
My sweet bait

Sebastian Miller a well known boy in his university, some nickname him a "comic handsome guy" because of his talent that everyone want to have, a good singer, dancing, arts, even in sports, captain in basketball at highschool and he's now a 3rd year college student. Some even says that 'he's probably out of this world' or 'a comic did really exist and Sebastian proved it' but what happen if he encounter a werewolf and a vampire at the same time? not just meet but these two fall in love with him. who would he pick a werewolf Ethan 'Uno' Ferrer? or a vampire Aziel Ezra?, Sebastian Miller life is an indeed comic.

esoralimloves · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 03: are we a thing now?


the students were surprised to see the three of us walking in the hallway at the same time, Aziel was just smiling as he walked, while Ethan was just poker face, while me? im between the two

what's really going on ?! can someone please tell me?!

"Are they okay now?"

"We don't have a war anymore right?, it looks like Ethan and Aziel are fine"

"sana nga"

"I hope they didn't trip Sebastian"

I heard their whispers, I just bowed while walking because I was ashamed of their looks, the others looked at me with pity while the others looked at me badly.

"Look at the hallway Mr. Vice President" Ethan coldly commanded me which I did immediately, he's so cold promise!

"the reason why we get collided earlier hahaha" Aziel teased me, he's now walking backwards with his hands behind his head.

"you are the first person ran into, tch"

"you must be, you should just fall for me" he added and looked at Ethan as if his teasing him

I looked at him confused but he just laughed at me and mess my hair then rested his arm on my shoulder

Ethan saw what he did, Ethan gave him a deadly look again, Ethan removed Aziel's hand from me and he changed our position if before I was in the middle now it's Ethan

"yow, easy bro" Aziel laugh


I wanted to ask them why we were in the same hallway now, but I just didn't do it because Ethan seemed annoyed again.

i lost all my questions when we both entered the same room, they are Fine Arts student too?

I was shocked that make me stop and i watched the two of them sitting in the middle of the room, "are they fine arts too?" I asked myself a question "yes of course what are those two going to do here if not?" I also answer to myself.

I sat on the back side, the reason why their eyes  follow me, I just bent down my head so that the people inside wouldn't notice the stare of the two to me but I guess I was wrong, because the bees started to live side by side again.

"Are you friends?" Rosé asks, "friends?" friend? today I just talked to them apart from my encounter with Ethan in the elevator last two weeks there is no other reason for us to be friends! "no we're not!"

"you know what you better be active at our page university, all the photos that taken by the students are uploaded there"

"Why do I have such a celebrity life when they are with me?" I asked Rosé

"well, its because they and their group here at the university are known, Ferrer is Ethan's last name, simply means he is one of Ferrer's children, a model and rookie at acting, while Aziel is a famous model too, his family is also known Ezra" Rosé explanation


I'm pissed, it was just the first day of my 3rd year of college life and it ended like this and it immediately seemed like all the problems had been dropped on me in just one time argh!

the class starts again, and it seems like I'm floating in the sky already, five more hours of discussion the class is also over but no one is moving to leave the room beside to our prof that already left.

I noticed that the two of them were still arranging their belongings, "why aren't you coming out yet?" I ask Rosé

"Because Ethan and Ezra haven't been out yet, their friends are also outside" he pointed out where their friends are

I also looked outside and Ethan and Aziel's friends were there, I also noticed that there were a lot of people outside

Walter and Yeji caught my attention waving at me, I also waved at them and I mouthed 'hi!'

I've also arranged the books on my table, I plan to help my classmates clean since my first day today, moreover, there are a lot of people outsidw, its very crowded, I don't like that.

I was surprised that Aziel was behind me "let's go together?" his mischievous smile is on display again

"a-ah, I'll come out later I'll clean first" I reasoned with him

"let's go Sebastian" I was even more motionless when I heard Ethan's cold voice

"why" I don't know how to say I don't want to go with them because it looks like trouble will only happen when this continues "m-I'll come out later" it's like I'm out of breath when Ethan is in front of me


"because there's-  nothing hehe"

"let's go"

he came out first but I didn't follow him, while Aziel was still smiling at me and still in his place

"don't let me count" Ethan added coldly

"Seb I think you need to go with him, you won't like it when he starts counting" I don't know if Rosé is protesting or threatening me

I immediately took my bag and followed him, Aziel was behind me, when we got out a lot of people in the hallway and the other students were still in their room and not coming out

Ferrer and his friends were walking first while Aziel and his friends were behind Ferrer, I turned around and went with my friends.

"Why are they here?" i confusedly asked my friends

"we supposed to ask you that" yuna said

"I don't know, I'm just surprised that they treating me like a close friend"

"they might want something from you" Daniel thought

i cling to his arms "hays, i don't really know what's going on"

"Do you already know them?" Yeji asked

I shake my head  "not yet"

"The Ferrer" introduction by Yuna "their family is well known not only in the philippines but all over the world, their company is famous and their parents are influential people especially their father Mr. Alejandro Ferrer, let's go to his son's, Ethan 'Uno' Ferrer is the eldest of the triplets, badboy, bully, and the Satan of the group, why? You don't have to know "Yuna said and winked at me

"Dos Angus Ferrer" Walter's introduction "the second to the triplets, is also badboy, chaotic, loud, crazy and the Lucifer of the group"

"Well I guess I'm introducing you to Maxson'tres' Ferrer the youngest of the three, Ethan only 4 minutes older to him, 2 minutes with Angus, he's the most noisy and chaotic of the three, apart from the noisy and chaotic one he is also one of those who bully students, he is also called a demon by many because of how he thinks, a psychopath something like that "

"and that one" Daniel pointed at Atlas, it looks like he's the only one who's sensible among them "Atlas Santiago the Santiago familu are known because of their company that makes a variety of wines, Santiago is known because they supply wines to various on the other side of the world Mr. Alejandro Ferrer's sister is Mrs. Camille Santiago so they are cousins ​​of the Ferrers, Atlas is kind and angelic one,  if you look at him you can say that he was only influenced by the triplets but no, because Atlas is even worse than triplets when he is angry, he is usually the hero of those who are bullied by triplets, who gives handkerchiefs and helps but when he is angry? Satan, Lucifer and demons are not wven compared with him, his smart and have a mind like Sherlock Holmes"

I don't know what to believe about them, because if you look at them they are just like kids playing and innocent especially the three Ferrers, but I guess I need to believe them because they know the four better than me

"let's go to friends of Aziel, Aziel Ezra, their family is also known too like Ferrer and Santiago they are the owner of a large clothing line known worldwide Louis Vuitton which is the name of his parents Mr. Louis Ezra and Mrs. Vuinette Ezra , badboy and also a bully here at the university, Aziel and his friends seems like the Ferrer group, they feared of by the students because of their behavior but no one is sending them to the dean's office because even they do no one is standing as a witness"

"Gael Arsenio is the youngest child of the Arsenio Family, they are the owners of the Arsenio mall near here at the university, they also have some branches in some part of the world like america, korea, paris and the Philippines, Gael is the badboy type but in a nice way, he's the type of bully that will make fun of you or disgusted you in a nice and with a smile on his face, the playboy one, he's also a cousin of the Ferrers, Santiago, Ezra and Griffin "Daniel said

"And Ai-dan Griffin (pronounced as ey-dan) is the most naughty and childish, chaotic and loud if you combine Ai-dan, Angus and Maxson you will definitely want to die from their excessive noise and noise, the Griffin's family is known as a company of perfume, their company is run by his father and their eldest daughter, Athenna Griffin, is a famous actress and owner of a famous restaurant "Yeji explain to me

"Students also call them The seven evils, and its so  obvious though" said yuna and rolled her eyes

we are already on the first floor of the Arts building and there aren't many students because it's already 7pm though

"I think you should go first Yuna, Mark and Walter" i suggested to them "its 7 in the evening already go home first because it looks like we will stay here at the SSG office more longer"

"Are you sure? I can wait" Walter said " Mark, he will take Yuna home, i can wait"

"i can wait too" -Yuna

"It's good that you go home first, it's dangerous to drive at night so it's better to go home as early as possible" Daniel agreed

"e how  Yeji she go with me earlier"- Walter

"Daniel will take me home, don't worry"- Yeji

"okay, let's go home, go home early too" yuna ordered

"be careful!" I shout at them

they went home, we waited for them to reach the gate of university before following the so called 'Seven Evils'

we reached the ssg office and Aziel's group also stopped, while Ethan entered at the office , the three were left outside while my friends they also entered inside too

I was about to enter too but Aziel stopped me from calling my name "Sebastian" I nodded and confronted him

he lent off his hand to me as if he want to shakes hands "why?" I asked him in astonishment, he just smiled at me and pointed to his outstretched hand with his lips

even though I was confused, I accepted him "I personally introduce myself to you Aziel Ezra" he smiley said

I laughed at him, so did he, but we both stopped laughing "Sebastian Miller nice to meet you, I guess hahaha"

"its nice meeting you Seb hahaha"

I would have let go of his hand but I was surprised when he pulled me closer and hugged me he even carred my back head he also whispered to me "be careful" then he broke away from me with a hug and smiled at me "I'll leave first let's meet again tomorrow, have a great dream of me seb, bye "he winked at me before leaving

his friends waved at me and introduced themselves

"Hi Sebastian, im Gael"

"im Ai-dan nice to meet you Sebastian"

they followed Aziel who walked with them first, I would have entered the again but someone blocked my way this time its Angus, 'the so called Lucifer'


he suddenly fix himself then lend his hand "I'm Angus Ferrer" his introduction

"Maxson Ferrer" Maxson also introduced and held out his hand

"Atlas Santiago is my name" Atlas did the same, introduced himself and held out his hand

I laughed at their actions "Sebastian Miller, nice to meet you" I laughed when I introduced myself again, one by one I shakes hand at them "I'll come in"


when i got in, they were all quiet even though the noisy yeji was quiet too, only the air-con could be heard.

I looked at Yeji and Daniel, Yeji just shrugged and pointed to Ethan by her eyes"why?" i mouthed

"i don't know" yeji mouthed back

I took a deep breath and approached Ethan, "why?" I jumped in shock when he spoke

"shit! you scared the hell out of me Ethan!" I shouted softly at him

I was even more nervous when he looked back at me and raised an eyebrow "why?"

"n-nothing, I'll just ask if you're the one to announce or me" my heart is pounding so fast like crazy!

"It's you" he commanded coldly


I went to the middle part of the office so that everyone could hear "hello guys good evening" as if the others were surprised, they were still laughing because of the shock "im just announcing that we will have a meeting tomorrow here at 8am strike don't be late" I even gave them a meaningful look, they laughed softly

"you can go now" Ethan's cold command, they arranged their belongings and went, i also come out with my friends but "except you Mr. Vice President"

my friends were also stopped from going out, the four of us were the only ones left "why?" Daniel asks

"i have something to discuss with him"

"why not now?"

"its a private talk Mr. Auditor"

"but-" I stopped Daniel from speaking "let him, I have a car, I can go home alone, I'll be fine don't worry" i assured them

"are you sure Seb? we can wait" Yeji seems worried, so i hug her "don't worry I'll be fine, he's not that bad though" I'd tease her "okay, if you say so"

I hugged  Daniel, his sulking "I'll be Fine" I said laughing to him because he didn't seem to want to leave me here alone with Ethan

"you'r laughing!" now his pissed off yet worried

"don't worry, Ethan is a nice person" I said laughing again, im still hugging him


I was separated from hugging Daniel and looked at Ethan's behavior, he still looked at the papers.

"you sure?"

"yes, im sure"

"okay but don't forget to text me when you got home okay?"


he hug me once again then leave with Yeji

"Is Daniel your boyfriend?" Ethan asked as soon as Daniel and Yeji leave

im confusedly look at him "what are you saying?"

"nothing" he went back to the paper he was reading, I laughed at his table

"Daniel is not my Boyfriend nor have a feeling to him romantically, he's just my friend"

"im not asking"


I was swallowed hard when he stood between my thighs, he lifted me up and made me sit on his table "w-what are you doing?" im short of breathe asked him

"are you in a relationship with Aziel?"


"im not repeating myself"

"What are you saying Ethan? You just asked if my boyfriend is Daniel and now Aziel? Are you going crazy?"

"yeah, i think i am"

i hold my breathe as soon as he hug me, what on hell is happening !!!!

The two of us were just quiet in that position, I was sitting at his table and he was between my thighs, he hugged me and his head rested on my shoulder

three minutes have passed and we are still in the same position and no one is speaking, i gathere all the courage i have to ask him a question

"a-are you okay?"

"are you in a relationship with Aziel?"

I was confused to answer him "I'm not, I just met him today I don't even really know him"

"but he introduced himself to you"

did he see that?

"its just his name, nothing more"

"but he hugged you"

"a friendly hugged... i guess?"

he parted himself after the hugged and face me, "are you something with Aziel?"

"ha? what are you saying? i already told you im not anything to him or anyone, im single!" I stopped at the last word i say but its true though


he held my hand and walked out of the office, I just realized now that his twins and Atlas are waiting at him

they just smiled when they saw Ethan holding my hand, we were walking first and the three were behind us

the whole area was quiet because it was already too late, no one else in the hallway except with us and the guard at the gate.

we reached the parking lot and Ethan threw the key to Atlas "im not going home" he simply said

"got it" Atlas even winked at him, they got on the montero in front of us

Ethan face me "where's your key?"


"your car's key"

I took the key from my pocket and gave it to him, he pressed it and my tesla model S car lights flashed "let's go"

I'm confused about what's happening, how come we're here right away on the high way and Ethan is driving my car, I also remember what he did, he hugged me earlier, what the hell is fucking happening? can someone please tell me?!

he didn't ask about my address maybe he still remembers what happened in the elevator last week, he parked my car and opened the door for me, I'm really confused right now!

"are you okay? you weren't on your own earlier"

"im fine, don't worry"

we entered the hotel and waited for the elevator to open, when it opened we entered I intended to hit the 7th floor but he did it

"7th floor, room 312 right?" I looked at him in shock

"Do you still remember?"

"yes of course"