
February, 1, 2021

I was about to turn 15 years of age on February 26th of this year. I was just a student at that time who was just recovering from the corona pandemic. I am attending 9th grade at the time at a private high school online.

I would like to conceal my name due to security reasons. I am from the Chin ethnic group. We are a minority in my country Myanmar. At this time I was abit obese, standing at 5' 7'', with a weight of 161 lbs. I was born in 26th of February 2007. Now I think that's enough introduction of myself.

​The morning was usual. Woke up, got my daily necessities done. Then there's a phone call. From my dear auntie. When I accepted the call, there was a frantic voice, "quite unexpected of her" I thought. Then we greeted and that's when I heard the news that would reshape mine and other's reality into the worse way possible.

It was the arrest of Daw Aung San Suh Kyi aka mother Suh, the leading country leader of Myanmar, by the Tatmadaw or better known as the military by English language. At that time, I didn't know what that would results in but it was an unlawful arrest under the assumption that Daw Aung San Suh Kyi is tempering with the election vote number.

After that I continued my day like I would usually do. Then the next day, people start talking about the arrest on the internet. How they demanded mother Suh to be released at ones. And that's when I realized, it was a coup, happening right in front of my eyes.

A few days later, people went on the streets to protest about the release of mother Suh and that the military leader Min Aung Hlaing(မအေလိုး မအလ) gives back the authority to the people voted political party, NLD.

Days and night people protested but the military was not giving them their leader back. And they wanted to suppress the peoples cry for help. So they started to cut internet for the whole country.

But the people would never give up no matter what the military do. So in an attempt to scare the people, the military commanded the police department to use tear gas and rubber guns to crack down the protest parades.

And they did successfully crack down the protests and that's where they should've stop and return to the police station. They didn't, instead they captured whoever is left behind by the scattered protesting people and drag them across the street to the corners where they would beat them to a half-dead state. Torture them. Make the do humiliating task and jobs such as making them jump like frog naked. (ps. These are peaceful protestors).

The nearby civilians recorded the torture and posted online. This angered the whole country and evoke strong empathetic emotions. As days goes by the protests started to become more and more violent. To the point where there are unconfirmed deaths of peaceful protestors.

And then one video was released on Facebook, that angered the people of the nations to the extreme and also saddens them. A woman, who was just watching as a bystander of the protest, was shot by a bullet from a real gun, and died on the spot.

Afterwards, people started using plastic, metal and other materials of half cut bowls as shields on the front of protestors. The word "people" was written on most of the shields. The shielders wear construction helmets and bio-masks.

From then on, we hear news of protestors dying daily.

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