is it the only way? You know how much a day worth to me. And to which college and department should I go?'' I asked. My mind was a little bit confused. It is weird to go to a college for relaxation. And I didn't have a clue which college or department he is talking about.

''Yep.Mmmmm, how about our college? It isn't far from here either and I heard our college's Art and Literature department got hot girls though.'' Alex said. He knew more than anyone how much I hate middling with the opposite gender. The playfulness radiating from him was obvious.

''I think you should go to Art and Literature department. In there you can experience nice potteries and dramas also. Who knows? you might find your teenage dream girl or maybe your beautiful nightmare girl in there also.'' Alex told me and winked at me playfully. I rolled my eyes at him.

He and his annoying jokes. I smirked at last.

''What makes you think like that?'' I asked holding my smirk still.

''Nothing. Pure guessing even I truly wish for it though. At least enjoy today without worries OK? '' Alex said in a sincere tone.

''Ok. I'll talk to the principal,'' I told him.

''So I will leave then,'' I told and got up from the soft sofa while putting the buttons of my blazer. Alex also got up and walked toward me. We hugged each other.

''Ok. Be careful. Don't forget to meditate'' Alex said and we backed up.

''See ya, Alex'' I turned around and told Alex when I was near his office's door.

''See ya, Ace'' Alex said while waving at me with a smile.


When I was in my car I called both my office and principal to tell them about my visit to the college. I also told the principal not to notify the students or staff. I didn't want a whole fake setting when I get there. College's bell ranged as soon as my car entered from the college gates. My driver stopped the car aside from the gate. I stepped out of my car by myself and went in front of the gate while studying my college without waiting for my driver to open the car door. After a mere second suddenly....

Hi everyone. How are you doing? So here is another chapter. I want to announce that the grand beginning of the fun part is just around the corner. I think you will love it. Thank you to all my lovely readers. Buh-bye. Stay safe and healthy.

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