
My Sweet Battle Maids

After saving an old man from a monster attack, the old man blesses the protagonist with a fortune beyond belief. That fortune is a massive massion with eight maids at his command that will serve him. The protagonist is grateful for this fortune, but before he can become their master he has to prove himself to the maids. How must he prove himself? By defeating all eight maids. Only then will they recognize him as their master. The eight maids may look cute but they are insanely powerful, only having one previous master in their history of being maids...the old man. The protagonist seems to want to take on this challenge as he's never backed away from a challenge before in his lifetime. This will be the start of a new chapter in his life.

ShiningZero · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

The Battle Maidens (5)

Alice and Fellia dashed to me and I dodged their attacks then grunted as my body felt weak. I held my head and stumbled a bit. This was different from Yoko's Endless Dream Technique where she tried to put me in a waking dream.

"Eternal Sleep!" Fellia bellowed and her spell set in.

I slowly closed my eyes and lowered my posture. Alice walked to me and reached her hand out to me then I unconsciously kicked her away. Alice groaned and rolled backwards then recovered on one knee.

"Sleepwalking?! Can this guy be stopped?!" Alice yelled.

"As long as he's still a combatant, we have to neutralize him sleep or not!" Fellia said then flew to me and went for an attack, but I dodged it.

She went for a barrage of attacks but I dodged each one and countered her next attack then she groaned as she was sent flying backwards.

"Autonomous Movement. He also has Body Supremacy. Eternal Sleep isn't working!" Alice said.

"How?! That's my strongest move other than..." Fellia blushed and touched her lips.

"The Kiss..." Alice said.

"That won't work." I said and opened my eyes then my aura spiralled around me powerfully and my aura sparkled once again. "The Queen of Allurement has already tried that on me. I can just surpass your power! I have Unimaginable Power. If you truly want an explanation on what the Infinitum is, I'll tell you."

Alice and Fellia looked at me and watched me intently.

"The Pillars of Potential contains Seven Pillars. Each one containing a Diamond named the Eternal Diamond of each Pillar. The Eternal Diamonds of Condition, Durability, Intelligence, Speed, Stamina, Strength, and Power Level. With all Seven Eternal Diamonds, you can achieve Infinitum and gain access to Infinite Power. Although I do have this power, I'm still not Omnipotent. I can still be defeated but it'll be almost impossible to defeat me when I reach my peak." I explained.

"That means Yoko has the Eternal Diamond of Intelligence right?" Alice asked.

"No. I have it." I said then summoned a blue diamond. "She's just been blessed by the Pillar of Intelligence, but I have something that allows me to keep that power even if someone tries to manipulate my abilities."

"There has to be some drawbacks of your power." Fellia said.

"You already figured it out. I revert back to my base power level when I'm not in combat, but just as long as I am in a combat state, my attributes will continue to grow indefinitely. My 100% is whatever I will it to be. Do you still think you can take me on?" I asked.

"I do."

Alice and Fellia looked back and noticed the final maid walking forward.

The maid stopped and bowed at me. "My name is Rose...and I'll be your new and final opponent."

The wind gently blew and caused a breeze to flow along the area. I looked at Rose and stared. She looked at me and her cold eyes pierced through my spirit. Fellia and Alice moved away and watched.

"It's interesting that someone can make it this far and not pass out from exhaustion. That Infinite Stamina must be very helpful." Rose said.

"It has its drawbacks after all is said and done, but yeah you can say it's the main thing that's been helping me thus far. You must be the strongest of the maids." I said and crossed my arms.

"I am. I am known as The Ace Maiden. No one except Master Grats has ever bested me in combat. I've been closely studying you since your first battle. You beating me is nearly impossible." Rose said then got into her battle stance.

I looked at her then dashed to her and slashed at her. She countered my attack then knocked my sword out of my hand. I looked at my sword then looked back at Rose. I tossed my scabbard aside and walked backwards. We dashed to each other and our fists collided and caused a repulsive force to blow around the area. I looked at her and jumped backwards then looked at my hand. Rose looked at her hand as well.

"What was that..?" Alice asked.

"They are evenly matched. Even during Yoko's fight it wasn't like this." Fellia said.

I looked at Rose then smirked and ran to her again. She ran to me and jumped up then went for a tornado roundhouse kick. I evaded the attack then grabbed her leg and slammed her to the ground. I generated a large ball of energy and attempted to hit her with it. She caught it with her hands then kicked me away. She bellowed and threw my ball of energy back at me. I dodged it and looked at her. She formed a giant golem made from rocks around her. The golem threw a punch and hit me and I groaned.

I flew backwards and crashed through multiple trees and landed on my feet then slid backwards. I was at the front of the mansion and dodged multiple spires coming from the ground then flipped backwards. I noticed Rose appear in front of me. She rose her dress and railguns made from her aura formed then she began to fire beams at me. I dodged the beams and ran to her.

"Scarlet and Camille's abilities...What am I dealing with exactly? She can copy abilities exactly like I can and can make them better like I can." I said then noticed illusions of herself appear around me.

They all fired a beam at me at the same time then an explosion happened. Rose sensed me appear beside her then dodged my attack and chopped my neck then noticed it was a decoy. I appeared behind her and kicked her away then appeared in front of her and kicked her upwards then trapped her in my aura.

"Hypernova Blast!" I bellowed and a massive explosion happened.

Alice and Fellia noticed the explosion and were surprised. They looked at each other and watched the smoke cloud.

Rose flew backwards and crashed into the building and groaned loudly. She got off the building and landed on her feet. She felt her heart racing. "So exhilarating...I had almost forgotten this feeling. The feeling of being able to fight so freely without worry! Asin! I need more! More of your strength! Give me your all!"

I looked at Rose and my eyes shined a silver color. I dashed to her and she dashed to me as well. She countered my attack then kicked me away and I flew backwards. I used my aura to recover in the air then she appeared above me and she palmed my stomach then a pulse like wave erupted around the area. I groaned and was blown to the ground and a crater formed.

"She's growing progressively stronger like Asin does. Her power level is constantly rising. She copied the power of one of the Eternal Diamonds...I didn't think it was possible!" Scarlet said.

Rose bellowed and fired a massive beam at me then an explosion happened and blew her away as well. She landed on the ground then panted. She grunted as she noticed a rainbow sparkle. "This power...what is this..?"

"You feel it too?" Ingrid asked.

"It feels like the power of a God." Camille said in awe.

I flew up from the smoke and my aura shined seven colors. I looked down at Rose. "This...this is what power looks like when the power of the Eternal Diamonds are harnessed. This is called the Infinity Form."

"Infinity Form..?" Rose asked.

"Thank you for showing me that power...boy." Grats said as he walked up.

I looked down at Grats and landed on the ground. "You...You're Master Grats correct?"

"Yes, I have been watching your battle against the Maids and I have waited for the day you show this power off. Since the day I heard you acquired the seven Eternal Diamonds...I couldn't wait to see that power in action myself. Now that I've seen what you're capable of.." Grats started then snapped his fingers and a beam was shot right through my chest.

All the maids looked surprised. I groaned and my aura disappeared then I fell to my knees. The seven Diamonds emerged from my body then floated to Grats. He used the power of the Diamonds to make himself younger.

"Now...Time for my plans of renewing my ruined Kingdom, come my Seven Eternal Knights!" Grats yelled and the the Eternal Diamonds shined then the energy of the Diamonds erupted from the Diamonds then formed into people. The Diamonds turned gray and fell to the ground.

"Master Grats! What are you doing?!" Rose asked and the others ran to the front of the mansion.

"What I should've done a long time ago. I should've killed the Hero and avenged the Kingdom he once destroyed. My Eternal Kingdom!" Grats yelled and his eyes shine. He looked at me. "I've waited five long years for this since the day you destroyed that sacred land."

"You had it coming...When your kingdom began hurting the people of this planet. I...killed the Knights bearing the Diamonds returned them to their rightful place at the Void of Creation in the Pillars of Potential. It wasn't until I proved myself at the Infinite Frontier...where I was able to harness their power." I said and tried to stand but couldn't. I was finally facing all the drawbacks I had repressed for all these years.

"Asin Lasslow...This is your end." Grats said then noticed Rose walking forward and stepping in front of me.

"Rose.." Camille said.

"Grats...so what's your excuse for using us? Were we truly nothing to you after all?" Rose asked.

"You were. You were like daughters to me, but I had a target and I finally have him where I want him so stand out of the way, Rose." Grats said.

Rose didn't move an inch.

"Move out of the way, and that's an order!" Grats commanded.

"You are no longer our Master. We no longer take orders from you, from here on out...Master Asin is our Master. What you did to him was unforgivable...such a cheap shot.." Rose glared.

"That's rich to hear from a former assassin. You are all about cheap shots. Heh...I did say I would find you all a new Master. I don't have the heart to hurt any of my former servants. You're safe for now, Asin. This is until next time..." Grats said then warped away. His seven knights warped away after him and leaving behind the powerless Diamonds.

I looked at the Diamonds then felt my vision becoming blurry then I passed out.

A few hours go by...

I woke up in a bed and looked at the ceiling. I seemed to be in a Master Bedroom then sat up quickly. I looked around and noticed the seven Diamonds in glass cases. I noticed Florence tending to the cases and cleaning them. She looked back and noticed I was awake.

She smiled at me then walked to me. "Master Asin. You're finally awake..~"

"Florence..?" I asked then noticed Haji hop on the bed and let out a meow. "I didn't win the challenge...why are you all calling me your Master?"

"Because, Rose sees you worthy enough to be our Master and honestly even if you didn't beat all of us, we would've still deemed you worthy enough to be our Master." Florence smiled then held my hand then frowned. "What Master Gr- I mean what Grats did to you was unforgivable. He took away your powers.."

"Not all of them, but the power to passively raise my abilities infinitely is gone and without the power of the Eternal Diamonds...the Pillars of Potential are doomed to collapse and cause the universe to become one with the Void of End." I said. "I doomed us all by going all out."

"Don't talk like that! We are Battle Maidens for a reason! We will fight for you and help you regain the power of the Diamonds, but for now you have to rest. You've done a lot. We are only a call away if you need us. Haji will keep you company while I finish my daily tasks." Florence said then walked off.

Haji looked at me and plopped up on my chest then laid down.

"Get off my chest, furball.." I said.

Haji ignored me and just closed his eyes.

I sighed and laid back down. "Whatever. You can stay up there because I allowed you to NOT because I can't get you off."

This was the beginning of a new chapter of my life. I once was the strongest and now I have fallen in the hierarchy, but I did gain the loyalty of eight beautiful maids who will carry out my every command. How this will play out, only fate can tell.